Hi Everyone

Recently I find myself doing lots of internal audits for clients approaching their renewal of registration. The constant message I get from clients is the need for guidance on the type and scope of evidence that will be requested during a renewal of registration audit. I also find it useful to prepare clients with specific questions that they will be asked during an audit.

So, in response to this need I have prepared a guide to audit evidence during a renewal of registration audit. The guide can be downloaded at the following link:

Guide to Audit Evidence during a Renewal of Registration Audit

This document has been produced by Newbery Consulting to act as a guide to the type of audit evidence and questions an RTO will be expected to respond to during a renewal or registration audit. The guide covers evidence relating to the Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations 2011 and specifically the Essential Standards for Continuing Registration (SNR 15-25). Of course this standard is only one component of the VET Quality Framework of which RTOs are required by the legislation to comply with. You can access more information on the VET Quality Framework at the ASQA website: Click Here. In addition to the VET Quality Framework, RTOs will also need to demonstrate their compliance with licencing and legislative requirements that are applicable to their operation. This information can equally be applied to the standards of the Australian Quality Training Framework.

This guide is released to the VET community for free. It can be printed or viewed on-screen but cannot be changed or copied. We ask that users of this material respect Newbery Consulting’s claim to copyright and intellectual property. Users are free to distribute this guide within their network. You are asked not to publish this guide over the internet. It should only be accessed via the Newbery Consulting website. Users are asked to read the important information located at the end of the guide.

Newbery Consulting is sincerely committed to supporting the VET Sector and promoting high quality training and assessment. All RTOs registered under ASQA must consider that we are in a new regulatory environment that does not tolerate non-compliance. The renewal of registration should be approached as an important event in the life of an RTO. Preparation should be managed systematically and directly overseen by senior management who will ultimately be responsible for audit findings and outcomes. RTOs are recommended to commence preparation for registration renewal a minimum of 12 months out from their registration expiry.

I hope this document will assist you in your preparation.

Good training!

Joe Newbery

Published: 4th June 2012

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