Hi Everyone

Hope you are all well and had a great break. The year has certainly taken off in a hurry. I would first like to welcome all of our new subscribers. We had a significant increase in subscribers in Dec as our news letter is pushed on through your email networks. Word of mouth is certainly a powerful force. When people find something they like, they tell their friends! This is certainly the basis for our continued growth and I am sure it is for your business as well. To those subscribers that continue to send me news worthy items for everyone’s benefit, thank you! These have been great and certainly add to the relevance of the news articles we include.

There is lots happening at the moment in the VET sector. Heraclitus (535 – 475 BC) said “the only thing constant is change”. Certainly never a truer statement reflects the current Australian VET sector. I hope our news is keeping you up to date.

We invite new subscribers at: Subscribe to VET News

If you have some news, send it to us at: news@newberyconsulting.com.au

Kind regards,

Joe Newbery


Compliance and Regulatory News

Aged care focus

According to the Aged Care INsite publication, ASQA has made aged care training a top priority and will treat aged care qualifications as a potentially high risk. Read the INsite news article at:



QLD Transition – Can they do it?

The upcoming QLD election could significantly complicate the transition of QLD RTO’s to ASQA. They have until the 30th June 2012. After that, the determination that enables QLD to refer power to the Commonwealth expires. Click below to read the full article.



ASQA update

With one of its lengthiest updates so far, the latest edition of ASQA Update is brim full of information. There’s a heads-up about information sessions to be held in the first half of 2012; news of the panel of external auditors recently engaged; tips and information about the various ASQA application processes; an update on the transition of Qld, SA and Tasmania; information about disputing ASQA decisions through the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT); and more. Click below to read the full publication.



Information on Quality Indicators from the NSSC

In a special bulletin released in December 2011, the NSSC advised that it is currently reviewing the Quality Indicators for RTOs but stressed the ongoing requirement for RTOs to collect quality indicator data under the current Learner Engagement, Employer Satisfaction and Competency Completion arrangements. It was also noted in the bulletin that the use of the SMART system provided by ACER is not compulsory for the reporting of Learner Engagement and Employer Satisfaction data. To read the full bulletin, go to:



Training Package News

SIH11 Hairdressing – Incorrect prerequisites on TGA

Service Skills Australia has advised that incorrect prerequisites for two hairdressing units of competency are shown on training.gov.au. The units are SIHHCLS303A Design and perform full and partial highlighting techniques and SIHHCLS305A Perform on scalp full head and retouch bleach services. SSA advises that there should be only one prerequisite for each unit and that is SIHHHSC301A Apply the principles of hairdressing science.


CUL11 Library, Information and Cultural Services Training Package Launch Registration

IBSA has called for registrations to attend its launch of this new training package which supersedes CUL04 Museum and Library Information Services. A link to the online registration form is provided below.



Recent or Imminent Training Package updates

  • UEE11 Electrotechnology ver 1.0, date release date TBA
  • MEM05 Metal and Engineering ver 6.0, 21/12/2011
  • MEA11 Aeroskills ver 1.0, release date TBA
  • MTM11 Australian Meat Industry ver 1.1, 19/12/2011
  • AUR05 Automotive Retail, Service and Repair ver 4.0, release date TBA
  • FNS10 Financial Services ver 2.0, 16/01/2012
  • UEG11 Gas Industry ver 1.0, 19/01/2012
  • FPI11 Forest and Forest Products ver 1.0, release date TBA
  • CPP07 Property Services ver 9.0, release date TBA
  • TLI10 Transport and Logistic ver 2.0, release date TBA
  • CUL11 Library, Information and Cultural Services ver 1.0, 20/12/2011

For details of release information go to http://training.gov.au/


Events, Resources & Funding News


Applications for the National Workforce Development Fund have reopened

DEEWR has advised that a further $50 million in funding has been released for three priority workforce development areas and applications are now open. To find out more go to:



E-learning for workforce development – funding opportunities

As part of the National VET E-learning Strategy, the Industry System Change business activity is seeking expressions of interest for co-investment from collaborative regional partnerships. Funding of $100,000 (plus GST) from the initial round remains available. Partnerships should focus on regional employers and their common workforce development needs, and formulate e-learning strategies or models for implementation. Find out more at:



Do you have a vested interest in Queensland education funding?

If your answer is ‘Yes’ then the Queensland Department of Education and Training would like your feedback on how it spends the billions of dollars expected from LNG royalties over the next 10 years. Feedback is requested by 17 February 2012 and you can find more details at:



Australian apprenticeships & traineeships updates

Click on the links below to open the December & January updates which include qualifications recently implemented in NSW, QLD, WA, SA and NT:




2012 Emerging Technology Trials funding

In an annual program that has been running since 2008, co-investment funding is made available to RTOs, through the Australian Flexible Learning Framework, for the trialling of emerging technologies. If you are interested then you need to act quickly, as applications close on 10 February 2012. Follow the link below for full details.



Level 1 digital literacy resources from IBSA & DFEEST – free to download

Learning and assessment materials are available for the following units:


Click on the link below to go to the download page.



New IBSA resources – free to download

Learning and assessment materials are available for the following units:

  • ICTTEN3054A Provide infrastructure for telecommunications network equipment
  • ICTCBL3052A Cut over new system and equipment on customer premises
  • ICTCBL2005A Install customer cable support systems
  • ICTCBL2006A Place and secure customer cable

Click on the link below to access the resources.



Other News of Interest

Skilling for the coal seam gas (CSG) industry

A recent international symposium in Brisbane addressed the opportunities and challenges as Australia enters the “golden age of gas development”. At the symposium it was announced that SkillsTech Australia, Queensland’s largest TAFE, would partner with Santos GLNG Project to establish a specialised training centre to combat skills shortages in the CSG industry. Read more at:



Carbon accounting training for businesses

Queensland’s Department of Education and Training announced that Metropolitan South Institute of TAFE will be Queensland’s first vocational education provider to offer a carbon accounting program designed to assist businesses with evaluating and monitoring their carbon emissions. Read more at:



TEQSA open its doors

On January 29, the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) began its job as regulator for higher education. It recently announced the proposed fee schedule for its services, advising that it may charge up to $90,000 to register a university and $10,000 for accreditation. You can read more at:



No change in the NSW funding model…yet

As reported in the Sydney Morning Herald on 12 January, NSW continues to resist the push for a contestable funding model that would require TAFE institutes to compete with private providers for public funding. You can read the full SMH article at:



RTO survey of energy efficiency skills demand and training provision

As reported by RTO Management, the Commonwealth Government has engaged the services of Allen Consulting to conduct a survey of RTOs with energy efficiency qualifications and units on their scope. The review is part of the Government’s Clean Energy and Other Skills Package in support of Australia’s transition to a low carbon economy. Read the RTO Management article at:



Encore careers – a new target market for RTOs?

Encouraging older workers to stay in the workforce is a policy priority but has the VET sector figured out what part it can play in supporting these workers? A recent NCVER publication, “Reskilling for encore careers for (what were once) retirement years”, explores the concept of encore careers and focuses on the role the VET sector might play. To download the article click on the following link (you will need to be a registered used on the NCVER site).



Debate heats up on HECS for VET

An article in The Australian on 26 January reported the education union’s denouncement of the Government’s extension of income contingent loans (ICLs) for VET students. Supporting views are also reported. Click on the link below to read the article (NB. May require subscription):



Important Note: The inclusion of news items about recently released resources does not constitute an endorsement by Newbery Consulting. A full and detailed review of any ‘off-the-shelf’ resource should be undertaken to determine if it is suitable for your organisation and can be customised to meet your needs.


These news items have been researched and prepared by: Anne Maree Newbery.

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