Tuesday 19th April 2024

Hello and welcome to VET News,


Firstly, to all of our loyal subscribers I would like to apologise for our absence over the last few months. A number of factors including staffing issues and work tempo led to the newsletter taking a back seat to other priorities. I can assure you that we are back on track and are returning to a normal schedule on a monthly news update aiming for the second week of the month. I am very luck to be assisted by the amazing Kate Waldron who coordinates our marketing. With Kate’s help we will keep you updated in our usual style.


Ok, lots happening as usual. Too many things to mention really. We have just posted our third and final (maybe) instalment of ASQAneese. I say maybe because as I point out in the article it is such a rapidly changing space and I am leaving the door open to the add update. Anyway, thank you to all those that have been sending me emails asking about this next instalment. I hope it is useful:


Speaking ASQAneese – Part 3


The long awaited report from the Parliamentary Inquiry into the Perceptions and Status of Vocational Education and Training has release their report titled “Shared vision, equal pathways”. There is a link below where you can access a copy of the report. As many of you know, we made a submission to the inquiry. The recommendations are significant and are potentially quite detrimental for the private training sector. I will unpack these and provide a summary in the next VET News.

The other item of significance is the passing of the Governments legislation to amend National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act. The impact of this legislation is significant. The more notable outcome announced by ASQA today include:

  • automatically lapsing the registration of registered training organisations (RTOs) that have not delivered training and assessment for 12 months
  • preventing new RTOs from expanding their scope of registration within the first 24 months of their registration
  • providing the Minister for Skills and Training with the power to direct ASQA to not accept or process initial applications for RTO registration for a period of up to 12 months
  • clarifying provisions relating to false and misleading advertising of an RTO’s operations
  • increasing maximum penalties by five times
  • extending the period for ASQA to conduct internal reviews to 120 days
  • allowing ASQA to consider the order in which to process initial applications for registration.


This will have a significant impact on many training providers and will no doubt create some turmoil over the next 12-24 months. Overall, it feels like the entire private training provider market is under attack at the moment. The Government may get satisfaction from an ideological perspective but the long term effects are likely to be reduced training quality, flexibility and choice, not to mention the damage to productivity in the economy. We seem to be at a turning point for the VET sector that is for sure. We will watch with interest.


Good training,

Joe Newbery

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