Newbery Consulting VET News – 22nd November 2022

Hello and welcome to VET News,

I hope you are all well. Before I launch into a bit of a rant, I just want to remind those who have not yet became aware that, the smart and skilled contract is currently open to new applications and it closes off in 8 days (5 pm, 30 Nov). This is a very rare opportunity to secure a contract to offer subsidised training to your students in NSW. If you have not previously looked at this, please do so today.

Now my rant. I know who our readers are of this newsletter, and I know how experienced you all are in the national VET sector. You may share my concern about the current quality of training being delivered out in the sector which seems to be occurring without sufficient oversight from the national regulator. I just want to give you a sense are some of the things that I see on a weekly basis. I see Certificate III in individual support courses being delivered to new industry entrants in 10 weeks part time and this includes 4 weeks of work placement. I see first aid courses being delivered in 4 hours without any skills training. I see highly practical qualifications being delivered online without any skills training. I see completely unqualified trainers teaching students and assessment being completed without any observation of the student’s performance, none! I see highly technical training courses with 5-7 units of competency being delivered in two days without any apparent performance assessment. It seriously is the wild west out there at the moment and it seems to be getting worse. Some RTOs are operating with total disregard to the standards with not the slightest shred of concern of being caught out.

What effect does all of this have on the training market? It creates an unfair and uneven market and the RTOs trying their best to operate according to the standards simply scratch their head in despair. With increasing operating costs, these RTOs are under pressure and the risk is, a race to the bottom. What is ASQA doing about this? Since the 2019-20 financial year, ASQA has reduced its performance monitoring of the sector by a whooping 68%. In 2019-20, they undertook 1128 compliance monitoring audits. In 2021-22, they undertook 356 performance assessments. Over the same period ASQA had a 16% increase in its total funding which went from $54.8 million to $63.6 million. You can check all of this out in their annual reports (click). Now, we appreciate the more friendly and helpful ASQA compared to the dark period of 2016-2019, but there needs to be a balance. This risk based approach might be targeted, but it is not providing systematic compliance monitoring. Now, ASQA would argue what a great job they are doing, but I dont care, you need to see what is happening on the ground.

It is very difficult to explain to my client how they need to tow the line when they know full well what their competitors are getting away with in broad daylight. ASQA needs to redirect some of their additional 8.8 million back to performance monitoring whilst being friendly and helpful. At an average cost per performance assessment of $12,000 that give you 733 additional performance assessments which gets us somewhere back to a systematic monitoring regime. If this doesn’t happen, we are going to see a significant loss of confidence in VET from the general public and the slow degradation of skills in industry. I know this sound dire but, the last thing we want is the wild west where the cop is not out there maintaining public order. Those of you who have invested to build a great business are having that opportunity stripped away by shonky operators who are charging next to nothing for rubish services. ASQA needs to wake up to this situation and get back on the beat.

Good training,

Joe Newbery

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Check-out our most recent Webinar on: Observation Assessment
Check-out our most recent Webinar on: Admin in Support of Compliance
Check-out our most recent article on: Competency Based Course Design

Compliance & Regulatory News

Regulatory decisions
Information for students of Inspire Education Pty Ltd (RTO 32067)The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) has cancelled the registration of Inspire Education Pty Ltd (RTO 32067), following liquidation of the company.Student records are available for courses or units which were recorded as complete before the company went into liquidation. See the details on the following page to find out more.Read More

Other VET News

Cyber incidents factsheet

Over recent months, there have been multiple cyber incidents affecting the community. These events may have impacted your students.
The Department of Education has released a valuable factsheet on their website, the Medibank Private cyber incident factsheet for international students. This factsheet outlines the resources and assistance international students can access during this difficult time.

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2021-2022 Annual Report 

The Student Identifiers Registrar 2021-2022  Annual Report is available to download.
In the Annual Report you’ll be able to read about:
highlights of the year
key statistics
performance against key performance indicators
the Registrar’s priorities for the coming year.

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Exemptions from the USI

As of January 1, 2023, all tertiary students studying in Australia or with an Australian provider must have a USI.
The process to apply for an exemption from having a USI is now open to both Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Higher Education students.

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Articles and Papers

Government funding of VET 2021
Statistical reportThe latest Government funding of VET report shows that Australian and state and territory governments spent $10.4 billion on VET in 2021, an increase of $2.9 billion or 38.6% from 2020.
The largest increase in expenditure was on employer assistance to engage in VET which totaled $3.7 billion in 2021, up by 155.7% when compared to 2020.Read More

Labour Market Trend Updates

High recruitment activity continues in October 2022

The National Skills Commission’s Recruitment Experiences and Outlook Survey suggests that the labour market remains tight in October 2022, with all key indicators either remaining steady or increasing slightly over the month.
Recruitment activity remains high, with 58% of employers recruiting in October 2022. This was the same proportion as last month, and 13 percentage points higher than a year ago.

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Training Package Updates

Quality Reforms – revising the Standards for RTOs 

Consultation is currently underway on draft changes to the Standards for Registered Training Organisations.
The revisions have been based on feedback from the sector, which identified several areas for improvement to support high-quality training delivery.

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TAE Training Product DevelopmentThe Case for Endorsement and accompanying documents have been submitted to the AISC for consideration and are awaiting approval until their meeting on 29 November 2022. Following this meeting the training products will await endorsement by Skills Ministers, before being released to in December 2022. The draft qualifications and units of competency are available for download now.

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Extended transition period: SIS30315 Certificate III in Fitness

ASQA has recently approved the extended transition request for SIS30315 Certificate III in Fitness to 30 September 2023 for ASQA regulated RTOs commencing delivery of the qualification to Year 11 students in 2022 as a VET in Schools program.

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Extended transition period: SIS50319 Diploma of Sport

ASQA has recently approved an extended transition period for the SIS50319 Diploma of Sport delivered by RTO 22503 SEDA Group Pty Ltd. only.

The extended training, assessment and certification issuance period for this qualification ends on 28 February 2023.

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8 Days Remaining! The Smart and Skilled program for 2023-24 and its application process

Applications are now open to join the Smart and Skilled program and will close 5pm, 30 November 2022. All existing and prospective Smart and Skilled providers need to apply as part of a new application process in 2023-24. The Smart and Skilled application process will ensure that Smart and Skilled providers deliver the best possible offerings to the market and meet industry needs.

Through the Smart and Skilled application process RTOs have an opportunity to continue in, or enter for the first time, the NSW government-subsidised vocational education and training market. The Smart and Skilled application process will determine which RTOs are suitable for a Smart and Skilled contract and financial allocations for 2023-24.

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Business Opportunities/ATMs

ATM ID: E00888
Agency: Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
Category: Education and Training Services
Description: Research and report on training requirements for Certified Meter Installers to improve training

Description: Australian states and territories require that non-urban water meters be installed by persons adequately qualified and competent. Meters must be installed in compliance with the conditions of the relevant pattern approval certificate and the manufacturer’s requirements, so the meter operates within its designed operating ranges and within the metrological accuracy required by the regulator.

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AusTender materials are released by the Department of Finance. AusTender materials are subject to change and should be verified on the AusTender website to ensure the information is up to date and correct:

Business Opportunities/ATMs

ATM ID: IT-22/1007/43-OT
Agency: Reserve Bank of Australia
Category: Education and Training Services

Description: The IT Traineeship Program is intended to cover all aspects of people management services (recruitment and trainee people performance services), attraction and development of high quality candidates (trainees), coordination and delivery of training programs. The existing program covers 3-4 trainees per year, with the potential to expand it to up to 7 trainees per year, or as required, starting from 2023, with a balance between high school leavers and career change or ‘mature age’ candidates in each intake. Each cohort has a duration of 24 months. There are opportunities for Trainees to complete earlier and move into other roles at the Bank based on learning completion, skills development and availability of suitable roles.

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AusTender materials are released by the Department of Finance. AusTender materials are subject to change and should be verified on the AusTender website to ensure the information is up to date and correct:

Upcoming Events

AVETRA’s 25th Annual Conference
Melbourne- 27 & 28 April 2023VET + Challenging times, Challenges of our time and Challenges that lie ahead is the theme for this year’s AVETRA Conference.The AVETRA 2023 Conference showcases scholarly and applied research of, for and from within vocational education. It is the leading annual gathering of researchers, VET practitioners and leaders, education policy makers and representatives from industry, unions and employers in Australia and
New Zealand.Read More

Webinar – Solving the value for money equation in education

29th November 2022, 2:00 PM (Paris Time)

There is no question that there is a strong economic and social case for continued public investments in education, so the dilemma is not regarding whether or not to invest in education, but rather on how to make the most of this investment and foster “Value for money”.

Please join us to discuss the many benefits that education brings to economies and societies as well as the strategies that can help policy makers make smarter investment in education in order to reap its full benefits.

Register Here

The Future of Apprenticeships

The Future of Apprenticeships , ‘Perspectives from Switzerland, New Zealand and Australia striving for excellence’

Melbourne- 5 – 7 February 2023
Auckland- 9-10 February 2023

The conference promises to be an excellent opportunity to network and connect with industry stakeholders, participate in a range of workshops, study tours, facilitated debates and attend industry network events.

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RTO Data Cloud

Newbery Consulting has been supplying student management software for over 10 years. A cloud based RTO student and learning management system that provides RTOs the capability to manage their training operation and meet all national and State reporting and compliance obligations. It would be our pleasure to offer you access as a trial user and you can evaluate the system capabilities for yourself.

Don’t continue to pay too much for cloud based AVETMISS software. Have the flexibility to only paying for your additional users as you need them. Set up your online enrolments and customise your certificates at no extra cost. Need to manage your CRICOS and State funded enrolments, no problems. Get in contact with the team at Newbery Consulting today and request to be set up as a trial user.

Visit RTO Data Cloud for further information.

New Webinar!
Observation AssessmentThis webinar is aimed to increase your understanding of observation assessment. Joe will explore the common problems with observation assessment, explore criterion referenced assessment as a foundation assessment method and talk through designing observation tools and mapping observation assessment. Benchmarking will also be discussed, along with the dos and don’ts of recording observation evidence.
This webinar is packed full of valuable information that will help ensure that your students are receiving the benefit of valid criterion referenced assessment according to a nationally consistent standard and of course to develop a proactive and positive RTO compliance culture.Duration: 45 minutes
Cost: $25.00Register Here

Copyright © Newbery Consulting 2022, All rights reserved.
This publication was researched and prepared by Newbery Consulting.


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