Hi Everyone

Hope you are all well. No long blurb from me this month. We have discovered that there are new levels of busy that we never thought existed!

We did have a glitch with our news subscription registration last month. I received many (many!) emails from frustrated VET practitioners informing me that they were unable to subscribe. Anyway,, we have now fixed that and designed a new portal where new subscribers can register at: http://newberyconsulting.com.au/subscribe-to-vet-news.

Wow! What a year! I cannot believe it is December already. We have had another great year and have continued to support our many clients and have established some new and exciting relationships. I am most please about our new staff and the ongoing development of our system. I think 2013 is going to be a great year.

Newbery Consulting will be closed for business over the period 22 Dec 2012 – 13 Jan 2013. I hope you all have a merry Christmas and a restful time with family.

All the best for the New Year,

Joe Newbery


As always we invite new subscribers at: Subscribe to VET News

If you have some news, send it to us at: news@newberyconsulting.com.au


Compliance and Regulatory News

ASQA update

Aged and community care and construction white card training under the microscope. During the month of November ASQA signalled strategic reviews of vocational education and training in the aged and community care sector as well as entry-level occupational health and safety training. Click on the links below to find out more and access the relevant media releases.




Changes to AQF qualification types. ASQA has added some information to its website regarding the changes to high level VET qualifications that take effect on 1 January 2013. Click on the link below to access the relevant website page.



Submission of quality indicator data in 2013. ASQA has updated information on its website relating to the provision of quality indicator data in 2013, with a reminder to enterprise RTOs that they must be gathering employer satisfaction data for reporting next year. Click on the link below to access the relevant website page.



ASQA Annual Report 2011-12. ASQA has published its Annual Report 2011-12. If you’re interested in ASQA’s corporate and financial performance in its first year of operation, then click on the link below to access the report.



NSSC Communiqué – November 2012

Discussion with ISCs and VET Regulators. The NSSC invited the Chairs and CEOs from all Industry Skills Councils (ISCs) and VET regulators to its meeting to discuss key issues relating to the application of the standards for the regulation of VET. As well as covering the key issues for the review of standards, they explored potential industry endorsed mechanisms to ensure high quality delivery and assessment of Training Package qualifications.


Review of standards for the regulation of VET. The next step in the review of standards, following the release of the Issues Paper in October, will be to develop the NSSC Position Paper. The Position Paper will be informed and guided by the Issues Paper and should be released for public comment in early 2013. This Position Paper will identify what the NSSC considers to be the changes required to the standards for the regulation of VET and will be the key reference material for the subsequent drafting of new standards. Click on the link below to read the Communiqué.



SCOTESE Communiqué – 16 November 2012

Transparency. Ministers discussed transparency reforms under the National Partnership on Skills Reform, in relation to national data collection and the implementation of a Unique Student Identifier (USI). The Standing Council agreed to the mandatory collection and reporting of total VET activity data from 1 January 2014.

Standards for Training Packages. Ministers endorsed the new Standards for Training Packages at the meeting.

VET Reform. The Standing Council heard an update on progress against national harmonisation of Australian Apprenticeships, which remains a key priority for all Australian Governments.

Click on the link below to access the Communiqué.



News from training.gov.au

Some recent improvements and updates have been made to the training.gov.au website, including a new Compare Text tool, and improvements to Notification emails. Click on the link below for more details.



Training Package News

Recent Training Package endorsements/ updates

PSP12 Public Sector 1.0, released 24/10/2012

CPP07 Property Services 12.0, released 24/10/2012

MTM11 Australian Meat Industry 3.0, released 24/10/2012

TAE10 Training and Education 3.0, released 24/10/2012

CSC12 Correctional Services 1.1, released 31/10/2012

CHC08 Community Services 4.1, released 05/11/2012

FPI11 Forest and Forest Products 1.1, released 27/11/2012

For details of release information go to http://training.gov.au/


Events, Resources & Funding News

Australian Training Awards 2012

The winners, runners up and finalists in the 2012 Australian Training Awards were announced in Melbourne on 16 November. Click on the links below to read more:



Australian apprenticeship & traineeships updates

Click on the links below to view the Australian Apprenticeship Updates for November, showing qualifications recently implemented in QLD, VIC, NSW, ACT, SA and TAS:




Skills Tasmania has moved and has a shiny new website

Skills Tasmania’s Hobart office has been relocated to 26 Bathurst Street. Its email addresses, phone numbers and post office contact details have not changed. Along with the move, the State Training Authority has a brand new website with a great new feature that allows you to subscribe to an RSS feed that will keep you up to the minute with Tasmanian news and events. You’ll find the RSS feed link at the address below.



Other News of Interest

Queensland skills reform

Following the release of the final report of the Queensland Skills and Training Taskforce early in November, the Queensland government released its response to the report on 30 November 2012. It has accepted 35 of the 40 recommendations in full, with the remaining 5 recommendations accepted in principle. There will be a rationalisation of TAFE Queensland with the number of campus closures yet to be determined. Contestability of funding will be phased in from 1 July 2013, with full contestability to be introduced on 1 July 2014.To read the government response, click on the following link:


To access the Queensland Skills and Training Taskforce report, click on the link below:



Unique Student Identifier for VET

DIISRTE has released some new information on the Unique Student Identifier development. This is definitely worth a read as it now provides specific guidance for training organisations. To view this information, click on the link below:



States ‘on notice’ over TAFE cuts

As reported in The Australian on 26 November 2012, Chris Evans has told the Senate that the states are “on notice” that they could miss out on $1.75 billion in reward funding negotiated in April. Evans says three states are “ripping money out of training systems”, citing current events in Victoria, Qld and NSW. He stated “Funding under agreements we’ve signed with them will not be forthcoming unless they honour their commitments that they’ll maintain their investment. We’re not going to put up with it and the states are on notice.” Read more at the following link:



Victorian students to get right to sue dodgy providers

As reported in The Age on 13 November 2012, disgruntled students will be able to sue their training colleges for shoddy education under new laws to be introduced in Victoria. The state government hopes the new rules will prevent dodgy training providers from delivering substandard education. The rules will apply to students whose vocational training was subsidised in part or full by the state government. Read more at the following link:



NCVER research says skills sets helpful to VET sector

The report, Workforce skills development and engagement in training through skill sets, found skill sets provide opportunities for workers to top up their skills, attract and engage more people into VET and can act as a pathway to further study or a full qualification. Read more at the following link:



Australia on track to double diplomas by 2020

In a media release on 14 November 2012, Chris Evans reported that the Gillard Government is on track to deliver its commitment to double the number of diploma and advanced diploma completions by 2020. Read the media release at the following link:



This news letter was researched and prepared by Anne Maree Newbery.


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