Hi Everyone

Please enjoy our newsletter this month. We have Anne Maree back on board after a stint away. It’s good to have her keen eye for the news back on deck. Good training!

As always we invite new subscribers at: Subscribe to VET News

If you have some news, send it to us at: news@newberyconsulting.com.au

Kind regards,

Joe Newbery


Compliance and Regulatory News


ASQA update

Consumer checklist for choosing a training or education provider. ASQA has developed a fact sheet for students about the process of choosing a training or education provider. Click on the link below to access the resource.


Registering for revised training packages HLT07 & CHC08. ASQA has developed a fact sheet explaining the process of adding qualifications, skill sets and units of competency from these revised training packages. Click on the link below to access the resource.


Video of Training Provider Information Session now available. If you missed attending a Training Provider Information Session, ASQA has published a video of the session held in Canberra on 23 March 2012. Click on the link below to access the video.


ASQA’s continuing Aged Care focus. ASQA’s Chief Commissioner, Chris Robinson, delivered a presentation at the Modelling Best Practices in Aged Care Training conference in Sydney on 19 June 2012. The link below provides access to the presentation slides where you’ll find some key statistics, the areas of non-compliance that ASQA are finding and ASQA’s current audit approach for Aged Care qualifications.



New FAQs from ASQA

As promised, we have been keeping an eye on ASQA’s FAQs to ensure we can alert you to any new information. Here are some new questions that may be of interest:

1. If providers wish to issue units that relate to licensing outcomes, do they need to inform ASQA?

2. What role do state or territory occupational regulators/licensing bodies have at an ASQA audit?

3. My organisation is based in Victoria or Western Australia and delivers online. Do we fall within ASQA’s jurisdiction?

4. Under what kinds of circumstances would ASQA conduct an unannounced audit, or an audit with minimal notice?

5. One of the criteria that auditors assess is the training provider outcomes. What are the outcomes in ASQA’s view?

Click on the link below to go to the FAQ page.



TDA response to the NSSC consultation paper

TAFE Directors Australia (TDA) has published its feedback in response to the NSSC’s consultation paper on the review of Standards for the Regulation of Vocational Education and Training (VET). Click on the link below to access the TDA submission.



SCOTESE Communiqué

The COAG Standing Council on Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment (SCOTESE) held its first meeting for 2012 on 8 June 2012. Highlights were:

  • Ministers reaffirmed COAG’s commitment to the My Skills website with the initial launch date planned for September 2012.
  • A roundtable was commissioned between ISCs and the NSSC to report back to the Council at its next meeting.
  • Ministers endorsed the NSSC’s approach for its review of the Standards for the Regulation of VET.
  • Ministers endorsed an implementation plan for national harmonisation of regulatory requirements for Australian Apprenticeships across jurisdictions.

Read the full meeting communiqué at the following link:



Regulation of the Queensland apprenticeship and traineeship system

Skills Queensland has a new role as the agency responsible for the regulation of the Queensland apprenticeship and traineeship system. The change in the regulatory authority will have minimal initial impact, with the Department of Education, Training and Employment continuing to manage the day-to-day administration of most apprenticeship and traineeship regulations under delegation. Click on the link below for more information about the role of Skills Queensland.



Training Package News

Recent Training Package endorsements/ updates

AUM12 Automotive Manufacturing, version 1.0, release date 29/06/12

UEP12 Electricity Supply Industry – Generation Sector, version 1.0, release date 25/07/12

ICP10 Printing and Graphic Arts, version 2.0, release date 08/07/12

AVI08 Aviation, version 4.0, release date 12/07/12

PMA08 Chemical, Hydrocarbons and Refining, version 3.1, release date 26/07/12

LMF02 Furnishing, version 8.0, release date 04/06/12

LMT Textiles, Clothing and Footwear, version 4.1, release date 27/06/12

For details of release information go to http://training.gov.au/


Events, Resources & Funding News

Important Note: The inclusion of news items about recently released resources does not constitute an endorsement by Newbery Consulting. A full and detailed review of any ‘off-the-shelf’ resource should be undertaken to determine if it is suitable for your organisation and can be customised to meet your needs.


VRQA information sessions

The VRQA is offering pre-registration information sessions on 2 August and 1 November and financial management guidance sessions on 9 August and 25 October. Click on the link below for registration information.



Funding announcement: E-learning for Participation and Skills

This joint Australian State and Territory Government initiative is offering co-investment funding for projects which strengthen the Australian training sector’s use of new learning technologies. Individual applications for up to $50,000 of co-investment funding close on 15 August 2012. Find out more at:



Fully funded PD sessions in Tasmania

Skills Tasmania is delivering the Sustainable Practice Skill Set (two Diploma-level TAE units) over three days in face-to-face workshops. This is a fully funded program by DIISRTE and places will be limited. The sessions are not yet up on the Skills Tasmania website but you can email penny.driessen@bigpond.com to register your interest.


Australian Government Skills Connect

The promo says: “Australian Government Skills Connect is an integrated approach designed to help link Australian employers and industries to workforce development programs and funding. It is the employers’ gateway to information and support that will connect them with Australian Government funding that meets their unique business or industry training and workforce development needs—helping them to build productivity and improve the future of their business.” Find out more at:



LLN – Online professional development

Service Skills Australia, through its ‘Taking the Lead’ initiative, provides online professional development for trainers and assessors, to help build skills in identifying and addressing LLN issues. Follow the link to the Taking the Lead website.



Conference: The Future of Work – Developing Australia’s workforce in a global economy

This conference will be held on 3-4 October 2012 in Sydney and is a joint initiative by the Australian Workforce and Productivity Agency and the ISCs. You can obtain more information at the AWPA website and also view a short video promotion on You Tube. See the links below.




Australian apprenticeship & traineeship updates

Click on the links below to view the Australian Apprenticeship Updates for July, showing qualifications recently implemented in NSW, ACT, WA, TAS, QLD and SA:




Professional development – SIR07 V3

Service Skills Australia is holding information sessions and workshops for the recently endorsed SIR07 Retail Services Training Package Version 3. An apology to our Victorian readers as the Melbourne session has already taken place. Follow the link below for more information.



IBSA resources for TAE80111

IBSA has released a range of resources to support the Vocational Graduate Diploma of Adult Language, Literacy and Numeracy Leadership. These are free to download and are available at the following link:



Other News of Interest


A third of young Australians in training in 2011

The NCVER’s annual snapshot of student enrolments and training activity showed that 32.1% of young Australians aged 15-19 years participated in vocational education and training in 2011. Click on the link below for a summary of the 2011 trends and to access the full publication.



Australian Workforce and Productivity Agency (AWPA)

On 27 June 2012, the Skills Australia Amendment (Australian Workforce and Productivity Agency) Bill 2012 received Royal Assent. This Bill amends the Skills Australia Act 2008 to implement a new agency, which replaced Skills Australia on 1 July 2012.

The independent Australian Workforce and Productivity Agency is an expansion of the role and functions of Skills Australia. Through its high level expertise, industry and union leadership and collaboration, it will be recognised as an authority on workforce development policy and advice and will direct skills funding to industry needs. Take a tour of the new website at:



Join the discussion at the CS&HISC’s online forum on training quality

The CS&HISC is inviting regulators, employers, training providers and learners to share their knowledge and experiences of training quality. The ISC has initiated an online forum on its website to encourage discussion on this critical area. Follow the link below to find out more.



Tuition Protection Service a step closer

As reported in The Australian on 6 July 2012, PricewaterhouseCoopers has been engaged as the administrator of the Tuition Protection Service, the federal government’s new consumer protection arrangements for international students. Some uncertainty however still remains on the fees for the new scheme. To view the full article, click on the link below. (NB. May require subscription):



Queensland TAFE chief resigns

As reported in The Australian on 29 June 2012, Queensland’s TAFE chief, Deb Daly, has brought her resignation forward six months after the public provider was left off the Skills and Training Taskforce to determine the future of the state’s vocational education and training system. To view the full article, click on the link below. (NB. May require subscription):



This news letter was researched and prepared by Anne Maree Newbery


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