Hi Everyone

Well, can you believe it has almost been two years since we started to publish VET News! VET News commenced in November 2011 and in that time we have grown our subscriber base, developed the structure of the news content and have transitioned to a managed email services using Mail Chimp. The positive emails we receive each month tell us that we are achieving our original intent of supporting the VET sector by providing a free consolidated newsletter that focuses on news items that are important to RTOs. In the lead-up to this milestone we are initiating a drive for new subscribers and need your help! I invite you to send this newsletter to your training colleagues and encourage them to subscribe. Feel free to share it on you networking sites and generally get the word out.

One article of interest this month is an update on the introduction of the VET activity reporting commencing in Jan 2014. The information there is definitely worth reviewing. This is a separate matter to the introduction of the Unique Student Identifier which as reported in past editions has been delayed pending legislative approval. RTOs that have not previously been reporting activity data will need to be ready for this. Checkout the links.

Good training!

 Joe Newbery

As always we invite new subscribers at: Subscribe to VET News

If you have some news, send it to us at: news@newberyconsulting.com.au



Compliance and Regulatory News

ASQA update

ASQA forum presentations with Skills Tasmania. We mentioned the joint Skills Tasmania & ASQA workshops in the last newsletter. ASQA has now published the presentation made by Chief Commissioner Chris Robinson. There are some interesting statistics provided in the presentation. For example, of the existing RTOs audited in the year ending 30 June 2013, only 27% managed a compliant result for SNR 15.5. A rather surprising statistics for registration renewal audits in the same time period: only 43% of RTOs were compliant for SNR 21 (Insurance) and only 36% were compliant for SNR 25 (Training package transition). You can read more at the following link.


ASQA Loose case in the AAT. In a decision handed down by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal on 27 Sep 2013, the regulatory decision by ASQA to reject the application for renewal of registration of the Victorian Institute of Culinary Arts and Technology (G Plus G Global Trading Pty. Ltd) has been set aside by a Senior Member of the Tribunal. This means that ASQA’s regulatory decision under the legislation has been revoked by the AAT. This case is significant in two ways. It reinforces the rights of an applicant to submit further evidence in the lead up to and during a Tribunal hearing and for this evidence to be considered. This includes additional evidence that seeks to rectify non-compliances. The case also resulted in non-compliances that were considered minor (internal inconsistencies, typographical errors) or the result of subjective opinion (of the auditor) to not constitute grounds for refusing an RTOs registration (and therefore being made non-compliant). This really does highlight the need for ASQA review its audit model relating to how it deals with perceived non-compliance. It also underscores the need for ASQA Auditors to exercise accurate, consistent and objective decision making. The full decision can be accessed at the following AUSTLII link:



VET activity reporting

1 January 2014 is now just around the corner and this is when all RTOs will be required to collect and report data on nationally recognised training activity. If you are not yet up to speed on this significant change in regulatory reporting, then we have provided some links below that will help bring you up to date.

For a general overview, start with the Department of Industry’s FAQs:


The next link provides information on the 12-month transition arrangements: (Note. RTOs must complete a notification form if they want to take advantage of these transitional arrangements.)


For newly reporting RTOs a small grant of $1000 may be available. Find out more at:


Information on reporting exemptions can be found at:


If you want to know about the technical aspects of AVETMISS, then the NCVER site is for you. Start with the FAQs at the following link:



Training Package News

Recent Training Package endorsements/updates

FPI11 Forest and Forest Products – Release 2.1 – 30 Sep 2013

MEM05 Metal and Engineering – Release 10.1 – 15 Sep 2013

SIR07 Retail Services – Release 3.3 – 14 Sep 2013

HLT07 Health – Release 5.1 – 14 Sep 2013

SIS10 Sport, Fitness and Recreation – Release 2.1 – 14 Sep 2013

UEE11 Electrotechnology – Release 1.3 – 7 Sep 2013

UEP12 Electricity Supply Industry-Generation Sector – Release 2.1 – 7 Sep 2013

For details of release information go to http://training.gov.au/


Replacement of TAELLN401A

If you had a look through the recently implemented TAE Training and Education Training Package, you will have noticed that TAELLN401A has been superseded by the unit TAELLN411. The good news for TAE trainers and other VET practitioners who have already attained TAELLN401A, is that the new unit is equivalent. For information about other TAE changes, click on the link below.



IBSA’s Superannuation Workforce Development Strategy

IBSA has collaborated with its industry partners to form a Superannuation Workforce Development Strategy to ensure a skilled workforce is available to meet the needs of the sector. Download the strategy document at link below.



Video and slides for Standards for Training Packages Workshop

The Office of the NSSC engaged Mitch Cleary of Precision Consultancy to present a half-day professional learning workshop on implementing the new standards for training packages in Perth on 28 August 2013. The WA Department of Training and Workforce Development has published on its website, a video of the presentation and the associated PowerPoint slides. Access these resources at the link below.



Events, Resources & Funding News

Australian apprenticeship & traineeship update

Click on the link below to view the qualifications that have recently been implemented in States and Territories.



QLD’s Certificate III Guarantee

Queensland’s Department of Education Training and Employment (DETE) has announced that its $42 million contestable funding pool for vocational education and training is now up and running. This will provide government subsidised training places for eligible Queenslanders to earn their first post-school certificate III qualification. There are currently 10 eligible Certificate III qualifications, covering business, community services, hospitality, retail and transport and distribution. Click on the link below to find out more.



TAE10 Diploma resources

IBSA has announced the release of 13 new resources, designed to complement the existing Certificate IV TAE range and meet the training and assessment needs of training providers delivering TAE50111 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training and TAE50211 Diploma of Training Design and Development. Click on the link below to go to the IBSA online store.



2013 TDA annual conference presentations

TAFE Directors Australia has published papers from its 2013 annual conference. Click on the link below to go to the TDA website.



E-Learning model receives endorsement

The Flexible Learning Advisory Group, (FLAG) has endorsed an E-learning Quality Model for use by RTOs. Click the link below to see an interactive electronic version of the model.



Recent VET publications

How Young People are Faring 2013

Foundation for Young Australians

This report is an annual series that provides point-in-time and trend information on the education, employment and transitions of young Australians. According to the report only around one-third of VET graduates are employed in the same occupation as their field of training. The report has shown a misalignment between the skills many young people have and the jobs that are available to them: firstly, that many young Australians are overqualified for their jobs; and secondly, that those without qualifications are finding it much harder to get a good job.



Other News of Interest

Education and training separated

On 18 September 2013, the new Ministry was sworn in at Government House and revealed that the VET sector (other than VET in schools) and higher education were to be split. Skills, vocational education policy regulation and programs, and training, including apprenticeships will all preside under the Department of Industry, under the new Minister for Industry, Ian MacFarlane and Parliamentary Secretary, Bob Baldwin. The Minister for Education, the Hon Christopher Pyne, will take responsibility for schools and higher education.

Click below for a breakdown of the administrative arrangements:


Click below for commentary reported in The Australian on 19 September:



Self-evaluation for RPL

DETE has launched a new self-evaluation online tool for RPL under its Great skills. Real opportunities. initiative. Check out the site at:



International student work rights threaten employment

As reported in The Australian on 27 September 2013, Coalition plans to give more international students post-study work rights could spark an enrolment boom in hospitality and graphic-arts diplomas, with the graduates monopolising entry-level jobs at a time of rising unemployment, according to Monash University demographer Bob Birrell. Click on the link below to read more.



Higher education growing in TAFE

According to a report in The Age (16 September 2013), the number of Victorian students enrolling in bachelor degrees at TAFEs instead of universities has more than doubled in the past five years. This is from a low base, going from 640 enrolments in 2008 to 1520 in 2012. When associate degrees are counted, the figure more than doubles again to about 3500. The increase is a mostly Victorian phenomenon, with 44 of the 53 TAFE bachelor qualifications being delivered in Victoria. Read more at the following link.



Queensland signs off on its first dual sector university

Queensland’s first dual-sector university was officially established last week when the Minister for Education, Training and Employment John-Paul Langbroek signed the agreement to merge Central Queensland University (CQU) with the Central Queensland Institute of TAFE (CQ TAFE). Read the Minister’s media release at the link below.



The news articles presented in this edition of VET News have been researched and prepared by Anne Maree Newbery.


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