Course Accreditation

Description: Consulting support to assist an organisation to prepare an accredited course concept proposal and achieve national accreditation of a course.

Outline of service: This services is designed to guide and assist clients seeking to establish an accredited course through the five stage of the ASQA VET course approval process, incliding:

  • Step 1—VET course concept
  • Step 2—Course development
  • Step 3—Course submission
  • Step 4—Application assessment
  • Step 5—Decision

This service includes guiding and assisting the client to establish:

  • the industry need
  • the proposed course type and level
  • the course title
  • task analysis as the basis for competency mapping
  • competency mapping to the National Training Framework
  • the skills and knowledge gaps the course will address
  • the identification of enterprise units of competency
  • the target and client group descriptions
  • the research in support of course accreditation
  • the projected enrolment numbers for the proposed accredited course
  • the stakeholder engagement process
  • unit of competency and course document development
  • preparation of the accredited course applications

We will establish a shared folder with you on dropbox where we can all collaborate to organise and prepare the evidence for submission.

It is recommended that you make contact with Joe first to discuss your proposed accredited course concept before proceeding with this service. These conversations are confidential and are aimed at quickly determining if your proposed accredited course is viable.

Please review the below Terms and conditions as this includes important information about how this service is delivered.

Cost: $7,150.00 as an upfront payment and $3,300.00 on course accreditation.

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Other information: Price is inclusive of GST. Newbery Consulting Terms and Conditions apply.

Please contact us if you require more information.

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