Hi Everyone

Hope you are all well. The volume of news is a little down this month. All seems very quiet out there. Maybe we are entering into a period of stability in the VET sector!! Sorry,, what was I thinking?

One thing to note are the published responses to frequently asked questions by ASQA. I think this is a good thing and I encourage you to review this information on the ASQA site. As a little request from me to you, I am seeking information on what is happening with the NSW funding reforms. That project seems to have gone very quiet which could mean a number of things. If you know anything, please let me know.

Good training!


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If you have some news, send it to us at: news@newberyconsulting.com.au

Kind regards,

Joe Newbery


Compliance and Regulatory News


ASQA update

New ELICOS information line. ASQA now has a dedicated team to deal with all ELICOS enquiries. Click on the link below for contact details.


ASQA and DIAC sign strategic MoU. The MoU represents a commitment by ASQA and DIAC to work together to conduct joint audits in relation to organisations or individuals who are suspected of perpetrating immigration fraud, or of failing to deliver quality education and training. Click on the link below to access the news article.



New FAQs

Many new FAQ categories and questions were added during August. There were too many to list them all, but here are some of the ones we found interesting:

1. How is ASQA accountable for its performance?

2. What opportunities do providers have to resolve non-compliance identified at audit?

3. How many auditing teams does ASQA employ?

4. How much notice is a provider given prior to an audit for renewal of RTO registration?

5. If a provider has multiple sites, which site will ASQA conduct the audit?

6. Is there a requirement to enter certificates and statements of attainment in a state qualifications register?

7. Of the renewal applications ASQA rejected in the last six months, what percentage was CRICOS?

8. What is the role of the NSSC? Does the NSSC’s role relate to the AQTF at all?

9. Will there be different requirements for external validation of training assessment after the Prime Minister’s announcement of reforms in VET?

Click on the link below to go to the FAQ page.



Training Package News


Recent Training Package endorsements/ updates

PUA12 Public Safety, version 1.0, release date 17/08/12

SIR07 Retail Services, version, release date 3.1, release date 14/08/12

For details of release information go to http://training.gov.au/


Professional Development: SIR07 Version 3

Go to the Service Skills Australia website to find out more about the information sessions and workshops being held for trainers and assessors for both retail services and community pharmacy.



Events, Resources & Funding News

Important Note: The inclusion of news items about recently released resources does not constitute an endorsement by Newbery Consulting. A full and detailed review of any ‘off-the-shelf’ resource should be undertaken to determine if it is suitable for your organisation and can be customised to meet your needs.


The 35th ACAL National Conference

The 35th ACAL Annual Conference is being held in Hobart on 19-21 September 2012. The theme: Joining the Pieces: Literacy and Numeracy – one part to the picture. Click on the link below for further information.



3D Articulation Workshops – September & October

The Australian Federal Government and the University of Southern Queensland are running a series of two-day workshops nationally on articulation pathways. The workshops will provide attendees with everything they need to know about pathways, including pathways development and best practice in this area. To register, go to:



Second round funding for e-learning initiatives through industry-RTO partnerships

The National VET E-learning Strategy has extended opportunities to support industry adoption of e-learning in priority industry sectors and regional communities. Business case applications are due by midday (AEST) Monday 10 September 2012. Click on the link below to download the application guidelines.



AQFs 5 & 6: Debating the future of mid-level qualifications in Australia

The future of diplomas and advanced diplomas is uncertain, while associate degrees are gaining in prominence. This two-day conference will debate and discuss the future of these mid-level qualifications in Australia. It will consider the role they play in preparation for work, as a transition to higher qualifications and in widening access to higher-level qualifications. The conference is to be held on 25-26 October 2012 at RMIT University, Melbourne. Click the link below for more information.



DFEEST Leadership Program – Building RTO Business Sustainability

The 2012 Building RTO Business Sustainability Program is professional development program conducted by the Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology (DFEEST). This is the third offering of this program that has been developed to encourage new leaders in the commercial aspects of RTO Business Sustainability practices. The program consists of two 1-day workshops and a 1.5 hour one-on-one mentoring session. Find out more at:



Other News of Interest


Australia’s top vocational students recognised

Five hundred of the nation’s most skilled students have been recognised for their efforts in vocational education and training in schools. Acting Minister for School Education, Senator Chris Evans, announced the successful recipients of the 2011 Australian Vocational Student Prize and the Prime Minister’s Award for Skills Excellence in School. Click the link below to read the media release:



The Victorian training crisis continues to receive coverage in the media

The ABC’s 7.30 Report devoted three nights of programs earlier in the month to record individual claims of profiteering and scams within the private training sector. Federal Tertiary Education Minister, Senator the Hon. Chris Evans, has responded with an interview on ABC TV and he places the blame squarely with the States’ failure to regulate privately run training schemes. Click the link below to read the story as reported on ABC News.


Senator Evans also gave a doorstop interview in Melbourne on 7 August regarding the Victorian Government cuts to TAFE. Read the transcript at the link below.


You may also like to read the related blog from Martin Riordan, CEO of TAFE Directors Australia, at the following link:



Sue Fergusson joins NCVER as head of research

Ms Sue Fergusson has been appointed to the role of General Manager Research at the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER). Ms Fergusson joins NCVER with a wealth of experience in the vocational education and training system across policy development, applied research and data analysis, along with a strong background in public finance. To find out more, click on the link below.



International student numbers at a five-year low

As reported by The Australian on 3 August 2012, an 8.5 per cent slump in overseas student enrolments in the year to June sliced $1.34 billion off the sector’s value. It still contributed $14.7bn in export dollars but that was down 18 per cent from $18bn in 2009-10. The problems are attributed to the high Australian dollar, problems over visa processing and competition from the US. To view the full article, click on the link below. (NB. May require subscription):



Apprenticeships – is it time for a competency-based model?

As reported by The Australian on 30 August 2012, a new approach to trade training could drag Australia out of a ‘time served’ model by changing the way apprentices are taught, managed and paid. The federal government has teamed up with the Australian Industry Group on a project to trial a competency-based training approach which rates apprentices on their skills rather than the time they’ve spent learning. To view the full article, click on the link below. (NB. May require subscription):



This news letter was researched and prepared by Anne Maree Newbery.


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