Newbery Consulting VET News – 26th October 2022



Hello and welcome to VET News,

Big news, last week while we were all distracted by the final week of the Block, The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations have released the draft revised RTO Standards. After a couple of initial reads, I am going early to call them the “Woke Standards”. They seem to crossover into areas covered by other legislative areas that I think it is questionable if ASQA has the jurisdiction to regulate. They water down some aspects of the regulation whilst introducing new requirements. It is a much more significant overhaul than I was expecting and that we have seen since the move from the National Recognition Framework to the Australian Quality Training Framework in the early 2000s.

Much of the prescription in the current standards has been removed making these proposed standards significantly more open to interpretation (and variable auditing). Maybe that is more viable in a softer regulatory environment, but there are clauses in there that you could drive a truck through. I am surprised there is nothing specific in relation to self-assurance. They have instead focused on mandating risk management as part of quality assurance and continuous improvement. The following is a quick explanation of the more significant changes:

  • Proposed Clause 1.1.2 Removes the link to the AQF volume of learning and redefines “Amount of Training” as the quantity of learning activities provided to a learner, including classes, lectures, or tutorials as well as trainer-directed learning and practice, and workplace learning.
  • Proposed Clause 1.2.3 Drops validity as a rule of evidence because apparently people provided feedback that “having two separate concepts of validity is confusing”!
  • Proposed Clause 1.2.4 Introduces the requirement for pre-validation of assessment tools occurs prior to use. This is sensible.
  • Proposed Clause 1.2.6b Removed the need for a statistically valid sample size as part of your validation process.
  • Proposed Clause 1.4.2 Encourages the issuance of credit transfer if the student can provide evidence of “previously completed relevant training product which is determined to be equivalent in content and training outcomes”.
  • Proposed Clause 2.2.1 Introduces the specified requirement for the RTO to review the existing skills and competency of the learner including their language, literacy and numeracy and digital proficiency prior to their enrollment.
  • Proposed Clause 2.3.2 Introduces the requirement for the RTO to have policies and practices which create an equitable opportunity for training and are inclusive of the diversity of learners, the safety of children, young people and vulnerable cohorts and to provide cultural safety for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
  • Proposed Clause 3.1.1 Introduces a more flexible approach to demonstrating vocational competency moving away from mandating units of competency and instead recognising “qualifications and or skills and knowledge”.
  • Proposed Clause 3.2.1 Introduces the requirement for trainers to undertake “structured learning” as part of their professional development in vocational education and training and assessment.
  • Proposed Clause 4.2.1 Introduces the requirement for the RTO to form linkages with others in the community such as educational institutions, community groups, job networks and wellbeing support services to support progression through the training product and facilitate pathways into, through and from training where this is relevant to the learner cohort.
  • Proposed Clause 5.1.2c Introduces the manditory requirement to identify and manage risks to the achieve the outcomes described in the Standards as a component of management accountability.
  • Proposed Clause 5.2.1c Introduces the manditory requirement to apply risk management to achieve the outcomes described in the Standards as a component of continuous improvement. .

We will no doubt undertake a much more detailed analysis and provide a submission no later than 5pm AEDT, 31 January 2023 and would encourage you to do the same.

Thank you to those who provided feedback on our recent webinar on Admin in Support of Compliance. The feedback has been amazing and we are so please it is helping in your RTO.This week, we are please to announce the release of our new webinar on Observation Assessment which can be accessed at the link below.

Good training,

Joe Newbery

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Check-out our most recent Webinar on: Observation Assessment
Check-out our most recent Webinar on: Admin in Support of Compliance
Check-out our most recent article on: Competency Based Course Design




Compliance & Regulatory News



Release of the draft revised RTO Standards for consultation

The draft revised Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTO Standards) were released for public consultation on 2 November 2023 by the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR).

ASQA encourages all providers and stakeholders to participate in the consultation process to ensure the draft revised RTO Standards are fit-for-purpose and effective in meeting the needs of the VET sector.

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Sector alert: ASQA issues Sector Alert on using education agents

Following the revalations by he Age, The Sydney Morning Herald, 60 Minutes that more than a dozen Australian education providers for overseas students have been identified as allegedly “corrupt” by state and federal authorities investigating the movement of women from Asia to Australia to work in the sex industry, including at brothels linked to illegal sex rings, ASQA has issued an Alert.

ASQA reminds providers delivering to overseas students they are responsible for ensuring that their education agents act ethically, honestly and in the best interest of overseas students and uphold the reputation of Australia’s international education sector. ASQA calls on anyone who has intelligence or information about unethical, dishonest or non-genuine arrangements that place students at risk and undermine confidence in quality VET to contact ASQA by email

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ASQA Annual Report 2021-22

ASQA has tabled its Annual Report 2021-22 in the Australian Parliament. The report is a record of ASQA’s activities and performance in the previous financial year, and is a collective statement about who ASQA are as the national regulator, what they do, what stakeholders can expect of them, areas where they have improved, and where they need to continue to focus their efforts.

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Other VET News



Government funding of VET 2021 – November 2022

This publication provides information on the flow of government funding for vocational education and training (VET) in Australia. The publication is based on 2021 data provided by the Australian, state and territory government departments responsible for administering funds for Australia’s VET system.

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2023 Apprentice and Trainee Training Fund

The 2023 Apprentice and Trainee Training Fund is now open to eligible training organisations to provide subsided training of apprentice and trainees across the state.

The Apprentice and Trainee Training Fund significantly reduces the cost of providing dedicated vocational training for apprentices and trainees to build a more highly skilled workforce in Tasmania. More than 400 nationally recognised qualifications are available for funding.

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Legislation Update- October 2022

On 27 October 2022, legislation to establish Jobs and Skills Australia, and repeal the National Skills Commissioner Act, passed both houses of Parliament.
Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) will build on the work started by the National Skills Commission (NSC) and have a broader remit, focusing on workforce planning and fostering working partnerships with state and territory governments, unions, industry, and education providers.
It will continue to provide advice to government and publish data and other information, including on Australia’s current and emerging labour market, future skills and training needs and priorities, and the adequacy of the vocational education and training system.

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Personal Data Security 

Around the world, cyber-attacks are increasing. Several Australian companies have recently reported that personal details of their customers have been exposed.
USI want to assure customers that their systems have not been affected and the personal data attached to your account is secure.

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Articles and Papers



Government expenditure on VET climbed to $10.4 billion in 2021

The Australian and state and territory governments spent $10.4 billion on vocational education and training (VET) in 2021, according to the latest statistical report from the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER)
Government funding of VET 2021 shows that government expenditure on VET increased by $2.9 billion or 38.6% from 2020.

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Labour Market Trend Updates



September 2022 Recruitment Insights Report

In September 2022, 58% of employers reported recruitment activity. This was 2 percentage points higher than last month, and 22 percentage points higher than in September last year. In Capital Cities, the recruitment rate increased by 4 percentage points to 58%, while in Rest of State areas the recruitment rate eased by 1 percentage point to 57% Jan-22.  The recruitment difficulty rate eased by 7 percentage points to 67% of recruiting employers (representing 38% of all employers). While a notable decline over the month, it remains higher than the difficulty levels seen in 2021.

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Training Package Updates



Extended transition period for qualifications in MEM05 Metal and Engineering Training Package

ASQA has recently approved an extended transition period for qualifications in the MEM05 Metal and Engineering Training Package for CRICOS registered RTOs delivering the specific training product listed below. The extended training, assessment and certification issuance period for these qualifications ends on 31 January 2024: –

  • MEM30205 – Certificate III in Engineering – Mechanical Trade (for international students only)
  • MEM30305 – Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade (for international students only)

The qualifications in the MEM05 Metal and Engineering Training Package listed above will remain on ASQA’s CRICOS registered RTOs scope of registration until the end of the extended transition period unless the RTO chooses to withdraw it from scope prior.

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Training Package Updates

The following training packages have been updated on

  • FNS: Financial Services Training Package
    Revised 3rd November 2022.
Extended transition period: UEE30811 – Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician

ASQA has extended the transition end date for current apprentices completing their third or fourth year of study in the qualification UEE30811 Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician to 31 January 2024 for all ASQA registered RTOs.

The extended training, assessment, and certification issuance period for UEE30811 – Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician qualification will end on 31 January 2024. The UEE30811 – Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician qualification will remain on ASQA registered RTOs scope of registration until the end of the extended transition period unless the RTO chooses to withdraw it from scope prior.

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Business Opportunities/ATMs

Agency: Australian Maritime Safety Authority
Category: 86000000 – Education and Training Services

Description: The tenderer must have the capacity to undertake all aspects of training which includes but is not limited to the design, delivery, assessing and providing feedback to learners in line with AMSA, Australian Skills Quality Authority Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTO), Vocational Education and Training and RTO compliance requirements. The tenderer must also be willing to evaluate and participate in continuous improvements towards current and future training courses.

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AusTender materials are released by the Department of Finance. AusTender materials are subject to change and should be verified on the AusTender website to ensure the information is up to date and correct:


Upcoming Events



TDA Convention 2022
15 November 2022 – 17 November 2022 – Hilton Hotel, Adelaide, South AustraliaThe TDA Convention 2022 is about coming together, reconnecting, collaborating, learning from change, rising to challenges and creating the future together. This theme for 2022 is Courage, Change and Challenge – The Future of TAFE.Register
VDC Teaching & Learning Conference 2022
17 November 2022 – 18 November 2022
OnlineThis year’s theme Re-Emerging will focus on life skills and practical strategies, enabling participants to embrace the exciting future of VET evolving from this period of transformation. The VET sector has managed to overcome significant challenges, demonstrating its resilience by reworking teaching and business models coupled with innovation and strategies to support and engage learners. VET professionals rose to the challenges and now it is time to re-emerge.Register
Webinar – Job shadowing
Practical approaches to an effective career guidance intervention
17 November 2022, 4 PM (Paris Time) OnlineJob shadowing is a form of career exploration that, along with workplace visits, has been identified in OECD analysis of multiple longitudinal datasets as a career guidance intervention that can commonly be linked to better employment outcomes in adulthood. Job shadowing allows students to investigate potential futures in work, connecting them with people working in fields of interest. However, while it is not difficult to organise, job shadowing is rarely offered by schools.Register




RTO Data Cloud

The complete software package for Registered Training Organisations.

Newbery Consulting has been supplying student management software for over 10 years. A cloud based RTO student management system that provides RTOs the capability to manage their training operation and meet all national and State reporting and compliance obligations. It would be our pleasure to offer you access as a trial user and you can evaluate the system capabilities for yourself.

Don’t continue to pay too much for cloud based AVETMISS software. Have the flexibility to only paying for your additional users as you need them on a flat daily cost of only $2.00 per day. Set up your online enrolments and customise your certificates at no extra cost. Need to manage your CRICOS and State funded enrolments, no problems. Get in contact with the team at Newbery Consulting today and request to be set up as a trial user.

Visit RTO Data Cloud for further information.

New Webinar!
Admin in Support of ComplianceThis webinar focuses on the Standards for Registered Training Organisations directly relevant to RTO administration including marketing, pre-enrolment engagement, student rights and obligations, fees and payments, fee protection, credit transfer, assessment quality control and lastly issuing AQF certificates. The admin team perform a critical role in the RTO to process applications, assist in quality control and undertake student engagement. This webinar unpacks the responsibilities of the admin team in contributing to and maintaining the compliance of the RTO.Duration: 64 minutes
Cost: $25.00Register Here


Copyright © Newbery Consulting 2022, All rights reserved.This publication was researched and prepared by Newbery Consulting.





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