Hi Everyone

Hope you are all well. As usual there is lots happening. For those ASQA RTOs, take note of the two new Fact Sheets that have been released. They contain important guidance on financial viability and safety requirements for training premises. It looks like QLD will now be coming over to ASQA albeit in two stages, maybe. See the article “Queensland referral legislation – Take 2”.

The other news item that I draw your attention to is “Victorian Training Market Decimated” down in other news of interest. Both TAFE and private providers alike have been dealt a harsh blow by the Victorian Government who withdraw massive amounts of funding without any prior warning. In the next 12 months, I suspect we will see many forced closures and many VET practitioners out of work. This must be a wakeup call to all of us that a reliance on State or Federal funding streams is a risky business. More fee-for-service!

Thanks for all the great feedback. If you value this newsletter and feel others would also benefit from this free monthly consolidated news report, please send it on to all your mates and invite them to subscribe. We at Newbery Consulting are aiming for world domination. At least in the category of news for the Australian VET sector! 

As always we invite new subscribers at: Subscribe to VET News

If you have some news, send it to us at: news@newberyconsulting.com.au

Kind regards,

Joe Newbery


Compliance and Regulatory News


ASQA update

ASQA has changed the format for its news updates. There is no longer one update towards the end of the month. Instead, ASQA will update its website as the news happens. Better than that, the latest news items are posted front and centre on the home page. Of course, if you don’t have time to be checking the ASQA website on a regular basis, you can still rely on VET News to bring you up to date at the end of each month. Here is a snapshot of what the national VET regulator reported in May.

NB. Two news items have been omitted as they are reported elsewhere in VET New. They relate to the transition of Queensland RTOs and updates from the NSSC.

ASQA Fact Sheets. Two new Fact Sheets have been published. The first is on Financial Viability Risk Assessments and provides insight into the measures that are used to assess financial viability. The second relates to health and safety requirements for educational premises. The Fact Sheet serves as a reminder to RTOs of their obligation under the Standards to comply with all regulatory requirements. This includes the Building Code of Australia and local health and safety requirements. Don’t be surprised if an auditor asks you to demonstrate your compliance.


Delivering elective units. There has been an update to the existing Fact Sheet on ‘Delivering elective units’. There is no longer a requirement to register a standalone unit if that unit is a core unit or a named elective unit within the packaging rules of a qualification that an RTO has on scope. Great news! http://asqa.gov.au/media-and-publications/publications.html

ASQA Funding. ASQA reported that it has received additional funding of $50.3 million over 4 years in the 2012-2013 Federal Budget.


Published regulatory decisions. ASQA is now publishing its regulatory decisions on its website and has added information regarding the options for RTOs who are affected by ASQA decisions.


Course Accreditation. There are changes to the procedures for registering an accredited course. A course concept proposal will no longer be required.


Information Sessions. If you missed one of the ASQA Training Provider Information Sessions or would just like to refresh your memory, the presentation and FAQ resources are now available online.


RTO Details. ASQA is calling for all NVR RTOs to make sure their details on TGA are correct. The link to the news item below provides guidance on what to do if the details are inaccurate.


ELICOS. ASQA has posted some information for ELICOS and Foundation Program providers.


FAQ. The ASQA FAQ page has been updated and to be honest we are not sure what is new. The VET News team pledges to monitor this more closely so we can tell you exactly what is new in the future!



NSSC update

If you haven’t been to the NSSC website in a while then you may notice a few changes. Here is a snapshot of some information that may be of interest:

There is a now a section called ‘VET Standards’. Here you’ll find an overview of the current standards relating to RTOs, VET regulators, Training Packages and accredited courses.


Another section called ‘Policies’ provides policy information on the determination for trainer and assessor competencies and the protection of student fees in advance.


Under the VET Standards for RTOs a series of Quality Indicator fact sheets have just been published. These are designed to assist RTOs in engaging their target audiences for surveys and in interpreting the data to improve their business practices.


You’ll also find a comprehensive list of Quality Indicator FAQs on the site.



Queensland referral legislation – Take 2!

The Queensland legislation required to refer powers to the NVR was tabled in parliament on 29 May 2012 and referred straight to committee. It is a distinct possibility that the legislation won’t be passed by the 30 June 2012 deadline and if that is the case, it will be a 2-stage transition to ASQA for Queensland RTOs. The link below will take you to the information that ASQA has posted on its website regarding the transition.



Revised VRQA forms

The VRQA has new VET application forms for initial registration and re-registration as an RTO, as well as amendments to scope of registration. Download the forms at the following link:



Training Package News

Recent Training Package endorsements/ updates

CSC12 Correctional Services, version 1.0, release date: 30/04/12

NWP07 Water, version 3.0, release date: 30/04/12

HLT07 Health, version 5.0, release date: 07/05/12

CHC08 Community Services, version 4.0, release date: 07/05/12

SIT07 Tourism, Hospitality and Events, version 3.0, release date: 01/05/12

MSA07 Manufacturing, version 8.0, release date: 08/05/12

MSS11 Sustainability, version 2.0, release date: 02/05/12

FDF10 Food Processing, version 3.0, release date: 01/05/12

CPP07 Property Services, version 10.0, release date: 04/05/12

SIR07 Retail Services, version 2.0, release date: TBA

UET12 Electricity Supply Industry – Transmission, Distribution and Rail Sector, version 1.0, release date: 01/05/12

For details of release information go to http://training.gov.au/


New TAE Cert IV qualification on the drawing board

IBSA has announced a new project to scope the development of a new Certificate IV qualification for the TAE10 Training and Education Training Package. The qualification is intended to equip VET practitioners with the competencies to develop and implement foundation skills training and assessment solutions. IBSA is inviting stakeholder views via a consultation paper on its website. Click on the following link for more information.



BSB07 Project management qualifications

Following analysis of feedback received via the Project Management Discussion Paper, IBSA’s final interim report and recommendations is now available for download at:



Events, Resources & Funding News

Important Note: The inclusion of news items about recently released resources does not constitute an endorsement by Newbery Consulting. A full and detailed review of any ‘off-the-shelf’ resource should be undertaken to determine if it is suitable for your organisation and can be customised to meet your needs.


Skills Connect

Australian Government Skills Connect is a new service designed to help link eligible Australian enterprises with the skills and workforce development programs and funding. Find out more at:



Australia India Skills Conference: Partners for Prosperity 2012

This conference, sponsored by the Australia India Education Council, takes place in Perth on 10-11 July 2012. The advertising notes “500 million reasons to collaborate in skills development.” Participants will include vocational education and training institute leaders from India and Australia, industry skills councils, peak bodies, senior industry representatives, government officials and policy makers from both countries. Find out more at:



CS&HISC Training Packages – National Information Forums

CS&HISC is conducting a series of national information forums aimed at users of the current CHC08 and HLT07 training packages. The forums will cover up-coming changes to the format and content of training packages. It will also provide an outline of the 2011 – 2014 Continuous Improvement Work Plan. Find out how to participate at the following link:



Australian apprenticeship & traineeship updates

Click on the links below to view the Australian Apprenticeship Updates for May, showing qualifications recently implemented in NSW, WA, SA and NT:




Other News of Interest


Victorian Training Market Decimated

In May, the Victorian Government announced without any prior warning that it was cutting VIC Skills funding by approximately $450m As a result, TAFEs will lose initially an estimated $160m annually. Many current TAFE courses will be cancelled and some campuses and facilities are likely to be closed. Some TAFE institutes will have to consider amalgamations, and hundreds of teachers and administrative staff will lose their jobs. Many private providers will also be impacted on significantly. I many cases the amount being paid for the Scheduled Hours has been cut by over 80%. VIC Skill has informed providers that in some courses it will not be funding RPL at all.

I have no doubt we are about to see the closure of many private providers and the significant reduction of TAFE and dual sector providers. This situation is just another failure by the Victorian Government to manage their state governance. This entire situation must act as an alarm bell for private providers in other states of the importance for a broad source of revenue and not to rely on State and Commonwealth funding to support financial viability.

Click on the links below for more information:









Broad VET industry support for Budget measures

As reported in The Australian on 10 May 2012, there has been broad industry support for the changes to employer apprenticeship incentives announced in the Federal Budget. The government has said it will save $354m by axing the $1,500 commencement payment, while raising the completion payment from $2,500 to $3,000. This change will only affect apprenticeships for existing workers in non-priority areas. It has no impact on payments for newly employed trainees, or for apprentices in the traditional trades on the National Skills Need List. To view the full article, click on the link below. (NB. May require subscription):



TAFE Directors Australia (TDA) plans to create a National Charter for TAFE

Directors attending the TDA AGM have passed an out-of-session motion to create a National Charter for TAFE. According to the TDA, the purpose of the National Charter is to create a framework under transition strategies for Australia’s public provider (TAFE) network, for the COAG agreement within the Commonwealth, State and Territory negotiations for a National Partnership Agreement, and a national training entitlement system. Read more at:



Would you like to get an EScan executive summary on video?

If so, the CS&HISC can oblige. It has produced a slick video presentation that highlights the key findings of its 2012 EScan in just over 3½ minutes.



Australian Retail Futures: Developing our workforce for the future

Service Skills Australia is collaborating with all the industry representative bodies to develop a workforce strategy for Australian retail. This strategy will result in a comprehensive workforce plan for the future which will help individual retailers to get the people they need to build a sustainable future. See the dedicated page on the SSA website for more information.



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