Newbery Consulting VET News

14th October 2021

Hello and welcome to VET News,

Wow, after a couple of months of slow news, things seem to be picking up which is great. Two items that I note in this edition:

  • ASQA Publishes scoping study on VET in schools. This focus by the National Regulator is highly warranted and overdue. There are some great providers in this space but, this area of the VET sector also suffers from a disproportionate level of non-compliance including an overly commercialised approach which is often inconsistent with the norms of public education. There are different funding models in all States, different implementation requirements in each State, we often see Secondary Teachers who have little vocational experience in the skills they delivering, inappropriate use of RPL for teachers to get them qualified to deliver and very poor third party monitoring of the schools who are left to deliver and assess on the RTO’s behalf. I think this is a great initiative and shouldn’t worry the good quality providers.
  •  NCVER Review of employment-based training. This is a great piece of work from the NCVER worth reading. We often are providing advice to clients about how to structure and administer on-the-job training which has increased in significance when clients are relying on the on-the-job training hours as part of their overall volume of learning. This review explores alternative approaches to employment-based training including cadetships and internships, higher apprenticeships, and on-the-job structured training such as mentoring. I strongly recommend it for all those who are overseeing the delivery of training programs which already includes or could include on-the-job training.

Ok, we have an exciting announcement this week. We have finally launched our Newbery RTO Compliance Quiz. If you consider yourself a guru in RTO compliance or want to test your knowledge, it’s time to put yourself to the test and take the Newbery Compliance Quiz. This 10 question quiz will be refreshed on a regular basis with new random questions drawn from a bank of over 200 questions and growing. Test your knowledge and understanding of RTO compliance. The quiz is time limited and you have only 5 minutes to complete the quiz. Those who demonstrate “Guru Status” will receive an electronic certificate which can be printed and proudly displayed! You can access the Newbery RTO Compliance Quiz at the following link and I will let you know in VET News when the quiz is updated with new questions. Good luck. Click Here.

Good training,

Joe Newbery

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Compliance & Regulatory News

Amendments to the ESOS Act effective 27 September 2021

Recent amendments to the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (ESOS Act) have replaced existing legislation around monitoring, investigation, and enforcement. ASQA’s regulation of training providers will remain the same, with a commitment to best practice regulation to ensure quality outcomes and integrity in VET and ELICOS training. The regulatory implications for training providers are minor, however some changes include:

  • the ways a penalty amount is calculated for an infringement notice
  • allowances for person(s) to assist an Authorised Officer, and therefore exercise powers and use reasonable force in relation to things as required
  • broadening of the definition of evidential material, aligning it more closely to the definition contained in the NVR Act.

Read more.

ASQA publishes scoping study on VET in schools

To provide an overview of the current delivery of VET delivered to secondary school students (VETDSSS) ASQA has published VET delivered to secondary school students scoping study. The study investigates the quality of VET delivered to secondary school students and will inform ASQA’s regulatory approach to ensure confidence in the integrity of VETDSSS qualifications.

Read more.

Other VET News

Focus on Quality: TAC Regulatory Strategy 2021-2023

The TAC has released its Focus on Quality: TAC Regulatory Strategy 2021-2023 informing RTOs and VET stakeholders about the specific focus areas the Council has identified as posing the highest risk to the quality of VET and the regulatory actions to monitor and minimise those risks over the next two years. During 2021-2023, the Council will:

  • continue to provide an education program that supports RTO business improvement and compliance practices; and
  • focus regulatory activity on areas deemed to pose a risk to quality training outcomes. The focus areas are categorised under two main headings – Standards for RTOs and Training Products.

Read more.

Return to Vocational Education and Training (VET) Guidelines

The Return to VET Guideline supports the safe, phased return of face to face training for the VET sector.
The guidelines provide a structure for the return to face-to-face training delivery for registered training organisations (RTOs), TAFE, community colleges, group training organisations (GTOs), learners and employers. The Guidelines provide clarity and flexibility to manage the needs of different local government areas in response to changes in health advice.


Articles and Papers

Review of employment-based training models

Employment-based training (EBT) is training for paid employees within a work setting, related to their role, and provided or supported by employers. The report explores alternative approaches to employment-based training including cadetships and internships, higher apprenticeships, and on-the-job structured training such as mentoring and their implications for VET content and delivery. It draws on international and Australian literature, supplemented by interviews with employers in the social assistance, construction and information technology industries.

Read the report here.

New findings from the Recruitment Experiences and Outlook Survey

The National Skills Commission have released two reports with findings from the Recruitment Experiences and Outlook Survey (REOS).  In summary, the Impacts of COVID-19 on businesses has reported an increase in the proportion of businesses affected ‘a great deal’ by COVID-19 in July 2021 compared with June 2021, although it remains well below the proportion recorded in the early stages of the pandemic in April 2020.
The Employers perspectives on recruitment difficulty report has outlined that higher skilled occupations have generally been more difficult to recruit for across Australia, compared with lower skilled occupations. However, Hospitality Workers, a lower skilled occupation that has historically not experienced considerable recruitment difficulty, has been among the most difficult occupation groups to recruit for.

Read more.

Australian Jobs

Australian Jobs gives an overview of trends in the Australian labour market. It is designed to support students, career advisers, job seekers, those considering future training and work and people interested in labour market issues.

This publication provides a comprehensive analysis outlining employment opportunities across industries and occupations. It also provides a step-by-step process on how to find a job. From where vacancies are located, to what employers are looking for, demonstrating how formal education can help you achieve career goals and outlining what government programs are available to assist you.

Read more.

Labour Market Trend Updates

September 2021 preliminary Internet Vacancy Index results

Recruitment activity increased across five states and the Northern Territory during September 2021. New South Wales recorded the largest increase in job ads, up by 10,400 (16.7%). This increase may reflect greater business confidence as the State approaches vaccination targets that will see restrictions progressively eased and also parts of the State emerging from lockdown in September. The level of recruitment activity nationally remains significantly elevated compared to pre-COVID-19 levels, up by 36.2%.

Read more.

Training Package Updates

Training Package Updates

The following training packages have been updated on

  • CSC: Correctional Services 
    Revised 22nd September 2021.
ASQA approves extended transition period for 52707WA Graduate Diploma of Dermal Therapies & 52709WA Graduate Diploma of Cosmetic Nursing

ASQA has recently approved an extended transition period for 52707WA Graduate Diploma of Dermal Therapies & 52709WA Graduate Diploma of Cosmetic Nursing. The extended training, assessment and certification issuance period for this qualification ends on 30 May 2022.

Read more.

ASQA approves extended transition period for CPC30318 Certificate III in Concreting

ASQA has recently approved an extended transition period for CPC30318 Certificate III in Concreting. The extended training, assessment and certification issuance period for this qualification ends on 27 November 2022.

Read more.

Upcoming Events

Understanding Performance Assessments
Thursday 21 October 2021 , 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM AEDTThe session will feature new segments detailing each stage of our performance assessment process including:
1. what happens before a performance assessment
2. what happens during a performance assessment
3. our increased focus on continuous improvement and self-assurance
4. what happens after a performance assessmentRegister here.
2021 joint Cedefop / OECD symposium
Apprenticeships for greener economies and societies
21st October 2021, 6:30PM PM AEST

OnlineThe symposium will bring together policy-makers, practitioners and researchers from around the world to explore the links between apprenticeships and the transition towards greener economies and societies, as well as the implications for policy-making.Register here.


Business Opportunities / ATMs

Agency: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Category: 86000000 – Education and Training Services

Description: Refer to the Statement of Requirement of the Request for Tender

Read more.

AusTender materials are released by the Department of Finance. AusTender materials are subject to change and should be verified on the AusTender website to ensure the information is up to date and correct:

Business Opportunities / ATMs

ATM ID: Health/E21-79265
Agency: Department of Health
Category: 86000000 – Education and Training Services

Description: The Skills Development Program for Aged Care Staff (the program) is part of the Enhancing Nursing Skills and Leadership Capability in Aged Care 2020–21 budget measure. The program aims to provide direct care staff with access to training to ensure they have up-to-date skills to deliver quality care.

Read more.

AusTender materials are released by the Department of Finance. AusTender materials are subject to change and should be verified on the AusTender website to ensure the information is up to date and correct:


RTO Data Cloud

The complete software package for Registered Training Organisations.

Newbery Consulting has been supplying student management software for over 10 years. A cloud based RTO student management system that provides RTOs the capability to manage their training operation and meet all national and State reporting and compliance obligations. It would be our pleasure to offer you access as a trial user and you can evaluate the system capabilities for yourself.

Don’t continue to pay too much for cloud based AVETMISS software. Have the flexibility to only paying for your additional users as you need them on a flat daily cost of only $2.00 per day. Set up your online enrolments and customise your certificates at no extra cost. Need to manage your CRICOS and State funded enrolments, no problems. Get in contact with the team at Newbery Consulting today and request to be set up as a trial user.

Visit RTO Data Cloud for further information.

Copyright © Newbery Consulting 2021, All rights reserved.This publication was researched and prepared by Newbery Consulting.

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