Newbery Consulting VET News – 18th November 2020

Hello and welcome to VET News,

Can you believe that it is only five weeks to Christmas? Let’s bring on 2021 and hope for a better year than 2020. As usual there is lots happening this time of year, particularly in the news. I would draw your attention to a great resource released by the national regulator providing some practical tips to undertaking training and assessment in the workplace and a simulated environment. This type of information is invaluable for providers and will hopefully inform not only better-quality training but hopefully more consistent compliance outcomes. There is a news article below with links to the resource.

There are some interesting things happening around the country at the moment in regard to regulation. A client received an email a couple of weeks ago in response to an application for initial registration. The email informed the client that ASQA was currently experiencing an “unforeseen spike in initial registration applications” and this will lead to unavoidable delays. This certainly corresponds with our experience as well with an increased level of enquiry and businesses seeking to enter the training market. I am not completely sure if this is just a result of the inevitable transition and turbulence caused by COVID or a new resurgence of training providers. Time will tell but, ASQA seems to be keeping up with the workload at the moment with no obvious delay in the handling of applications. Go ASQA!

One thing that I did want to share is something that I have noticed very recently during our client audits. Not sure if this is a trend yet or simply an anomaly that occurred in a number of recent audits. I have seen two separate audit reports recently which included in the scope of the audit clauses 1.9 to 1.11. This obviously focuses on assessment validation and it is the first time that I have seen assessment validation audited since about 2017. I have always thought it was strange that the regulator does not audit the RTO’s conduct of assessment validation as this is really a key mechanism to improving quality assessment in the RTO. Both of these audits came out of the Melbourne office, so it is quite possible that they are simply operating to their own rulebook. It will be interesting to see if this trend continues and particularly out of other regional offices. I suppose the take-home message for everyone is make sure that you are implementing your assessment validation plans.

I just want to give a quick shout out to our software support team. They have been doing an amazing job in supporting our current clients on RTO Data Cloud and the ongoing development that is occurring not only in the learning management system but also responding to our client feature requests. These guys do amazing work and are continually looking to improve the services they deliver. I really appreciate their effort every day and are very lucky to have such a great team.

Good training,

Joe Newbery

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Compliance & Regulatory News

Extended regulatory timeframes over the end-of-year period (December 2020 – January 2021)

ASQA is extending timeframes for RTOs to respond to regulatory decisions. During this period, RTOs will be given additional time in which to respond to a decision notice or to make an application for review of a decision. The extended date for action will be clearly stated on the notice ASQA issues.

New resources available for Training and assessment in the workplace

To help providers interpret training package requirements and understand where flexibility exists to provide training or assessment in simulated environments, ASQA has developed video guidance, examples, and some advice tips.

The Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) Emergency Response Sub-Committee has also released a statement providing advice about mandatory workplace requirements, with specific updates about the existing flexibilities in some training packages.

For further information, click here.

ASQA approves extended transition period for UEE11 Electrotechnology Training Package Release 2.0

ASQA has recently approved an extended transition period for the superseded qualifications and superseded and deleted units of competency in UEE11 Electrotechnology Training Package Release 2.0. The extended training, assessment and certification issuance period for these training products ends on 5 October 2022.

Read more.

ASQA approves extended transition period for AHC31316 Certificate III in Sports Turf Management

ASQA has recently approved an extended transition period for AHC31316 Certificate III in Sports Turf Management. The extended training, assessment and certification issuance period for this qualification ends on 20 December 2021.

Read more.

Other VET News

Local recovery fund open for local jobs pathways

The Local Recovery Fund is now open for 25 select regions experiencing high unemployment to develop local and tailored projects, to help Australians get back into work and assist communities recover from the economic impact of COVID-19.

Applications are now open for local groups and organisations to apply to receive funding ranging from $10,000 to $200,000, to develop projects, including mentoring, training and reskilling, in line with local employment needs. Applications for the Local Recovery Fund will open from 3 November with funding available from mid-December 2020.

For further information, click here.

AISC Emergency Response Sub-Committee endorses a further two new Skill Sets

The AISC Emergency Response Sub-Committee has endorsed a further two new skills sets under the Critical Skills for Recovery work. These skill sets are designed to respond to changes in skills needs arising from COVID-19 and include:

  • TAESS00018 Deliver E-Learning Skill Set: This skill set will address the rapid need for upskilling among learning organisations in light of COVID-19 by assisting both teachers and trainers across educational organisations to deliver in online and remote learning environments.
  • SIRSS00022 Manage disrespectful, aggressive or abusive customers: This skill set will provide students with strategies for managing and addressing their own mental well-being, while identifying and dealing with potentially volatile situations and customers in their workplace.

USI Registry System is now available

Higher Education Providers and Tertiary Admission Centres can access the USI Registry System by:

  • integrating USI web services with Student Management Systems.
  • accessing the USI Organisation Portal.

To request the USI Check Character Algorithm that can be used to configure USI fields within higher education systems and forms, complete this form.

Read more.

Articles and Papers

Food and Pharmaceutical Production Industry Statistics

This paper provides high-level information and data on the Food and Pharmaceutical Production industry cluster, including information on employment levels and trends, training activity and priority skills. It shows that employment levels in Food Product Manufacturing have decreased overall between 2000 and 2020, however, it is projected to increase by 2024.

Read further.

Increasing women’s workforce participation with Career Revive

The Australian Government’s Career Revive pilot initiative, aims to increase women’s workforce participation by supporting businesses to attract and retain women returning to work after a career break. This includes reviewing the physical workplace, as well as processes, policies and their workplace culture to identify potential barriers. Career Revive engaged KPMG as business improvement consultants to offer guidance on how to improve the businesses practices and policies and develop a tailored action on attracting and retaining skilled women who’ve been out of the workforce for an extended period.

Read more.

Animal Care and Management Industry Statistics

This paper provides high level information and data on the Animal Care and Management industry, which can be described as having eight sub-sectors. It shows that employment levels for Veterinary Services and Parks and Gardens Operations have grown significantly since 2000 but are projected to decline by 2024 to roughly 28,300 and 17,500 respectively.

Read further.

Labour Market Trend Updates

Small Area Labour Markets (SALM), June Quarter 2020

SALM presents unemployment and the unemployment rate estimates at the Statistical Area 2 (SA2) and Local Government Area (LGA) level. The latest available estimates are for the June quarter 2020.

The June quarter 2020 SALM estimates have begun to reflect the significant negative impact that COVID-19 has had, and continues to have, on labour market conditions throughout Australia. The latest 2020 SALM estimates show that 64.4 per cent of SA2s recorded an increase in their unemployment rate over the year to the June quarter 2020.In the June quarter 2020, 53.6 per cent of SA2s recorded an unemployment rate of less than 5.0 per cent while 11.2 per cent of SA2s recorded an unemployment rate of 10.0 per cent or more. 

Read more.


Training Package & Qualification Updates

Training Package Updates

The following training packages have been updated on

  • MAR: Maritime Training Package
    Revised 27th October 2020.
  • TLI: Transport and Logistics Training Package
    Revised 27th October 2020.
  • TAE: Training and Education Training Package
    Revised 28th October 2020.
  • FNS: Financial Services Training Package
    Revised 4th November 2020.
  • AUR: Automotive Retail, Service and Repair Training Package
    Revised 13th November 2020.
  • PMA: Chemical, Hydrocarbons and Refining
    Revised 16th November 2020.
Australian Apprenticeships & Traineeships Qualification Update

Updates have been made to some Australian Apprenticeships and Traineeships Qualifications.


Upcoming Events

TAC Users Guide to the Standards for RTOs webinar
Date: 20 November 2020
Time: 10:30 – 11:30am WST

The Training Accreditation Council (TAC) has published its latest edition of the Users Guide to the Standards for RTOs (the Guide). This webinar focuses on the purpose and structure of the Guide and how it can be utilised. The Guide and workshop contain specific information to TAC’s policies and processes. 

Register here.

2020 VDC VIRTUAL Teaching & Learning Conference
Date: 19 November 2020 – 20 November 2020

The 2020 Conference program will consist of highly interactive concurrent workshops as well as high-profile keynote presentations on the theme of VET teaching and learning strategies for engaging with industry and learners.

Register here.

Support & Assistance

AATIS Launches Digital Information Sessions

In the months of November and December, AATIS is running online information sessions to introduce industry insiders into the broad range of AATIS services and resources, including the launch of several new products. The sessions are ideal for anyone working directly with employers, including staff from AASNs, GTOs, RTOs, employment services, and schools.

Register here.

TAC Fact Sheets

Fact Sheets provide training providers with more detailed information and guidance on the Standards for RTOs. The Training and Accreditation Council (TAC) have provided new and revised Fact Sheets on the following topics:


RTO Data Cloud

Newbery Consulting has been supplying student management software for over 10 years. A cloud based RTO student management system that provides RTOs the capability to manage their training operation and meet all national and State reporting and compliance obligations. It would be our pleasure to offer you access as a trial user and you can evaluate the system capabilities for yourself.

Don’t continue to pay too much for cloud based AVETMISS software. Have the flexibility to only paying for your additional users as you need them on a flat daily cost of only $2.00 per day. Set up your online enrolments and customise your certificates at no extra cost. Need to manage your CRICOS and State funded enrolments, no problems. Get in contact with the team at Newbery Consulting today and request to be set up as a trial user.

Read more.

Copyright © Newbery Consulting 2020, All rights reserved.This publication was researched and prepared by Newbery Consulting.

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