Hi Everyone

Hope you are all well. For all those who are registered under ASQA, take a keen interest in the ASQA update this month. There is lots of little changes which can have a big impact (if you miss them!).

I hate to say I told you so,, but it looks like the QLD transition to ASQA is just about in the toilet. Now,, if QLD follow VIC and WA, they will become a non-referring State. This means that all of the RTOs which operate across the State border now (and CRICOS Providers) will still go to ASQA. From a search of Training.gov.au I can see about 630 RTOs that will remain with DETE. That means applications with DETE will get processed a lot faster. So much for national consistency in regulation!

Anyway, soldier on!

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If you have some news, send it to us at: news@newberyconsulting.com.au

Kind regards,

Joe Newbery


Compliance and Regulatory News


ASQA update

Highlights of ASQA’s April update are:

  • Information sessions for training providers are continuing. Due to provider demand, dates have been added for additional Sydney and Melbourne sessions in May.
  • Recent changes to the ASQA website include a revised complaints form, new requirements regarding change of ownership for an accredited course and revised CRICOS information and forms.
  • Clarification on information in the March ASQA Update regarding the transition of units of competency.
  • ASQA’s Adelaide office commenced operation as planned on 26 March. There is still nothing to report on the progress of referral legislation in Queensland.
  • The NVR Charges Bill is currently with the Economics Legislation Committee. This bill will enable ASQA to recover reasonable costs and expenses associated with additional monitoring activities such as compliance audits and complaints investigations.

Click below to read the full publication.



ASQA general direction

ASQA has released a general direction* in relation to Quality Indicator submissions. The main points are:

  • RTOs that do not use the SMART system are required to submit the ASQA Quality Indicator Annual Summary Report. A template for this report is available on the ASQA website.
  • Enterprise RTOs must begin gathering employer satisfaction data from 2012.
  • RTOs are to use the Competency Completion Online System (CCOS) to report competency completion data.

Follow the link below to access the general direction on the Data Provision page of the ASQA website:


* A general direction is made under section 28(1) of the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 and it is a condition of registration that an ASQA RTO complies with a general direction.


Queensland gets a new portfolio

With a change of government in Queensland comes the newly formed Department of Education, Training and Employment (DETE) and its new Minister John-Paul Langbroek. The Minister will be assisted by Ms Saxon Rice as the Assistant Minister for Technical and Further Education. The DETE website notes that “With the addition of employment to the portfolio, the department is now more than ever, committed to ensuring Queenslanders gain the education and skills they need – from kindergarten through school to vocational education, university and lifelong learning – to contribute to the community and share in the state’s economic prosperity.”



Changes to the registration process for school-based training contracts in Qld

The Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment (DETE) has amended the mandatory requirements of the education, training and employment schedule (ETES) for school-based training contracts. To find out more go to:



COAG decision opens the way for skills reform

In its meeting on Friday 13 April, COAG rubber-stamped the federal government’s proposed skills reform package. The package is designed to support Australian businesses and drive improvements in productivity by growing the pool of skilled workers, encouraging existing workers to up skill and supporting higher levels of workforce participation. Implementation plans will be negotiated between governments by 30 June. Highlights of the package are:

  • A national training entitlement for a Certificate III qualification.
  • Income-contingent loans for government-subsidised Diploma and Advanced Diploma students.
  • Independent validation of training provider assessments
  • Strategies to allow TAFEs to operate effectively in a competitive environment
  • Development of a nationally consistent AVETMISS – VET Provider data set
  • The My Skills website.
  • Support for an additional 375,000 students over 5 years.

Access the COAG Communiqué at the following link:



Client Qualification Register reporting overdue

The Training Accreditation Council (TAC) in Western Australia reminds its RTOs that reporting for the Client Qualification Register (CQR) for the period July – December 2011 was due by 31 January 2012. To find out more about the reporting requirements for TAC registered RTOs, go to:



NSSC communiqué

Highlights of the NSSC’s latest communiqué are:

A range of Training Packages have been endorsed (see the following section for details).

  • The NSSC is reviewing materials after undertaking stakeholder consultation on the draft standards for training package development and endorsement. Further consultation is expected to occur after the June 2012 meeting of the NSSC.
  • A review has commenced of the national standards for the regulation of VET (both AQTF and SNR). A consultation paper is expected to be distributed shortly.
  • The NSSC will not be considering applications for approved Tuition Assurance Schemes (TASs) at this point in time, subject to the outcomes of the upcoming review of the standards for the regulation of VET. If an RTO is taking student fees in advance, it is required to comply with one of the remaining four options under AQTF Condition 5 / SNR 11/22 of the Standards for NVR RTOs 2011.

Click below to read the full publication.



Training Package News

Recent Training Package endorsements/ updates

  • CSC12 Correctional Services, version 1.0, released TBA
  • NWP07 Water, version 3.0, released TBA
  • HLT07 Health, version 5.0, released TBA
  • CHC08 Community Services, version 4.0, released TBA
  • SIT07 Tourism, Hospitality and Events, version 3.0, released TBA
  • MSA07 Manufacturing, version 8.0, released TBA
  • MSS11 Sustainability, version 2.0, released TBA
  • FDF10 Food Processing, version 3.0, released TBA
  • CPP07 Property Services, version 10.0, released TBA
  • SIR07 Retail Services, version 2.0, released TBA
  • UET12 Electricity Supply Industry – Transmission, Distribution and Rail Sector, version 1.0, released TBA
  • UEE11 Electrotechnology, version 1.0, released 16/03/2012
  • PSP04 Public Sector, version 4.2, released 07/03/2012

For details of release information go to http://training.gov.au/


Events, Resources & Funding News

Important Note: The inclusion of news items about recently released resources does not constitute an endorsement by Newbery Consulting. A full and detailed review of any ‘off-the-shelf’ resource should be undertaken to determine if it is suitable for your organisation and can be customised to meet your needs.


ACPET Professional Development Calendar

The Australian Council for Private Education and Training has launched a national professional development program that is packed full of great PD opportunities. The workshops are being delivered in all capital cities and in some regional locations. ACPET have assembled an impressive line-up of speakers and have committed to offering highly professional training at an affordable cost. ACPET invite both member and non-members to attend and participate. To view the ACPET Professional Development calendar go to the following link:



Advanced Entry Apprenticeships and Traineeships – NSW

NSW has established 249 new funded apprenticeship and traineeship advanced entry vocations. Advanced entry into an apprenticeship or traineeship is documented in new Vocational Training Orders (VTOs). Go the link below for more details.



CS&HISC National Information Forums

CS&HISC is conducting a series of national information forums to inform users of the current CHC08 and HLT07 training packages of the up-coming changes, currently in progress, to the format and content of training packages in response to training provider and industry needs. These sessions are free but booking are essential. Click on the link below to register:



IBSA’s Escan 2012

IBSA’s 2012 Escan is now available for download from its website. There will also be launch events in Melbourne (10 May) and Sydney (28 May) for the new Environment Scan. Go the link below for more details.



NSW calendar of e-learning workshops

The NSW team of the National VET E-learning Strategy are running a number of face-to-face and online workshops over the next few months covering a range of topics, including E-assessment, Instructional Design and Moodle. Read more at:



New Series 14 Toolboxes

The National VET E-learning Strategy has announced a collection of new innovative e-learning packages that will provide education and training assistance to some of Australia’s most critical industries. Find out more at:



AAT information sessions

The Australian Apprenticeships and Traineeships Information Service (AAT) runs regular information sessions to help people working with Australian Apprenticeships to get the most out of the range of resources and information available on its websites. For a list of planned sessions in April and May go to:



QVDC’s Capability Building Program 2011 – 2012

The Queensland VET Development Centre (QVDC) provides professional development opportunities for public and private registered training organisations in Queensland. To view the calendar of events and for information on upcoming professional development activities visit the VET Professional Development website at:



Skills for All professional development events for 2012

Professional development workshops, seminars and training for South Australian training providers can be viewed at the following link:



Other News of Interest

The National VET E-learning Strategy launches its new website

Whilst the name has changed from the Australian Flexible Learning Framework to the National VET E-learning Strategy, the website address remains the same. You can check out the new-look website at:



Virtual trade show for business students

In a project funded by the National VET E-learning Strategy, TAFE NSW North Coast Institute is developing a virtual trade show in a virtual world, enabling students from virtual enterprises in different locations to share and learn from each other. Read more about the project at:



Diploma payoff questioned

As reported by The Australian on 17 April 2012, a study by Flinders University has found that people with vocational diplomas are among the most likely to be drawn into a vicious cycle of unfulfilling jobs that don’t use the skills they have acquired. To view the full article, click on the link below. (NB. May require subscription):



Lifelong learning accounts for workers

As reported by The Australian on 19 April 2012, Professor Brian Howe (Chair of the ACTU inquiry into insecure work) has called on both government and business to invest in the skills of the ‘casualised workforce’. In his speech to the National Press Club, Professor Howe stated that “any skills shortage should be viewed as a training failure” and the solution was to invest in a “culture of training and development” that did not focus on narrow competencies but broader skills that would give workers autonomy. To view the full article, click on the link below. (NB. May require subscription):



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