
How to register

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Observation Assessment

45 minutes

This presentation will increase your understanding of observation assessment generally and enable you to guide the practices of the RTO in the conduct of observation assessment. It will also assist you in ensuring that your students are receiving the benefit of valid criterion referenced assessment according to a nationally consistent standard and to develop a proactive and positive RTO compliance culture.

Cost: $25.00

Admin in Support of Compliance

64 minutes

The admin team perform a critical role in the RTO to process applications, assist in quality control and undertake student engagement. This webinar unpacks some of the responsibilities of the admin team in contributing to maintaining the compliance of the RTO and will will increase your understanding of the RTO obligations relevant to your role in RTO administration.

Cost: $25.00

Assessment Quality Control

25 minutes

This webinar will explain the obligation for an RTO to conduct quality control of assessment before any assessment results are accepted. The webinar unpacks the responsibilities of the assessor and the admin team to ensure assessment documentation is accurately and sufficiently completed and in participating in the assessment quality control process.

Cost: $25.00

Plan assessment activities and processes

55 minutes

Assessment is the core business of an RTO. This webinar will be a refresher for all assessors in how they should plan to conduct assessment and to apply the assessment process. The webinar will cover determining the approach for assessment and preparing the assessment plan. The development of assessment instruments will also be discussed as well as approaches to contextualising the assessment to the candidate or workplace. Select "Register Now" for an individual registration or "Add to Basket" to register multiple participants.

Cost: $25.00

Third-Party Arrangements

55 minutes

This webinar focuses on Clause 2.3, 2.4, 4.1, 5.2 and 8.2 of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations as they relate to the delivery of services through a third-party arrangement. Third-party arrangements are absolutely allowable under the RTO Standards, but are they worth it and what are the risks involved? Select "Register Now" for an individual registration or "Add to Basket" to register multiple participants.

Cost: $25.00

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