Newbery Consulting VET News – 25th November 2019

Hello and welcome to VET News,

COAG has announced that it will fast track four important initiatives as part of its VET Reform Roadmap. You can read the complete communique in Other VET News below. One of the initiatives is to carry out “reforms to the Standards for Registered Training Organisations to move the system of regulation from its focus on compliance to focus on excellence in training”. My first thought was, sounds good! It then occurs to me that we will have yet another set of RTO standards to unpack and come to terms with and the minimal regulatory consistency that we currently have will be redundant as the regulator begins yet another process of interpreting a new set of standards. It feels like a familiar train ride!I begun my journey in training just a few years before the Australian Recognition Framework was released in 1998. Since that time we have averaged a new set of RTO standards every 3 years. So, some might say that we are currently overdue for a refresh. Just for sentimental value, here are the current and past seven different RTO standards in the last 21 years:

  • Australian Recognition Framework standards 1998
  • Australian Quality Training Framework standards 2002
  • Australian Quality Training Framework standards 2005
  • Australian Quality Training Framework standards 2007
  • Australian Quality Training Framework standards 2010
  • Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisation 2011
  • Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015
Sorry if that makes you feel old!The productivity commission has also announced that it will undertake a review into the national VET funding agreement. There is a link below in Other VET News. The submission time frame is fairly tight with submissions required by 20 December 2019. I would urge all CEOs to make a submission particularly those from the private sector. There is an absence of balanced representation of the concerns of private providers at the moment. It is important to give the review your insight in terms of the funding needs that you can see in your local communities. It is also a good time to put forward some of those innovative ideas that you have considered over the years but not previously acted on. Don’t feel like you need to write chapter and verse to make a submission. Sometimes less is best and feedback which is concise and targeted will often get the best results. Have your say!

Good training,

Joe Newbery
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Compliance & Regulatory News

Webinar: New guidance on change of ownership obligationsASQA is hosting a webinar for training providers who are considering significant changes to, or sale of, their shareholdings and any person or provider looking to acquire shares of a training provider. This webinar will be held on Thursday 5 December 2019, 1.00 pm AEDT.

For further information or to register, click here.

Have your say on proposed ASQA fees and charges

The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) today begins consultation with the vocational education and training (VET) sector on proposed measures to support our transition to full cost recovery from 2020–21.
VET stakeholders are invited to provide feedback on a consultation paper available on ASQA’s website.

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Approved extended transition period for multiple qualifications

ASQA has recently approved an extended transition period for the following qualifications:

  • CPC30313 Certificate III in Concreting extended until 30 September 2020
  • FDF30411 Certificate III in Wine Industry Operations extended until 30 September 2020
  • MSF30413 Certificate III in Glass and Glazing extended until 2 December 2020
  • MSF30813 Certificate III in Flooring Technology extended until 2 December 2020
  • CPP40611 Certificate IV in Property Services (Operations) extended until 30 September 2021
  • CPP40407 Certificate IV in Property Services (Stock and Station Agency) extended until 30 September 2021

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Recording available from ASQA’s webinar on third party arrangementsASQA hosted a webinar on Tuesday 12th November, for registered training organisations (RTOs) wishing to learn more about third party arrangements in the vocational education and training (VET) sector. The slides and recording are now available.

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New version of ASQAnet to be releasedOn Monday 2 December, ASQA will be releasing a new version of ASQAnet. The new ASQAnet will provide updates in several key areas including, notification of third party arrangements, nomination of VET and CRICOS delivery locations and upgraded security. ASQA has also ceased the need for an RTO to inform it of new or amended business names.

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Other VET News

COAG Skills Council agree to fast track VET reform

Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Skills Council agreed to immediately fast track four pieces of work as part of the VET reform process, including:

  • review of the VET Student Loans to ensure parity of access for students across Australia.
  • the use of micro-credentials in the national VET system
  • reform of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations
  • streamlining training packages

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Productivity Commission to conduct a review Skills and Workforce Development Agreement

The Productivity Commission is inviting submission to a review of the National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development. Initial submissions are due by Friday 20 December 2019. Opportunity for further comment will be sought upon release of the interim report on 31 March 2019.

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Articles and Papers

Government-funded students and courses – January to June 2019This paper provides a summary of data relating to students, programs, subjects and training providers in Australia’s government-funded vocational education and training (VET) system.

In the first six months to 30 June 2019, 826 500 students were enrolled in government-funded VET.  Government-funded program enrolments comprised of 91.2% in nationally recognised programs, 4.9% in locally developed programs and 3.9% in non-nationally recognised programs.

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Analysis of training package skill setsThis paper provides an analysis of data on training package skill sets uses data from the National Register of VET and the National Provider Collection – Total VET activity.  It identifies how much training package skill set activity is occurring and also indicates that activity is clustered around only a small number of skill sets and a small number of training packages. Research shows that between 2015 to 2018, the enrolments in training package skill sets have grown by 38,000.  The largest skill set in terms of enrolments in 2018 was ‘Responsible service of alcohol’, followed by two ‘Work zone traffic control’ skill sets.

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Upcoming Events

Webinar: The dynamics of qualifications: Implications for VET
Tuesday, 10 December 2019 1.30-2.00pm ACDT

This webinar will:

  • provide an overview of occupation and qualification profiles and how they have changed
  • explore how qualifications and occupations are matching up in today’s workforce
  • take a closer look at age and gender differences within occupations
  • explore the implications this shifting demand may present for the future of vocational education and training.

For further information, click here.

5th Annual Conference on VET Teaching and VET Teacher EducationDate: 9 – 10 December 2019, Wagga Wagga, New South Wales

The conference will include research papers, workshops, and poster presentations, all relating to VET teaching and VET teacher-education, as well as the presentation of the VET sector teacher-educator awards of the year (TAE Training Package and university courses) in conjunction with PWC’s Skills for Australia.

For further information, click here.


RTO Audit

Newbery Consulting is now taking bookings for compliance audits in 2020. There are a range of audit services to select from including CRICOS, RTO Standards, RTO Visit and Desk Audit. Check out the options and select the service that is best for your RTO. If you are approaching your renewal of registration, please plan in advance.

We recommend completing an internal audit with us at lease 12 month prior to your renewal of registration application being submitted.

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RTO Support

RTO Support offers one day consulting support provided by Joe Newbery, and may include providing general or specific advice, reviewing a clients documents or other arrangements or advising on assessment or course development.

Some examples in how client use this service:

  • participation via teleconference in management meetings
  • educating staff on compliance issues
  • assisting with addition to scope applications
  • advising on responding to non-compliance
  • preparation of ASQA rectification response/appeals
  • advising on assessment or course development

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Copyright © Newbery Consulting 2019, All rights reserved.This publication was researched and prepared by Newbery Consulting.

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