Hi Everyone

Hope you are all well. I am glad to say that VET News has now reached over 500 subscribers. We are very proud of this achievement and are pleased that readers find the information so useful that they recommended it. Next stop 1000 subscribers!

Now I had many spirited responses to my blog on the QLD transition. Most (QLDs) have expressed a desire for the entire transition to fall over and to keep their current registration with DET. Some considered it very disappointing that the QLD government could not get this sorted before it was demolished. Generally all thought it inevitable that the transition would occur before June. 

The QLD parliament website indicates that the new government will not sit again until the Governor summons the parliament to return and that is not expected to occur until after the 23rd April 2012. That will give the new government about eight weeks to pass the legislation. This task would have to be a fairly low priority for a new government. At last look the legislation was stuck in committee. Now the committee needs to be reformed, briefed, etc. Can it be done? I am starting to think not. Remember if the legislation is not through by 01 June 2012, then QLD become a non-referring State (same as VIC and WA). Watch this space!

As always we invite new subscribers at: Subscribe to VET News

If you have some news, send it to us at: news@newberyconsulting.com.au

Kind regards,

Joe Newbery


Compliance and Regulatory News

ASQA update

Highlights of ASQA’s March update are:

Indicative timeframes have been published for an extension of scope application. They are 3 weeks for low risk VET applications approved without audit. The expected time is 3-6 months where an audit is required due to risk factors.

A new procedure for the transition of units of competency.

An update on the information sessions being held around the country with a new date added for the Northern Territory.

News on the transitions to ASQA. Tasmania commenced operation on 1 March and South Australia opened its doors on 26 March. For Queensland RTOs it is still business as usual with the State regulator.

An explanation of the relationship between the various frameworks and standards currently in place for the VET sector.

Clarification of RTO’s reporting requirements under ASQA.

Click below to read the full publication.



Tuition Protection Service Legislation passes the Senate

The three ESOS Tuition Protection Service (TPS) Bills were passed by the Senate to provide a new universal tuition protection scheme for overseas students. In his concluding remarks on the Bills, Minister Evans indicated that it remains the Government’s intention to have the TPS Commission in place by 1st July, 2012 and the new TPS levies payable by education providers from 1st January, 2013. To read more go to:



Training Package News

Recent Training Package updates

DEF12 Defence, version, 1.0, released 15/03/2012

SIR07 Retail Services, version 2.0, released TBA

MEM05 Metal and Engineering, version 7.0, released 16/03/2012

ACM10 Animal Care and Management, version 2.0, released, 09/03/2012

RII09 Resources and Infrastructure, version 3.0, released  21/03/2012

FNS10 Financial Services, version 3.0, released 07/03/2012

UET12 Electricity Supply Industry – Transmission, Distribution and Rail Sector, version 1.0, released TBA

CUE03 Entertainment, version 3.2, released 19/03/2012

For details of release information go to http://training.gov.au/


Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council releases its 2012 EScan

The EScan provides information on key industry factors and trends. Click on the link below to access the document:



Construction and Property Services Industry Skills Council releases its 2012-2013 EScan

CPSISC Chief Executive Officer, Alan Ross said, “the 2012-13 Environmental Scan of Construction and Property Services Stakeholders is showing limited growth for the next 12 to 18 months, however, skill shortages are expected to re-emerge into the longer term. Click on the link below to read the media release and access the document. You may also notice the new logo for the CPSISC!



IBSA ICA11 Industry Guide

IBSA has developed a 2011 ICA11 Industry Guide to provide a better understanding of the training and employment opportunities available under the Australian VET System within the ICT industry. Click the link below to access the resource:



Events, Resources & Funding News

Important Note: The inclusion of news items about recently released resources does not constitute an endorsement by Newbery Consulting. A full and detailed review of any ‘off-the-shelf’ resource should be undertaken to determine if it is suitable for your organisation and can be customised to meet your needs.


Skills for all Australians

On 19 March 2012 the Prime Minister announced a skills reform package for States and Territories to reform the national vocational education and training system to address skills shortages across the economy. Highlights include:

Every working age Australian will be entitled to a taxpayer-funded training place to obtain a qualification up to and including Certificate III, including language and literacy courses.

VET diploma students will get the same rights that university students have for access to an interest-free loan to pay for their study.

The establishment of a single website, My Skills, to provide vital information on training courses and training providers.

Introduction of a Unique Student Identifier.

An offer to the States and Territories of $7.2 billion over five years to underpin Australia’s training system.

The next step for the Commonwealth will be to sell the package to the States and Territories at the next COAG meeting.

Access the full report at the following link:


Read a transcript of the Prime Minister’s launch speech at the following link:



Improving pathways between Higher Education and VET

The Standing Council for Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment (SCOTESE) has established identifying barriers to articulation pathways between qualifications in the higher education and vocational education and training sectors as one of the priorities in its current work plan. Read more at:



Simulated business environments developed by IBSA

Innovation & Business Skills Australia has developed two simulated business environments in order to assist education providers and students in their learning process. There are two virtual businesses and access to them is free. Find out more at:



Other News of Interest

ACPET is concerned about the $3bn fall in revenue from international students

In a response to comments from the Tertiary Education Minister Chris Evans, ACPET has rejected the notion that the large drop in international education revenue is simply the effect of government reforms to weed out the ‘rogue providers’. Read the full media statement at the following link:



TAFE under pressure in Victoria

An article in the Australian on 21 March 2012 paints a grim picture for Victorian TAFEs with an unprecedented growth in the private college market. Read the story at the link below (NB. May require subscription):



VET Practitioners Capability Framework

A draft version of the VET Practitioners Capability Framework is now available for validation on the Innovation & Business Skills Australia Feedback Hub. Click on the link below for more information and a link to the hub.



The skills shortage – what does it really mean for Australia?

A new report from the NCVER may help shed some light on this topic. The title is “Skill shortages: prevalence, causes, remedies and consequences for Australian businesses”. Click on the following link to access the report:



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