Hello and welcome to VET News,
This is our last VET News for the year. I just realised that we missed out on celebrating our 10-year anniversary of publishing VET News. That was back in November 2021. Oh well, go us! Seriously, I cannot believe we have been publishing the news now for over 11 years. We now have over 5000 subscribers and grow every year. It is amazing to look back over the news in that time (all published on our website) as a record of the journey that the VET sector has been on, that we have all been on.
2022 has been a funny year of getting back to normal. I almost feel like we are preparing for something big in 2023. There is certainly a lot happening in 2023. Just to name a few of the more notable items, we have new RTO Standards being released, VET Data Streaming will replace AVETMISS reporting, Jobs and Skills Australia will be stood-up, the new industry clusters within DEWR will be created and commence their Training Package Assurance function, and huge increases in VET funding as we try and address the shortage of skills. If all of that was not enough, the Minister has decided to launch an “Inquiry into the Perceptions and Status of Vocational Education and Training (more on this in the new year). It will no doubt be an eventful year, and we look forward to keeping you up to date.
I would just like to selfishly acknowledge our team here at Newbery Consulting and our sister company RTO Data. Our biggest achievement this year was to transition our student and learning management software RTO Data Cloud to operate in its own right as RTO Data Pty Ltd. This was a big development and took a significant amount of planning and execution to move everything over to the new entity including five permanent staff whilst maintaining a continuity of service. This move has been successful, and RTO Data Cloud continues to go from strength to strength. We look forward to tackling the transition to VET Data Streaming in 2023 and the neverending development of the system capability with a focus in 2023 on maturing and evolving our integrated learning management. I would like to acknowledge the amazing hard work of Bree, Jacquie and Kate in the Support team and Sarah and Dave in the Dev team. In Newbery Consulting, we have been joined by Loren who is now coordinating our marketing and has big plans for 2023. Thanks to Jen who is working hard in learning and development and to our consultants we have worked with closely this year, thank you to Jeremy and Glenn.
Finally, thank you to all our fantastic clients. We have assisted many new clients to become RTOs, supported some old clients to close or sell their RTO, and many clients have renewed and grown their registration. We have assisted some clients to respond to non-compliance all with positive outcomes and we even had time to complete five new accredited qualifications! Sprinkle in a dozen plus audits, webinars, articles, and general consulting and it truly been a very busy year. We look forward to doing it all again next year.
We will be back with our first edition of VET News in 2023 in the week commencing 16th Jan, where I hope to share my detailed thoughts on the revised RTO Standards. Remember feedback is required by the end of January. I hope you all have a lovely holiday season and have the opportunity to spend some quality time with your family or friends and we look forward to keeping you up to date in 2023.
Good training,
Joe Newbery
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Check-out our most recent Webinar on: Admin in Support of Compliance
Check-out our most recent article on: Competency Based Course Design |