Newbery Consulting VET News – 13th August 2020

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Hello and welcome to VET News,

Quite a busy newsletter this week. The regulator has been publishing various documents including its regulatory strategy and guidance on accredited course development. There are also a number of training package revisions to take note of.

One thing that I would like to draw your attention to is the regulators published guidance on integrating volume of learning . When ASQA published its update in the past week, it advertised new resources available on its website under the heading of “Integrating volume of learning”. Following that, we had several clients contact us about the information contradicting their current understanding about how the amount of training requirement under clause 1.1 applies and the use of nominal hours. The confusion is understandable because the information published does directly contradict how the amount of training and volume of learning has been regulated over the last five years for the majority of RTOs. The information is not intended for RTOs delivering nationally endorsed training. It applies only to accredited course developers and owners who are required to apply a different model using the nominal hours in their accredited course development. It is crazy that we have these two different approaches to how we must comply with meeting the volume of learning requirements but, that’s simply the way it is. If you received the ASQA update last week and noted this new release of information, please note that it only applies to those who either own or are developing an accredited course and is not relevant to the vast majority of RTOs to deliver nationally endorsed training only. We raised this confusion with ASQA who responded quickly to put a clarification on the relevant page which was great. The last thing we want is RTOs getting confused about the requirements relating to the amount of training after five years of hard work getting everyone on board.

I would also like to highlight a piece of work released by the WA Department of Training and Workforce Development (DTWD) in its report Review of skills, training and workforce development. It was released back in June so; we are a little late to the party reviewing this. The report focuses on skills training and workforce development and whilst specific to WA it has some relevance to other jurisdictions. The sections on the 21st Century Apprenticeships and Next generation training are particularly worth a look. The report specifically considers the impact of COVID-19 and how this is likely to influence skills demands in the future. The report clearly signals the WA Governments intent to focus its immediate and future development of the VET sector in WA on TAFE and barely even recognises the private sector. The report talks about strengthening collaboration between DTWD and TAFE on funding future workforce priorities and opportunities and positioning TAFE capability to support major government industry development priorities. It does not bode well for private RTOs in Western Australia or for that matter competition in general. There is also a strong focus on the delivery of skill sets and using these as pathways to a qualification. All RTOs should be looking at the skill sets on their implicit scope and taking stock of emerging opportunities in that space.

Good training,

Joe Newbery
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Compliance & Regulatory News

ASQA Regulatory Strategy 2020–22

ASQA has released the 2020-22 Regulatory Strategy, which outlines the regulatory priorities for the next two years. Particular areas of focus for the 2020 to 2022 period include:

  • Online learning in the VET sector
  • VET in schools.

ASQA will undertake a strategic review of online learning, working with key stakeholder groups and providers to understand the benefits, opportunities and risks presented by online learning in VET, and to identify how ASQA can provide further support to providers.

Read more.

Guidance on addressing notices of non-compliance for an accredited course

ASQA has provided further guidance on addressing notices of non-compliance for an accredited course so that course owner’s know what to do when issued a notice of non-compliance from ASQA.

Read more.

Guidance on integrating volume of learning in an accredited course

ASQA has provided further guidance on integrating volume of learning in an accredited course to ensure that a course owners proposed course meets the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) volume of learning requirements.

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Quarter two 2020 AVETMISS fee-for-service data reporting due

The quarter two (Jan-Jun) 2020 AVETMISS fee-for-service activity collection reporting window will close at 5pm ACST this Friday, 14 August 2020.

Read more.

Other VET News

COVID-19 Critical Skills Point of Care Testing delivery

The Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) has commissioned the development of resources to support Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) in the delivery of the skill set: COVID-19 Critical Skills Point of Care Testing. The skill set is part of the national COVID-19 response and includes the following units:

  • MSL974030 Process body fluid specimens using a point of care testing device
  • HLTPAT003 Perform capillary blood collections

Find out more information here.

Review of skills, training and workforce development report

Premier Mark McGowan and the Minister for Education and Training, Sue Ellery announced the establishment of an urgent review on skills, training and workforce development in response to COVID 19’s impact on the workforce in Western Australia. The review made 46 observations and recommendations under five key themes, to support Western Australia’s workforce to look forward. The State Government has confirmed its commitment to advancing immediately almost all of the review recommendations and will continue as part of the State’s Recovery Plan.

Read more.

Articles and Papers

Consultation paper: Working together towards effective self-assurance

ASQA has released a consultation paper to help build a shared understanding of self assurance as they aim to work with the sector to understand how they can support providers in building capability for self-assurance, through critical examination and continuous improvement of practices for sustained compliance, to produce quality outcomes for students, employers, and the community. ASQA is seeking input on their proposed approach to developing self-assurance capability and practice for providers.

Read more.

Steady completion and attrition rates for apprentices and trainees 2019

This report shows that individual completion rates for apprentices and trainees who commenced training in 2015 have held relatively steady at 56.8%.
It also tracks the outcomes of apprentices and trainees from when they started their training, recognising it generally takes 3 to 4 years to complete a trade and 1 to 2 years to complete a non-trade apprenticeship or traineeship.

Read more.

VET in Schools students increase

The number of students taking VET subjects as part of their secondary schooling increased 2.2% in 2019 to 235,800. This report shows there were 17,100 school-based apprentices and trainees, and 218,700 students undertaking other VET in Schools programs. From 2015 to 2019, VET in Schools students decreased by 8.3%.

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Training Package & Qualification Updates

 Training Package Update

The AVI: Aviation Training Package Training Package has been updated on

  • 1 qualification updated
  • 1 skill set added
  • 1 unit of competency added
  • 2 units of competency updated
  • 1 imported unit of competency added
  • 1 imported unit of competency removed


 Training Package Update

The MST: Textiles, Clothing and Footwear Training Package has been updated on

  • 1 qualification updated
  • 1 skill set added
  • 2 units of competency added
  • 2 units of competency updated
  • 4 units of competency removed
  • 9 imported units of competency added
  • 9 imported units of competency removed


 Training Package Update

The MSS: Sustainability Training Package has been updated on

  • 10 qualifications updated
  • 2 skill sets added
  • 1 skill set removed
  • 3 units of competency added
  • 1 unit of competency removed
  • 6 imported unit of competency added
  • 7 imported unit of competency removed


Support & Assistance

 Infection Control Training Fund

The Australian and Tasmanian governments have entered into a partnership to support the delivery of infection control training by registered training organisations at low or no cost to customer-facing workers.
Applications for Round 1 will be accepted from 25 July until the program closes at 2:00pm on 17 August 2020.

Information on eligibility, application and grant criteria and program conditions can be found on the Skills Tasmania website.

Upcoming Events

Webinar: Working together towards effective self-assurance
Thursday 13 August, 2020
1.00 pm AEST

This webinar will introduce the concept of self-assurance and what it means for providers. It will also provide information about how ASQA will work with the sector to increase its regulatory focus on provider self-assurance.


TAE Professional Development Week
30th November – 4th December 2020

Velg Training and MRWED have specifically designed TAE PD Week for Trainers and Assessors to assist them with meeting their ongoing trainer and assessor requirements under the Standards for RTOs 2015. The webinars that make up the TAE PD Week have been developed by industry experts and align with components of the 9 core units from the latest TAE40116 qualification.

For further information, click here.

Industry Engagement Requirements and Strategies Short Course
Online, August 2020 

This Velg2Go short course will focus on defining what industry engagement actually is, and why it is needed. It will explore the process of effectively engaging with industry representatives and the documentation of those activities, as well as the importance of acting upon the outcomes of those activities and applying systematic improvements as a result.



RTO Data Cloud

Newbery Consulting has been supplying student management software for over 10 years. A cloud based RTO student management system that provides RTOs the capability to manage their training operation and meet all national and State reporting and compliance obligations. It would be our pleasure to offer you access as a trial user and you can evaluate the system capabilities for yourself.

Don’t continue to pay too much for cloud based AVETMISS software. Have the flexibility to only paying for your additional users as you need them on a flat daily cost of only $2.00 per day. Set up your online enrolments and customise your certificates at no extra cost. Need to manage your CRICOS and State funded enrolments, no problems. Get in contact with the team at Newbery Consulting today and request to be set up as a trial user.

Read more.

Assessment Package – HLTAID006 Provide advanced first aid

Newbery Consulting is pleased to offer the unit of competency assessment package in support the unit of competency HLTAID006 Provide advanced first aid. The package includes the complete assessment materials including:

  • Assessment Mapping Guide
  • Assessment Recording Tools
  • Assessor Instructions
  • Candidate Instructions
  • Candidate Response Document

Read more.

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