Subscribe to VET News
Thank you for taking an interest in Newbery Consulting’s VET News. Since 2011, we have been publishing a regular newsletter both on our website and to our subscribers via email. Our mission with VET News is to keep our clients and the VET sector informed of important announcements, events and anything else that we consider newsworthy. Our mantra is “Supporting the VET Sector” and VET News is an important component of how we do that.
We gather our information from more than 40 different news feeds or information sources to stay abreast of what is happening. We discard all of the noise and only pass on those items we think you need to know about or would find interesting. We try to distribute VET News at least once per month but usually once per fortnight. Best of all it is free. Simply provide your email below and you are good to go!
Joe Newbery
PS. Don’t forget to tell your work colleagues!