Newbery Consulting VET News – 14th July 2021

Hello and welcome to VET News,

I would like to open by saying thank you to all of those people who have written to provide feedback to our article we posted last month about Observation Assessment (click). We have received an overwhelming positive response and it just goes to show the need in the sector for straight forward guidance on topics such as assessment. Thank you and we will keep producing articles to target these areas of VET which are most important. We are also happy to receive any suggestions for future articles.

A good round up of the news this week. Check out the inaugural skills priority list which has been released this week. This list is used by government to direct priorities for funding and is an important reference for providers looking for opportunities to grow.

Finally, a big shout out to all of our clients dealing with the recent lockdown in Sydney. Most seem to have adapted very quickly this time around or are using the time to catch-up on admin, compliance or development. Hopefully we will be through this outbreak soon. We all wish you well.

Good training,

Joe Newbery

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Compliance & Regulatory News

Provider Roundtable Communiqué

The Roundtable discussed feedback on ASQA’s implementation of regulatory reforms and the ASQA Performance Framework. The overall Performance Framework is being redeveloped to reflect its newly articulated purpose, strategic deliverables and planning for the next four years. The Performance Framework, featured in ASQA’s annual Corporate Plan, guides the agency’s performance measurement, assessment and reporting against its purpose. Roundtable Members discussed the current Performance Framework and an associated set of survey questions intended for completion by providers and course owners.

Read more.

Requests for information during a performance assessment

Quality Assessors have been asked about the new process of information collection during a performance assessment (audit). ASQA is seeking to consider a broader range of evidence about how the provider’s systems and practices ensure delivery of high-quality VET informed by feedback from students and industry and in line with relevant policies and legislative obligations. ASQA will request information about your organisation in a staged approach, to properly assess the information as it comes in and determine what additional material may be required.

Read more.

Other VET News

Inaugural Skills Priority List Launched 

The National Skills Commission (NSC) has responsibility for regularly reviewing the national skills needs of Australia and producing a Skills Priority List (SPL). The SPL provides a current labour market rating and a future demand rating for occupations nationally. Launched this week, the SPL includes nearly 800 occupations and aims to help governments, industry and education providers understand Australia’s skills needs and shortages now and into the future.

Read more.

Energising Tasmania now supporting more than 100 qualifications

The Energising Tasmania Training Fund is now supporting more than 100 qualifications that will provide key staff to support Tasmania’s clean, green energy future. The fund supports workers to access fee-free qualifications and apprenticeships/traineeships with an additional $1 000 per learner also available to pay for non-tuition costs associated with their learning. The current round of applications remains open to Endorsed Registered Training Organisations until Friday, 27 August 2021 or until all funds are fully allocated.

Read more. 

Articles and Papers

Apprentices and trainees 2020: December quarter

The most recent data on apprentice and trainee training activity shows that commencements for the December quarter 2020 increased by 141.5% compared with the December quarter 2019. The total number of apprentices and trainees in-training as at 31 December 2020 was 297 920, an increase of 13.9% from 31 December 2019. The steep increase coincides with the introduction of the Australian Government’s Boosting Apprenticeship Commencements wage subsidy, which reimburses 50 per cent of the wages employers pay a new or recommencing apprentice or trainee for a 12-month period from the date of commencement, to a maximum of $7000 per quarter. The subsidy is available to employers who meet eligibility requirements.

Read more.

Labour Market Trend Updates

June 2021 Vacancy Report (Preliminary)

Job advertisements fell 0.5% (or 1,200 job advertisements) in June 2021 to stand at 241,900. This is the first month-on-month fall in national recruitment activity since job advertisements started recovering from the COVID-19 low point observed in April 2020. Despite the decline observed over the month, recruitment activity in June 2021 remains well above the levels observed at the same time last year, up by 96.3% (118,700 job advertisements).

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Employers’ Recruitment Insights

In June 2021, some 49% of employers were recruiting or had recruited in the past month. This is a two percentage point drop from the proportion recorded in May 2021 (51%). The proportion of recruiting employers who reported recruitment difficulty continued to fall, to 50% in June 2021, down from 53% in May 2021 and 54% in April 2021. In June 2021, 20% of employers expected to increase their staffing levels over the next 3 months, slightly lower than the 21% recorded in May 2021.


Training Package Updates

Training Package Updates

The following training packages have been updated on

  • CUA: Creative Arts and Culture
    Revised 9th July 2021.
  • FNS: Financial Services
    Revised 9th July 2021.
  • HLT: Health
    Revised 2nd July 2021.
ASQA approves extended transition period for BSB42315 Certificate IV in Environmental Management and Sustainability

ASQA has recently approved an extended transition period for BSB42315 Certificate IV in Environmental Management and Sustainability. The extended training, assessment and certification issuance period for this qualification ends on 1 December 2022.

Read more.


Business Opportunities / ATMs

Agency: Department of Finance
Category: 86000000 – Education and Training Services

Description: The Review of the Parliamentary Workplace: Responding to Serious Incidents has been completed and a consultation copy report released. The review proposed a new framework for dealing with serious incidents. The three key areas are a trauma informed support system, an independent complaints mechanism and a face-to-face tailored workplace education program.

Read more.

AusTender materials are released by the Department of Finance. AusTender materials are subject to change and should be verified on the AusTender website to ensure the information is up to date and correct:

Upcoming Events

World Youth Skills Day 2021: Reimagining Youth Skills Post-Pandemic
Date: Thursday, 15 July 2021
Time: 11:00 am to 12:30pm EDT

The World Youth Skills Day 2021 will celebrate the resilience and creativity of youth through the crisis. Participants will take stock of how TVET systems have adapted to the pandemic and recession, think of how those systems can participate in the recovery, and imagine priorities they should adopt for the post-COVID-19-world.

To register, click here.

Webinar: Spotlight On assessment validation
Date: Thursday 15 July 2021
Time: 2pm AEST
Duration: 1 hour

Series 2 of Spotlight On, provides a focus on how to conduct assessment validation and the importance and benefits to your training.
Assessment validation is a key tool for providers seeking to get the best results from training and assessment systems.

The webinar will be available to stream following the session. For further information, please click here.

To Register, click here.

National Skills Week
Date: 23rd – 29th August 2021

National Skills Week is an initiative of SkillsOne, who will be driving the initiative working with government and stakeholders to achieve unique and beneficial outcomes, accompanied and supported by unprecedented media coverage. It is a great opportunity to promote your business or organisation and the contribution you make to the skills, trades and VET sector.

To register, click here.


RTO Data Cloud

The complete software package for Registered Training Organisations.

Newbery Consulting has been supplying student management software for over 10 years. A cloud based RTO student management system that provides RTOs the capability to manage their training operation and meet all national and State reporting and compliance obligations. It would be our pleasure to offer you access as a trial user and you can evaluate the system capabilities for yourself.

Don’t continue to pay too much for cloud based AVETMISS software. Have the flexibility to only paying for your additional users as you need them on a flat daily cost of only $2.00 per day. Set up your online enrolments and customise your certificates at no extra cost. Need to manage your CRICOS and State funded enrolments, no problems. Get in contact with the team at Newbery Consulting today and request to be set up as a trial user.

Visit RTO Data Cloud for further information.

Copyright © Newbery Consulting 2021, All rights reserved.

This publication was researched and prepared by Newbery Consulting.

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