Newbery Consulting VET News – 7th November 2019

Hello and welcome to VET News,

A fairly damaging segment on the ABC’s 7:30 Report last night. The article is below in other VET news. I totally congratulate the AFP and ASQA for their work in taking down providers like this in our sector; but, I am just so disappointed to see further negative stories on the VET sector in the media. There are so many good providers out there doing good work. We need to tell those stories as well.

Just thought I would share with you this great website I came across this week. It provides the most amazing research and statistics on the current and predicted future labour force requirements. Maybe you are already aware of this resource and I am late to the party, but I was blown away by the level of detail. I have used Job Outlook for years to assist clients with their business plan research but this site goes to another level. Check it out and investigate the data applicable to your target market and region: Labour Market Information Portal.

I just want to give one more shout out for the Parliamentary Petition to have an inquiry into the regulatory strategies, policies and activities of ASQA. The review announced last week by Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash is really just a tactic to placate the sector and avoid a proper inquiry into the behaviour of an agency under her portfolio. It is a pure white wash tactic and whilst it sounds great and some will say “Oh great, the government is really taking action”, you need to see it for what it is. Let’s bring on some real transparency and ask the Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training to initiate a formal Inquiry into ASQA’s regulatory strategies, policies and activities. You can sign the petition at the following link: Petition EN1129

Good training,
Joe Newbery
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Compliance & Regulatory News

New change of ownership obligations implemented

ASQA has now implemented the new change of ownership obligations for registered training organisations (RTOs) and Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) providers. A guide and fact sheet on the change of ownership obligations and two self-assessment tools for change of ownership have been released by ASQA.

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Updated fact sheet and FAQs on third party arrangements

ASQA has updated its previously published information on third party arrangements to provide further clarification in line with questions received from the VET sector. This provides scenarios to help providers understand what may or may not be considered a third party arrangement between registered training organisations (RTOs).

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Other VET News

ABC Reports on “Ghost” Colleges

The ABC released a story last night, 6th Nov 2019 about the joint AFP and ASQA investigation and prosecution of a so called “Ghost” College operator. Whist we need these type of operators out of our sector, stories like this are very damaging to the brand of VET. To view the full report on the ABC website, click on the link below.

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Focus on regulator’s governance, policies and culture

A review of the national regulator for the vocational education and training sector, the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), has commenced with a focus on the regulator’s governance, policies and culture. The Morrison Government is investing $18.1 million in a suite of measures to improve regulation of Australia’s VET sector. This will enable: 

  • expanding ASQA’s educative role to ensure training providers are aware of, and supported to, understand regulatory requirements
  • improving ASQA’s regulatory approach to support quality delivery of training  
  • ensuring audit decisions are transparent and training providers have the right information and support to deliver training best practice, and
  • ensuring the national regulator has the data and feedback it needs to identify and remove poor quality providers.

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Australian Qualifications Framework Review

The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Review has now completed. The final report was released in October 2019.

The Australian Government announced a review of the AQF in the 2017-18 budget to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of students, employers, education providers and the wider community. The final report refers to supporting research conducted as part of the review.

To view the report, click here.

A review of Victoria’s VET Sector

A review of Victoria’s vocational education has been prompted after fears of sector failing to train workers for future jobs. The review will examine ways to forge links between training institutes and industry to ensure courses produce more job-ready graduates

In 2014, there were 443,000 students enrolled in VET in Victoria. By 2018, the sector shed more than 177,000 students. Enrollments were lost for a range of reasons, including government decisions to cut funding to low-quality private education providers, and a society-wide shift towards university education.

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Articles and Papers

Decline in employers’ use of nationally accredited VET system

NCVER has released new data which identifies 50.9% of employers made use of the nationally accredited vocational education and training (VET) system in 2019, down 3.5 percentage points from 2017. The use of training by Australian employers was down in general, with 74.1% providing informal training (down 7.3 percentage points from 2017), and use of unaccredited training steady at 48.8%, while the proportion of employers providing no training at all was up by 4.1 percentage points to 12.8%.

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Upcoming Events

Webinar: The dynamics of qualifications: Implications for VET
Tuesday, 10 December 2019 1.30-2.00pm ACDT

This webinar will:

  • provide an overview of occupation and qualification profiles and how they have changed
  • explore how qualifications and occupations are matching up in today’s workforce
  • take a closer look at age and gender differences within occupations
  • explore the implications this shifting demand may present for the future of vocational education and training.

For further information, click here.


Policy and Forms Package

Newbery Consulting is pleased to offer this combined package which includes two of Newbery Consulting’s most popular products, RTO Policies and Procedures and RTO Forms and Tools.

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RTO Support

RTO Support offers one day consulting support provided by Joe Newbery, and may include providing general or specific advice, reviewing a clients documents or other arrangements or advising on assessment or course development.

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