VET News – 13 May 2013

Hi Everyone

Well after almost 18 months of regular VET News issues, we now have too many subscribers for an Outlook account to manage (a good thing!). So, we have moved to MailChimp in order to manage subscriptions not only for VET News but all of Newbery Consulting’s email lists. This is the first official distribution using MailChimp so I hope it makes it to you safe and sound.

Good training!

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Kind regards,

Joe Newbery

Compliance and Regulatory News

ASQA update

Consultation on ASQA cost recovery. More than 100 submissions were received from stakeholders following consultation on ASQA’s proposed fees and charges, which ran from 12 March to 9 April 2013. ASQA is reviewing the submissions with a view to finalising its 2013 Cost Recovery Impact Statement, which will be forwarded to the Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills, Science and Research. No timeframe has been provided as to when approved fees and charges will be published on the ASQA website. These will need to be agreed by the Standing Council on Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment (SCOTESE) and the Expenditure Review Committee (ERC) of Cabinet.

Monthly invoicing update. ASQA recently began issuing a monthly update on upcoming activity relating to fees and charges, including advance notification of significant annual fee invoicing activity. In its April update, ASQA has provided notice of its intention to begin issuing invoices for compliance monitoring audits undertaken since 1 January 2013. Click on link below to go to the update on the ASQA website.,-april-2013.html

Information on ASQA decisions now easier to find. ASQA has added a new navigation path on its website to information on ASQA decisions. The new link can be found at the very top of the Home page next to the Forms link. The ASQA decision page also includes a searchable table where you can filter the information by decision type or by provider name. Access the new page at the link below.

Implementing national registration on CRICOS. Recent amendments to the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 include national registration on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) for providers operating in more than one state or territory. To find out about ASQA’s plan for the implementation of this change, click on the link below.

Data Verification Project. In May and June 2013, ASQA will be asking all VET and CRICOS providers to assist with the verification of data which ASQA holds about them. Click on the link below for more information.

NSSC Communiqué 11 – April 2013

The NSSC has published Communiqué 11 which summarises the outcomes of its meeting held in Melbourne on 17 April 2013. Highlights are:
The NSSC acknowledged the consultation activity that had been completed for its Position Paper, Improving vocational education and training – the case for a new system. This included over 30 face-to-face consultations with an estimated 450 people in attendance, plus 192 written submissions. The submissions are currently being analysed, with the outcomes to inform the NSSC’s position on reforms to the current standards for the regulation of VET. A special meeting of the NSSC is scheduled to be held in Melbourne on 8 May 2013 to consider this analysis and finalise the NSSC’s position that will be proposed to the Standing Council on Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment at its meeting on 7 June 2013.
The NSSC is continuing to monitor the implementation of the Standards for Training Packages. A current focus is the process for Training Package qualifications meeting the Australian Qualifications Framework specifications for qualification type (Standard 8 of the Standards for Training Packages), and the ongoing dialogue with key stakeholders in relation to equivalency status for qualifications and units and coding requirements during transition.
The NSSC received an update from the Commonwealth on the progress of the total VET activity and Unique Student Identifier initiatives, particularly the outcomes of recent consultations with stakeholders. No further information was provided in the Communiqué.Access the Communiqué at the link below.

New fees for VRQA regulatory activity

The new fees for VRQA regulatory activities were approved by Ministerial Order 615 and took effect on 1 January 2013. VET fees and charges have generally increased in recognition of the VRQA costs of regulation and will progressively increase until 1 January 2016 consistent with the Victorian government’s policy guidelines on cost recovery. Click on link below to go to the Fees page on the VRQA website.

Victorian government statement of expectations of RTOs

The Victorian government has published a “statement of expectations” of private RTOs contracted to deliver government-subsidised training under the Victorian Training Guarantee. The government says the statement explains what is expected of contracted providers in service provision and business practice in terms of responsibilities and ethical behaviours. Click on link below to go to read more.

Training Package News

Recent Training Package endorsements/ updates

  • PUA12 Public Safety, version 2.1, released on 2/05/2013
  • TLI10 Transport and Logistics, version 3.0, released on 21/04/2013
  • MTM11 Australian Meat Industry, version 4.0, released on 20/04/2013
  • ICP10 Printing and Graphic Arts    , version 2.1, released on 13/04/2013
  • BSB07 Business Services, version 8.1, released on 13/04/2013
  • MSA07 Manufacturing, version      8.2, released on 5/04/2013
  • SFI11 Seafood Industry, version   1.1, released on 29/03/2013
  • MEM05 Metal and Engineering, version   9.1, released on 20/03/2013

For details of release information go to

Events, Resources & Funding News

Expressions of interest for skills assessment services – Closing 24 May 2013

Trades Recognition Australia (TRA) of the Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education is seeking RTOs with established quality offshore operations to conduct Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) skills assessments for a range of occupations and countries for persons applying for permanent skilled migration. Find out more at the following link:

Australian apprenticeship & traineeship updates

Click on the links below to view the Australian Apprenticeship Updates, showing qualifications recently implemented in WA, QLD, NT, ACT, SA, TAS and NSW.

Australian Training Awards – Closing 31 May 2013

The Australian Training Awards are the peak, national awards for the VET sector, recognising organisations, training providers and individuals for their contribution to skilling Australia. Direct entries for a range of award categories close on 31 May 2013. To find out more, visit the Australian Training Awards website at the following link:

DFEEST releases Funded Training List 5.0

Following consultation with key stakeholders, the South Australian State Government is making changes to courses funded under Skills for All, to ensure training continues to meet industry needs, links to jobs, and supports the State’s strategic priorities. Click on the link below to access the Funded Training List Release 5.0:

MSA resources for foundation skills

A couple of new downloadable resources on the Manufacturing Skills Australia website may be of interest. A resource titled Putting the Jigsaw Together provides a series of tool kits to support VET trainers with practical strategies to assist apprentices to develop their numeracy skills. A resource titled Making the Connections is focussed on using the Foundation Skills Training Package to integrate language, literacy and numeracy into training. The resource is presented as a professional development workshop for delivery within an RTO. Click on the link below to access the resources.

SIT12 V1 implementation workshops

Click on the link below to find out about the upcoming implementation workshops for SIT12 Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Training Package.

NCVER 2013 Webinar Series

NCVER will host a series of webinars throughout 2013. These one-hour presentations are free to attend and will showcase recent research on a variety of topics. Click on the link below to find out more.

NCVER ‘No Frills’ Conference

Registrations are now open for the 22nd National Vocational Education and Training Research Conference ‘No Frills’ in Mooloolaba, Queensland from 10-12 July 2013. Click on the link below to find out more.

ACPET National Conference

The 2013 Australian Council for Private Education and Training (ACPET) national conference theme is VET and Higher Education: the future is in the private sector. The conference will be reflecting the increasing importance of private providers and the challenges they face. The conference will be held in Adelaide, South Australia on 29 and 30 August 2013. Click on the link below to find out more.

SkillsDMC 2013 Annual Conference

Online registration is now open for the SkillsDMC 2013 Annual Conference, which will be held at The Westin Hotel, Sydney on Wednesday, 7th August, 2013. Click on the link below to find out more.

WA Training Providers Forum 2013

The Training Providers Forum is a two day conference and exhibition aimed at all those involved in workforce development and the delivery of training. The forum will include the latest news and updates on training and workforce development, and showcase examples of innovation and good practice. The forum will be held at Crown Perth on 17 and 18 June 2013. Click on the link below to find out more.

Recent VET publications

Future focus: 2013 National Workforce Development Strategy Australian Workforce and Productivity Agency.

Future focus, 2013 National Workforce Development Strategy is the Australian Workforce and Productivity Agency’s second National Workforce Development Strategy. The 2013 strategy details how Australia can position itself for growth in the Asian century, in a competitive global environment, where technology and patterns of work are rapidly changing.

VET Quality Report Industry Skills Councils

Industry Skills Councils (ISCs) have recently undertaken a project with support from the National Skills Standards Council (NSSC) and the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE). The project aimed to identify whether greater specification of training delivery and assessment requirements within individual qualifications and/or units of competency would improve the quality of Training Package outcomes. The project report identifies a series of measures that could be applied to qualifications or units of competency where there is a high risk of poor quality delivery and assessment.

E-scan 2013 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council

Launched on 20 March 2013, IBSA’s Escan 2013 presents analysis of the prevailing factors influencing workforce development and skills demand.

E-scan 2013 Transport and Logistics Industry Skills Council

The E-Scan presents the most up-to-date advice on the workforce planning and development needs for the Transport and Logistics Industry.

Automotive Environmental Scan 2013 Auto Skills Australia

Auto Skills Australia has released the 2013 Automotive Environmental Scan (E-scan). The E-scan is a report on the current state of the automotive industry in Australia.

Vocational education, Indigenous students and the choice of pathways NCVER – Susan Bandias, Don Fuller, Steven Larkin

This report looks at the pathways Indigenous students in the Northern Territory take between VET and higher education. The study explores the perspectives of students studying at higher-level VET and higher education qualifications, and aims to gain an understanding of the pathways adopted by Indigenous students, as well as their motivations to study, and their experiences while studying.

Barriers and facilitators affecting course completions by apprentices and trainees with disabilities NCVER – Errol Cocks, Stian H Thoresen

Apprenticeships and traineeships are useful pathways for people with a disability to obtain a qualification and gain employment. Based on a three-year program of research, this report explores the barriers and facilitators of course completion reported by students with a disability who have completed an apprenticeship or traineeship.

Other News of Interest

Ministerial appointments following the resignation of Chris Bowen

It’s fairly old news now, but just in case you missed it, Craig Emerson has added Tertiary Education, Skills, Science and Research to his ministerial responsibilities for trade, competitiveness and Asian Century policy. He will be supported by Sharon Bird as Minister for Higher Education and Skills.

Call for RTOs to update information on My Skills

The Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIICCSRTE) is inviting registered training organisations to submit or update their information on the My Skills website. The My Skills website has now been updated to display customised information including campus locations, currently offered courses and campus facilities and services. An RTO can update information at any time, through its My Skills Data Collection Portal. Access the My Skills website at the following link:

TAFE Queensland Inc

As recommended in the Roche report on Queensland TAFE, the Newman government has introduced legislation to create a new TAFE Queensland as an independent statutory body. Minister for Education, Training and Employment, John-Paul Langbroek, said the new parent entity will come into being on 1 July 2013 to manage Queensland’s 13 TAFE institutes. Read more at the following link:

New TAFE board chairs for Victorian TAFEs

Victorian minister for skills Peter Hall has announced the chairs of Victoria’s 14 TAFE institute boards. Click below for a list of the new chairs and a link to their profiles.

IBSA launches VET Community site

The 19th April saw the official launch of the IBSA VET Community. This site has been designed specifically for VET professionals to provide a space to connect and share with others in the industry. In addition to specialised groups, IBSA will be hosting regular featured discussions, covering a range topics. You’ll find the new site at the link below.

Strengthened security for accessing State Training Services (STS)

From the end of June 2013, STS is introducing a new login method for RTOs to access its secure websites. RTOs wishing to conduct business with STS will be required to obtain an AUSkey in order to access the relevant secure pages. Find out more at the link below.

Commonwealth funding for dual sector university

The Commonwealth government has announced that it has approved funding of $73.8 million towards the proposed merger of Central Queensland University (CQU) and Central Queensland Institute of TAFE (CQIT) to create Queensland’s first (and Australia’s sixth) dual sector university. Find out more at the link below.

The news articles presented in this edition of VET News have been researched and prepared by Anne Maree Newbery. Thanks Anne Maree, you are a champion!

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