VET News – 1st August 2017

Hello and welcome to VET News,

I hope you are all doing well. Ok, I am going out on a limb here so wish me luck! Apart from all of the registration cancellations and the mega RTOs falling over (Careers),, I think we may be re-entering a period of stability and growth. Most RTOs that we are speaking to identify that the 2nd-3rd quarters of 2016/17 (Oct 2016 – Mar 2017) was a very dark time. From about Mar 2017, things seem to be improving and right now, there seems to be a degree of confidence as enrollment numbers are returning to normal. I am receiving more enquiries from clients who need assistance with getting a training product in shape for an enterprise client or targeted funded program. These are a flag for me that we are on the cusp of the next growth cycle. If you stay around long enough you get to see these repeating signs. The thing is this time, we need to prevent the “hyper-entrepreneurs” and low ethic individuals from spoiling the day. We are operating in a different environment to 6-12 months ago, so hopefully this will act as a deterrence.

I would like to come back to a prediction I made back in April 2016 in relation to TAE40116: “It will be interesting to look back in 12 months from now to see how many RTO’s have added it (TAE40116) to scope. I think we could see the current 716 reduced to below 150”. Ok, we are now 14 months down the track and today we stand at only 18 providers with the new Cert IV TAE40116. Now what is causing this? The first thing I would say is don’t blame ASQA. Yes, ASQA are as inconsistent as ever in all other aspects of their operation, but on this particular qualification, they seem to have it together. There is lots of winging on Linkedin about their approach, but really,, do we really,, want them to lower their standards just to increase the number of providers? Absolutely not! What is that saying about the mountain will not come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain? Well ASQA is the mountain, and if those RTOs that aspire to teach the next generation of VET practitioners really want it bad enough, they will need to step it up and go to the mountain. I implore ASQA to hold their ground and not lower the bar, stay the course and all of those great sayings!!

The news article of particular interest is the new Fact Sheet from ASQA regarding addressing non-compliance following an audit. This was released with very little attention and I think it has the potential to have a very big impact of the quality of VET and compliance generally. Scenario,,, you are an RTO that has been found in a regulatory audit to have very serious non-compliance. You receive your audit report and there is a covering letter. The letter says that you have been identified to have very serious non-compliance which have potentially impacted on current or past learners. The letter requests that you identify the impact on learners and carry out remedial action to address this impact. ASQA proposes that this remedial action may require the RTO to conduct reassessment or gap reassessment of current learners who were assessed incorrectly (just as an example). In my view, this new policy is a big deal and worth a read.

Good Training,

Joe Newbery

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Compliance & Regulatory News

ASQA Update

Regulatory decisions update

ASQA provided notification of its regulatory decisions to cancel the registration of the following RTOs:

  • Pacific International College Pty Ltd (RTO number 32510)
  • Productivity Partners Pty Ltd (registered training organisation (RTO) number 30169)
  • ACT Education Group Pty Ltd (RTO number 40264)
  • NorthEd Pty Ltd (RTO number 22179)
  • Training Organisation Queensland Pty Ltd (RTO number 41129)
  • Gurkhas Institute of Technology Pty Ltd (registered training organisation (RTO) number 22088)
  • Asia Pacific Training Institute Pty Ltd (APTI, RTO number 21378)
  • Franklyn Scholar (Australia) Pty Ltd (RTO number 7134)

ASQA’s decisions will take effect unless the provider seeks a review of ASQA’s decision in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT).


Updates to trainer and assessor credential requirments to come into effect from April 2019

The Hon. Karen Andrews MP, Assistant Minister for vocational Education and Skills, has released an amendment to the training and assessment credential requirements in the Standards for RTOs 2015.

To ensure the VET workforce has appropriate skills in designing and developing assesment tools and identifying and evaluating LLN requirements, Skill Ministers have agreeded to update the standards.


Addressing non-compliances following an audit – New ASQA Fact Sheet!

This new fact sheet sets the framework for ASQA to require RTOs to be accountable for identifying and correcting non-compliant practices, particularly those that have had a negative impact on learners. If non-compliances are identified, ASQA can require a provider to identify the impact the non-compliance has had on current and past learners and carry out remedial action to address this impact. This is a big deal!


Training Package News

TGA updates

Training package changes
There is a new release of the following training package:

  • CPP, Release 5.0, 13 June 207 click
  • TLI, Release 2.0, 17 May 2017 click
  • CPC, Release 3.0, 1 May 2017 click

Other VET News

NCVER Update

AVETMISS Validation Software Update

The AVETMISS Validation Software (AVS) now allows users to test data produced in the upcoming release 8.0 formats. Testing is encouraged to ensure your systems are compliant with release 8.0 ahead of the 1 January 2018 implementation date. To access this feature, simply select Year ‘2018’ and Collection Period ‘Jan-Mar’ from the Collection Processing screen in AVS.

To find out more about the AVETMISS Validation Software Update please see the link below.


Australian apprenticeship update

Update on list of eligible skilled occupations
On 1 July 2017, there were a number of changes to temporary and permanent skilled migration programs, including the Temporary Work (Skilled) visa (subclass 457) program. See: 1 July 2017 changes to skilled visa programs. This included changes to the lists of eligible occupations for these programs. See: Summary of 1 July 2017 changes to the lists of eligible skilled occupations.READ MORE

Recent VET Publications

ASQA reports on strategic review into training duration

ASQA has recently published the findings of its national strategic review into which it found that the long-term quality of Australia’s vocational education and training (VET) sector is at risk unless the issue of unduly short training is addressed. The report makes three broad recommendations to address the issues identified, including changes to the way course duration is regulated.

Click on the link below to find out more:


New research shows more people in government funded training

New research released in July has showed the number of people enrolled in government-funded training increased 3.3% to 1.3 million students in 2016 compared with 2015, according to the latest data.

Click on the link below to find out more:


Skilling our future workers

VOCEDplus has provided a new release on skilling our future workers. With the significant technological, economic, demographic, environmental and social changes impacting the way we work, recent labour market research focuses on the skills current and future workers will need to successfully navigate the future of work. It’s not just technical and digital skills that will ensure a successful career for years to come, but also ‘soft skills’ and access to relevant lifelong learning opportunities.

Click on the link below to find out more:


Newbery Announcements

Conducting Assessment Validation:

This webinar focuses on Clause 1.9, 1.10 and 1.11 of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations. These clauses relate to the requirements for assessment validation including the need to have an assessment validation plan, meet minimum validation benchmarks and to conduct it in a way that ensures its validity and integrity.


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