Rectification Support
Description: Consulting support to assist an RTO respond to non-compliance resulting from an ASQA regulatory audit involving registration non-compliance or course accreditation.
Outline of service: Rectification support delivered remotely to guide an RTO in the preparation of evidence to respond to identified non-compliance.
The Rectification Support service includes:
- analysis and advice on the ASQA report findings,
- review and advice on current documentation and arrangements,
- provision of example templates where relevant to assist in responding to non-compliance,
- guidance on remediation (if required),
- review of additional evidence as it is being developed,
- organisation of evidence for submission, and
- preparation of the evidence summary to accompany the final submission.
We will establish a shared folder with you on dropbox where we can all collaborate to organise and prepare the response for submission.
It is recommended that you make contact with Joe first to discuss your rectification requirements before proceeding with this service. Joe will usually request to see a copy of the audit report to advise on the viability of responding. Some audit finding are beyond rectification, so it is important to contact us first.
Please review the below Terms and Conditions as this includes important information about how this service is delivered. Please note that this is a fixed cost service. It is not varied based on the scale or scope of your audit outcomes. Please do not request us to vary this cost as this will simply be declined.
Please note. This service is not required for our RTO Registration project clients who receive unlimited consulting support until the client is registered on the National Training Register.
Cost: 2 x $4,290.00
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Other information: Price is inclusive of GST. Newbery Consulting Terms and Conditions apply.
Please contact us if you require more information.