Hi everyone,

As you may be aware, we have our new VET Advisory Board as of the 15th Aug 2014. See here for more details:


I thought it would be helpful to give them a helping start, so we have decided to give them a ten point action list to assist them to focus their attention right from the get-go. Here it is:

1. Launch an investigation into the poor training quality and deceptive / unethical marketing practices occurring in the VET Fee Help market.

2. Abolish the quality indicator summary reporting and the competency completion reporting requirements for RTO’s.

3. Disband all Industry Skills Councils and consolidate this function into one (much smaller) organisation called the Australian Industry Skills Council.

4. Work with the governments of Victoria and Western Australia to fully refer their regulation of RTO’s to the Commonwealth (ASQA).

5. Change training package revision cycles back to a periodic review (3-5 years) instead of our current continuous improvement model.

6. Establish a credentialing and quality assurance model for those who identify themselves as a “Consultant” working in the VET sector.

7. Appoint Claire Field as an ASQA Commissioner.

8. Require ASQA to implement a true national auditor moderation programme in order to improve the consistency and reliability of auditor judgements.

9. Publish on the ASQA website the synthesised results of national auditor moderation so that RTOs can be informed of these requirements.

10. Introduce a specific regulatory and approval framework to ensure the quality of VET being delivered offshore and under partnership arrangements.

There it is:)

That should keep them going for 12 months. If they run out of things to do, they only need to ask and we will provide.


Joe Newbery
Published: 6th September 2014

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