VET News

Wednesday 28th August 2024


Hello and welcome to VET News,

I hope this VET News finds you well. There is a surprising amount of news in this release and lots of events approaching. If you have not booked in to attend the VELG Virtual VET Summit: Artificial Intelligence, there is still time to register. It commences next week.


Artificial Intelligence capabilities are really beginning to have an impact on our training industry such as the introduction of conversational human avatars to provide student admin support and using AI in the development of assessment and the marking of assessment tasks. We are really just at the beginning of a new technology that will weave its way into almost every aspect of our work. I am sure this summit will be valuable. You can find the details in the Upcoming Events section below.


The release of the Cap on International Student Numbers for 2025. The VET sector was allocated 95,000 and of course this will be shared among TAFEs and private providers. An interesting aspect of the Cap is that providers with a higher ratio of international students will receive a lower allocation. This is intended to encourage these providers to diversify their student base. This cap will hit many private providers hard, and they need to be moving now to optimise their operation and diversify their revenue. Many of these providers have been struggling for months with the difficulty in getting student visas approved anyway so this will simply be a continuation into 2025.

We are seeing a trend of CRICOS providers diversifying into domestic and offshore delivery and I suspect we will see this grow significantly now. Personally, I would encourage offshore delivery as something to be seriously considered.


ASQA announced many months ago that the Revised quality Standards will be released by the Minister in August 2024 and to come into full regulatory effect from 1 July 2025. Ok, we have two days to go and looking forward to it. I have had many clients sending me copies of unsolicited marketing from “consultants” advertising courses and products on the revised standards. I have looked over some of this material and it looks questionable. I would exercise caution on jumping into these programs and handing over your money until at least early next year. Hopefully ASQA will be putting out some guidance and will hold some PD activities so, just give it time and wait until you can engage in some learning with a reputable source. We are planning on putting out some webinars and some article on our site so you can also consider these.


Lastly, I am very happy to announce that one of our loved staff members Bree (Client Support Coordinator) has had a lovely baby girl named Halle. Mum and bub are happy and doing well and we will miss Bree while she enjoys some leave over the next few months. Congratulations Bree, Shane and family on the arrival of Halle!!!

Good training,

Joe Newbery

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