Newbery Consulting VET News – 2nd February 2023


Hello and welcome to VET News,

I mentioned late last year an inquiry initiated by the government into the Perceptions and Status of Vocational Education and Training. This inquiry was referred from the Minister for Skills and Training, the Hon Brendan O’Connor MP, on 30 November 2022, to the House Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training and will commence in March.

I just want to put this inquiry in context of the current government and their agenda to preference vocational education and training away from the private RTO sector. They have been very clear and unambiguous about this agenda. The following is an extract from the Labor party’s current national platform document (click):


The competitive vocational education and training market has led to significant market failure. Public funding to private providers has led, in too many cases, to exploitation of students and profiteering at the expense of the taxpayer. Labor will ensure at least 70% of all public funding for vocational education goes to TAFE.


I take several things out of this policy statement. It says to me that the Labor Party:

  • think that TAFE are not exploiting students just as equally as rouge private providers.
  • blame a perceived market failure solely on private providers (how convenient)
  • think that TAFE are not profiteering at the expense of the taxpayer just as equally as rouge private providers.

The government is blinded to the reality by their ideology. The people that work in the sector alongside TAFE know very well that the above is not true, and the private sector is just a convenient public punching bag for a Labor government. The current government view the 70% of public funding preference to public TAFE as the minimum and will extend this to 80% or 100% if it is politically feasible. It is my view that the government will actively work toward dismantling the private RTO sector if they can justify this. This inquiry is a deliberate and important step in this process and if we stand on the sidelines and allow these processes to occur without strong representation, it will be highly detrimental to the private RTO sector. If you work in, own, manage, are contracted by, provide services to a private RTO you have skin in the game to make sure the great work that private RTOs are performing is well represented.

If we do not tell that story and make a submission, we will be underrepresented. We have literally hundreds of great clients who are private providers delivering fantastic vocational education and training to industry. They are often delivering training services that are highly customised for specific workplaces and delivering niche courses to important components of industry who otherwise would not be able to access training. We need to tell that story. If you have a great story to tell about the fantastic training that your organisation is delivering and how this is benefiting industry, you need to make sure that you provide this information to this inquiry via a submission. If they get enough of these submissions to shape their understanding of the perception and status of vocational education and training, it can only inform the government’s understanding of the value of the private RTO sector. Your submission does not have to be hugely technical or lengthy and you only need to address the terms of reference that align with your feedback. Submissions are due by Wednesday 1 March 2023. You can find all of the details including the terms of reference at the link above.

Good training,

Joe Newbery

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Check-out our most recent article on: Competency Based Course Design




Compliance & Regulatory News



Vocational education and training in regional, rural and remote Australia

The report, Vocational education and training in regional, rural and remote Australia, examines the availability and accessibility of vocational education and training (VET) for students outside of Australia’s capital cities. These initial findings will help inform future research and analysis in this area.

Key findings include:

  • training is driven to a large extent by local industries with higher enrolments in agricultural and engineering-related training when compared with major cities
  • training in essential services, such as health and education, has an equal weighting across major cities and regions
  • VET students in regional Australia are more likely to be Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students or from a lower socioeconomic background than their counterparts from major cities
  • student satisfaction is consistently high across regions and over time.

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Other VET News



Global recognition for Australian education institutions and students

Australia has joined the first worldwide treaty in higher education, making it easier for Australian education institutions and their students to be more globally mobile.
The new UNESCO Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education ensures students who study with Australian education institutions will have their qualifications recognised in a fair, transparent and non-discriminatory manner around the world.

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Strategic Review of Online Learning in the VET sector
19 January 2023This week ASQA released the final report for the Strategic Review of Online Learning in the VET sector.

Through the strategic review, we found that quality VET can be delivered online and there is no single issue or feature of online learning that poses a greater or lesser risk to quality.

After experiencing the rapid growth of online learning through the COVID-19 pandemic, many students now prefer the flexibility of blended learning. This brings opportunities for providers to expand their offerings and provide students with more choice across the market.

However, the strategic review found that this rapid shift to online learning has increased the prospect of some providers operating in the market with immature risk assessment and self-assurance systems in place. This can limit some providers ability to assure quality outcomes for online or blended delivery.

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Australian Apprenticeships Priority List

The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) updated the Australian Apprenticeships Priority List on January 13. The list identifies priority occupations for the Australian Apprenticeships Incentives System. The list includes a subset of occupations and qualifications that have been identified as leading to a clean energy occupation.

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Vocational Voices

‘Vocational Voices’, the official podcast of the National Centre for Vocational Education Research. Listen to leading experts discuss current trends in vocational education and training.

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Articles and Papers



Profiles of TVET teachers and trainers across the globe

In recent years, disruptions caused by technology, climate, migration, political instability and the COVID-19 pandemic have affected the economy, labour markets, and hence education. TVET does not exist in a bubble and has also been affected, making the work of teachers and trainers, who are entrusted with the future of millions of students around the world, more challenging.

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Governance of TVET in the era of digitalization and sustainable development 

This impressive collection of international articles brought together by TVET@sia focuses on governance in the TVET environment. The articles provide perspectives from around the world on how digitisation and sustainable development is influencing governance of vocational education and training. It includes perspectives from here in Australia and other countries such as Malaysia, Vietnam, Bangladesh to name just a few.

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Labour Market Trend Updates



Internet Vacancy Index

The detailed December 2022 Vacancy Report and associated data files are now available.
The Internet Vacancy Index (IVI) is a monthly count of online job advertisements compiled by Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA). Data are available by occupational groups, skill level groups, state or territory and by regional areas.

In seasonally adjusted terms, job advertisements decreased by 0.3% (or 820 job advertisements) in December 2022 to stand at 272,500.

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Training Package Updates



New version of TAE training package and transition extension information

ASQA has approved an extended transition period for all ASQA-registered RTOs for the following qualifications:

  • TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment

  • TAE50116 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training

  • TAE50216 Diploma of Training Design and Development

The extended training, assessment and certification issuance period for these qualifications ends on 9 December 2024.

Version 5 of the TAE Training Package was approved by the Australian Industry Skills Committee on 8 November 2022 and endorsed by Skills Ministers on 18 November 2022.

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Training Package Updates

The following training packages have been updated on

FWP – Forest and Wood Products Training Package -25/Jan/2023
AHC – Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management Training Package- 24/Jan/2023
AMP: Australian Meat Processing Training Package- 24/Jan/2023

Extended transition period
FWP Qualifications (FWP20116, FWP20216, FWP30116, FWP30216, FWP40116, FWP50116)ASQA has recently approved an extended transition period for the following FWP qualifications:FWP20116 Certificate II in Forest Growing and Management
FWP20216 Certificate II in Harvesting and Haulage
FWP30116 Certificate III in Forest Growing and Management
FWP30216 Certificate III in Harvesting and Haulage
FWP40116 Certificate IV in Forest Operations
FWP50116 Diploma of Forest and Forest ProductsRead More 






Business Opportunities/ATMs

Agency: Australian Maritime Safety Authority
Category: Education and Training Services
Description: National Plan Review Strategy Workshops
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AusTender materials are released by the Department of Finance. AusTender materials are subject to change and should be verified on the AusTender website to ensure the information is up to date and correct:

Business Opportunities/ATMs

Agency: CSIRO
Category: Education and Training Services
Description: Indo-Pacific Plastics Innovation Hubs – Program Delivery
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AusTender materials are released by the Department of Finance. AusTender materials are subject to change and should be verified on the AusTender website to ensure the information is up to date and correct:


Upcoming Events



The Future of Apprenticeships

The Future of Apprenticeships , ‘Perspectives from Switzerland, New Zealand and Australia striving for excellence’

Melbourne- 5 – 7 February 2023
Auckland- 9-10 February 2023

The conference promises to be an excellent opportunity to network and connect with industry stakeholders, participate in a range of workshops, study tours, facilitated debates and attend industry network events.

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Webinar – Equity and Inclusion in Education: Finding Strength through Diversity

In this webinar, OECD analysts and country experts will outline how education systems can cater to students from different background with varied needs. It follows the release of a report by OECD’s Strength in Diversity project that highlights six key steps to reforming education systems to help all students achieve their potential.

7 February 2023, 3:00 PM (Paris time)

If you are a policy maker, teacher or are interested in learning more about how to respond to the challenges, please join this international webinar. Registrations open now.

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32nd National VET Research Conference – 2023
Wednesday 19 to Friday 21 July 2023RMIT University Melbourne City Campus (Storey Hall).
‘No Frills’ is a well-known annual national conference and a key part of NCVER’s engagement with the VET sector. It is an opportunity to showcase research to VET practitioners and build the capacity of researchers. It provides participants with a forum for the exchange of ideas and knowledge and be a part of an event that encourages thought-provoking presentations and opportunities to network in a relaxed and friendly environmentRead More.
2023 Tasmanian Training Awards coming soon
Be part of the annual awards for excellence in vocational education and training.The Tasmanian Training Awards are conducted annually by Skills Tasmania and recognise outstanding achievement in the vocational education and training sector. They recognise and reward the achievements of students, teachers/trainers, registered training organisations and employers.As the premier awards for VET in Tasmania, they are the perfect opportunity to showcase the commitment that individuals, registered training organisations and employers contribute to VET.Detailed information about this year’s awards will be on the Skills Tasmania website in March, with nominations opening on Monday, 27 March 2023.Read More
AVETRA’s 25th Annual Conference
Melbourne- 27 & 28 April 2023VET + Challenging times, Challenges of our time and Challenges that lie ahead is the theme for this year’s AVETRA Conference.The AVETRA 2023 Conference showcases scholarly and applied research of, for and from within vocational education. It is the leading annual gathering of researchers, VET practitioners and leaders, education policy makers and representatives from industry, unions and employers in Australia and
New Zealand.Read More




RTO Data Cloud

Newbery Consulting has been supplying student management software for over 10 years. A cloud based RTO student and learning management system that provides RTOs the capability to manage their training operation and meet all national and State reporting and compliance obligations. It would be our pleasure to offer you access as a trial user and you can evaluate the system capabilities for yourself.

Don’t continue to pay too much for cloud based AVETMISS software. Have the flexibility to only paying for your additional users as you need them. Set up your online enrolments and customise your certificates at no extra cost. Need to manage your CRICOS and State funded enrolments, no problems. Get in contact with the team at Newbery Consulting today and request to be set up as a trial user.

Visit RTO Data Cloud for further information.

Observation AssessmentThis webinar is aimed to increase your understanding of observation assessment. Joe will explore the common problems with observation assessment, explore criterion referenced assessment as a foundation assessment method and talk through designing observation tools and mapping observation assessment. Benchmarking will also be discussed, along with the dos and don’ts of recording observation evidence.
This webinar is packed full of valuable information that will help ensure that your students are receiving the benefit of valid criterion referenced assessment according to a nationally consistent standard and of course to develop a proactive and positive RTO compliance culture.Duration: 45 minutes
Cost: $25.00Register Here

Copyright © Newbery Consulting 2023, All rights reserved.This publication was researched and prepared by Newbery Consulting.






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