VET News – 31st January 2017

Hello and welcome to VET News

I hope you are all well. This month’s news is packed full of interesting items. I am amazed at the constant notifications of cancellations from ASQA. Last month there were 6-7 and this month we have that number again. I am also getting an increased number of enquiries from RTOs who have received that deeded letter of notification to impose sanctions. My typical response to these enquiries is that you are contacting us at the wrong end of the process. Prevention is better than the cure. I am seeing these notifications resulting from addition to scope applications, monitoring audits, complaint investigations and renewal of registration applications.

I think the point to take away from all this is, there is no better time to get your house in order than now. Don’t take a risk and submit that addition to scope application unless you are ready to go and before you are exposed to a regulatory audit, get another set of eyes to look at your level of compliance. There is just no need to be the recipient of one of these letters if you stay on top of your compliance.


A couple of months ago, I made mention of a new webinar service we are launching this year. Well, we have arrived! Commencing this coming Friday, yes, this Friday, we will deliver our first of what will be a weekly webinar event. The webinars are specifically targeted at those responsible in the RTO for compliance and also at trainers and assessors. There will be a blend of topics which focus on compliance with the standards for RTOs and on best practices of training and assessment. The details are all available on our website. Participants will receive a certificate of participation as well as various digital resources relevant to the session. The details are also provided at the bottom of this addition of VET news.

Good Training

Joe Newbery

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Compliance & Regulatory News

ASQA update

Regulatory decisions update

ASQA provided notification of its regulatory decisions to cancel the registration of the following RTOs:

  • Sage Academy Training Pty Ltd (RTO ID 41505)
  • Premier Training Institute Pty Ltd (RTO ID 41414) trading as Premier Training Institute and
  • Safety and First Aid Education Pty Ltd (RTO ID 32422)
  • Conwal and Associates Pty Ltd (RTO number 31190)
  • Online Courses Australia Pty Ltd (RTO number 32080)
  • Australian Vocational Learning Institute (AVLI, RTO number 21289)
  • Smart City Vocational College Pty Ltd (SCVC, RTO ID 6494)

ASQA’s decisions will take effect unless the provider seeks a review of ASQA’s decision in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT).


Annual Declaration on Compliance and the use of External Service Providers
ASQA has issued a notice to alert RTOs that some VET consulting companies (not us!!) have been contacting RTOs and offering to conduct an assessment of compliance to inform the RTOs declaration. ASQA makes it clear that this is not a requirement and the responsibility to make the annual declaration cannot be delegated.READ MORE>>
Register now for ASQA’s 2017 Training Provider Briefings
ASQA has announced it will host its annual Training Provider Briefing Sessions across Australia from late April. A total of 24 sessions will be held in 13 locations across Australia. ASQA will also host three online sessions to ensure that all providers, including those from rural areas, can attend. These sessions are usually very good so they are worth attending if you are available.READ MORE>>

NCVER update

2016: key messages from our research
Research messages 2016 is an easy-to-read summary of all research produced by NCVER in the past year. It showcases research that is far-sighted, tests new ideas, and illuminates best policy and practice across the following themes:

  • The place and role of VET
  • Participation and outcomes
  • Skills and productivity.

To find out more about how NCVER is tracking against our research priorities, take a look at Research prospectus: snapshot on progress.


NCVER – VOCEDplus – Poslet: Assessment
You absolutely have to check this out. The NCVER have compiled a site where they have presented all the notable research and valuable articles on one very important topic – Assessment. This is seriously good and highly recommended.READ MORE>>
NCVER Webinar – Graduate Outcome for VET: the missing piece of the TVA puzzle
In 2016, Australia’s survey of VET students expanded to include all graduates; including for the first time those who paid for their own training. This webinar will provide an overview of the National Student Outcomes Survey,READ MORE>>

TAC Regulatory Reform

Changes to TAC Regulatory Processes Effective 1 March 2017
From 1 March 2017, if an RTO is non-compliant at an audit with significant or critical levels of non-compliance, TAC will find that the RTO is non-compliant, and propose to reject (for applications) or, propose to sanction the RTO; and provide the applicant/RTO with 20 working days to respond to the Council’s proposal and provide any supporting evidence for review.


Training Package News

TGA updates

Training package changes
This section will return next month. We have needed to resubscribe to all of the training packages again. Watch this space and we will be back next month. 🙂

Other VET News

Australian apprenticeship update

Australian Apprenticeships Ambassadors program recognised by the United Nations
The Department of Education and Training’s Australian Apprenticeships Ambassadors Program, which recruits prominent Australians to promote apprenticeships and traineeships, has been recognised by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)READ MORE

From The Department

VET Performing Well in 2016 International Student Data
Annual survey data for 2016 International student Survey paint’s a very positive picture of the international student experience in Australia. The 2016 international Students Data shows a record 554,179 international students studying in Australia, an increase of 11 per cent on the previous year. More information is available on the International student data page.


Applications for additional courses from Listed and Not-for-profit providers are open
The Government will consider requests by Listed and Not-for-profit providers to include additional courses in the Courses and Caps Determination that are not currently on the published eligible course list. These courses will be approved on a provider-specific basis.


AISC Communique

AISC Communique 23 February 2017
AISC calls on IRC to carefully consider the synergies with other training packages which address similar skills outcomes to ensure no further duplication occurs.


National Skills Week

National Skills Week 2017 – August 28th – September 3rd, 2017
National Skills Week is the focal point for the promotion of Australia’s Vocational Education and Training sector (VET). Each year the week continues to celebrate and inform students and the wider public of the diversity and career pathways available through VET. The week, (August 28th – September 3rd, 2017) will communicate the emerging trends and new growth drivers connecting skills training with job outcomes.


Recent VET Publications

Developing and sustaining successful partnerships between employers and training providers – 14 March 2017

This good practice guide provides insights into developing and sustaining successful partnerships and identifies the potential benefits and challenges of these partnerships. It provides valuable information for both training providers and employers seeking to establish or strengthen a partnership arrangement.


Continuity and change: employers’ training practices and partnerships with training providers – 14 March 2017

This study provides a comprehensive picture of the way in which employers navigate the Australian training system and establish partnerships with registered training organisations. In terms of evolution over the last 20 years three key factors emerge:

  • While the take-up of nationally recognised training by employers has not increased substantially, this type of training is being used in different ways.
  • The nature of the partnerships between RTOs and employers has changed, from a relationship based on fee-for-service provision to one based on long-term mutual collaboration.
  • A change in the role of the training function and training staff in organisations has been observed.


The future of Australian apprenticeships: report of the stakeholder forum – 9 March 2017

The future of Australian apprenticeships stakeholder forum was hosted by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) in conjunction with the Australian Government Department of Education and Training in Canberra on 25 October, 2016.
The aims of the forum were to stimulate thinking and robust discussion on the future of apprenticeships in Australia and to identify the potential future activities and actions that would enable apprenticeships to continue to service industry workforce needs and contribute to national productivity and growth.


Research messages 2016 – 28 February 2017

This publication summarises the research into Australia’s vocational education and training (VET) sector published by NCVER during 2016. This edition has been expanded to include other relevant and informative resources, including summaries, infographics and statistical papers.


Newbery Announcements

17 Mar 2017 – Understanding Volume of Learning and TAS requirements

The elephant in the room in this clause is the volume of learning and understanding how it impacts on the course model. This session will explain the best way to describe volume of learning in the strategy. It will also provide participants with a clear understanding of how to prepare your training and assessment strategy not only to support your delivery but to be compliant at your next regulatory audit.


24 Mar 2017 – Plan assessment activities and processes

Assessment is the core business of an RTO. This webinar will be a refresher for all assessors in how they should plan to conduct assessment and to apply the assessment process. The webinar will cover determining the approach for assessment and preparing the assessment plan. The development of assessment instruments will also be discussed as well as approaches to contextualising the assessment to the candidate or workplace.


31 Mar 2017 – Conducting assessment validation

This webinar focuses on Clause 1.9, 1.10 and 1.11 of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations. These clauses relate to the requirements for assessment validation including the need to have an assessment validation plan, meet minimum validation benchmarks and to conduct it in a way that ensures its validity and integrity.


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