Rolling Review of Compliance
A rolling review of compliance is a remotely delivered service which replaces the traditional audit. It involves us working with you and your team on a regular and ongoing basis to review your compliance in a systematic process to both improve your current practice and compliance and to prepare your RTO for any future regulatory activity. This service is delivered by Joe Newbery exclusively.
The purpose of the rolling review of compliance is to determine if your current practices are compliant with the VET Quality Framework, to educate your team and to provide feedback and recommendation to strengthen your compliance and improve your training operation.
Outline of service
Will be delivered remotely using scheduled meetings with your team on Zoom/Teams.
Will usually start with an initial meeting to understand your operating context and to meet the team and then proceed based on a regular scheduled regular meeting with your team on a frequency that works for you.
Will involve setting up a shared folder on a platform such as Dropbox / Google Drive / SharePoint so that we can organise your evidence into the format that it will be requested by ASQA. This service is commonly used to prepare for a renewal of registration performance assessment, so the idea is to organise your evidence so that it is ready for the ASQA request.
Will focus on a scope of review that we negotiate based on your priorities and our recommendations, but usually focuses on the more higher risk standards such as training and assessment strategies, assessment, trainer competency/currency, learning delivery, enrolment, marketing, third-party arrangements, governance, et cetera. The scope that we focus on can include a combination of the Standards for RTOs and/or the National Code (CRICOS) if that is applicable to your operation.
Will include a sampling approach to review your training products based on your activity and other risk considerations. There is no particular limit to this, but we just need to make the most effective use of the hours.
Will include feedback provided informally via meetings and detailed written feedback and advice via email. It is important to note that this services does not involve the production of any formal audit report. Joe provides very detailed and specific feedback and will often provide examples to assist you with moving forward.
Includes an allocation of 32 hours of consulting time. This time is usually sufficient to work with a client over a 12 month period with meetings and review of your arrangements depending on how urgent your needs are. We would recommend a meeting maybe once every fortnight which will give your team sufficient time between our consultations to implement recommendations. To give you an indication of the usage of time, on average it would take Joe about an hour to review and provide written feedback on a training and assessment strategy. This is similar for an assessment package. So, the combination of this time to review your arrangements and providing feedback combined with scheduled meetings is where consulting hours are utilised.
Will result in an ongoing conversation with your team about compliance, an echange of ideas with Joe who will offer his perspective and advice to educate your team and build your internal capability. This is not just about reviewing your compliance. This is about building and developing your organisation with quality systems and streamlined administrative arrangements which both support your business and compliance. We want to help you find the balance between quality and efficiency.
This service is perfect if you have a new compliance team or coordinator, and you are looking for an external mentor to build their capability and give them direction. It is like having Newbery Consulting on your team helping you to ensure that your compliance risk is reduced, and your organisation is constantly improving. If you have your renewal of registration approaching, we would recommend that you engage us about 12-18 months prior to work with your organisation to be ready. If you are simply looking for a compliance mentor to work with your organisation on an ongoing basis, we would be happy to work with you.
Cost: $2,860.00 (half payment) Total cost of service is $5,720.00
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Other information: Please note that the cost is inclusive of GST. Newbery Consulting Terms and Conditions Apply. This services is required to be paid in advance of service being delivered.
Please contact us if you require more information.