Hello and welcome to VET News,
I hope you are all doing well and staying safe in this recent COVID resurgence. Hopefully we can all look forward to the day when not all of the news is only about COVID.
Great news edition this week. I would particularly recommend the article on Entrepreneurial learning for TVET institutions: an interactive guide. Check that out. It is great to get an international perspective on VET developments in other regions. I have also released a new article on our website today on Observation Assessment (click). Observation assessment is one of those non-compliances we constantly see popping up in audits and I would recommend this article if you are seeking some insight.
Good training,
Joe Newbery
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Compliance & Regulatory News |
AVETMISS Reporting
For those RTOs that submit fee-for-service data directly to NCVER, the second quarterly collection window for 2021, covering the period of January to June 2021, will be open from 1—13 Aug 2021. If you submit your fee-for-service data via a State Training Authority, please check directly with them for their submission dates.
The reporting window for reporting of 2021 annual fee-for-service AVETMISS data direct to NCVER will open on 4 January 2022 and close on 28 February 2022.
For further information, click here. |
Training & Education Training Package Qualification Review
The TAE Training Package was last reviewed in 2015 and uploaded in 2016. In the five years since, the training and assessment landscape has drastically changed. In proposing a holistic review of the TAE Training Package, the Education IRC has advised the Australian Industry Skills Committee (AISC) that the TAE Training Package is currently not fit for purpose nor is it fully addressing needs of the VET sector. A major suggested change has been to create two new e-assessment units of competency and one new skill set. This recommendation is being made in the context where 1,008 providers have notified ASQA that they were offering all or a number of their courses via online delivery arrangements either instead of, or in addition to, face-to-face classes.
Spotlight on equity groups in VET
NCVER has a new resource highlighting how different equity groups fare in their VET journey. The Student equity in VET: participation, achievement and outcomes presents data for six student equity groups. The featured groups have historically been disadvantaged in accessing and benefitting from education in Australia. This paper provides a summary of how each equity group is faring in VET compared with their non-equity peers.
Entrepreneurial learning for TVET institutions: an interactive guide
UNESCO-UNEVOC believes that entrepreneurial learning offers a realistic and effective means to develop the transferable skills needed to succeed in the 21st century, with leaders and practitioners of TVET institutions having a crucial role to play. UNESCO-UNEVOC launched an interactive online guide to help TVET institutions introduce and mainstream entrepreneurial learning. The guide allows TVET institutions to work at their own pace to understand what really drives entrepreneurial learning, offers ideas for innovative approaches, case studies and tools for reflection and group discussions.
Strengthening the Responsiveness, Agility and Resilience of TVET Institutions for the Post-COVID-19 Era
The UNESCO-UNEVOC’s COVID-19 response project has been helping TVET institutions around the world rise to the challenges of the pandemic both in the short and long term. The response project supported upskilling and reskilling efforts in Ghana, India, Jamaica, Malawi and Thailand, enabling 400 trainees to diversify and develop new sources of income in agriculture, healthcare and entrepreneurship to replace those lost due to the pandemic. A three-month training programme implemented in five countries equipped 62 TVET teachers, managers and technical staff with the necessary skills and competencies to provide digital services.
Perspectives on policy and practice. Tapping into the potential of big data for skills policy
This paper outlines how skills mismatch in digitised labour markets, to support experts and policymakers data can be used to mitigate labour market challenges, reduce skills mismatches and strengthen the links between the labour market and education and training. The focus is on overcoming conceptual and practical challenges and limitations, system development and using big data for skills policy in practice.
Digital Skilling Situational Analysis
Global Apprenticeships Network (GAN) Australia and Microsoft Philanthropies released a report considering the internal and external factors shaping Australia’s digital skilling landscape. This report has considered the digital skills situation in Australia, examining key issues that create barriers to the development of Australia’s digital skills system. An overall conclusion of this analysis is that stakeholders in the Australian digital skilling system must pay attention to issues that relate to the digital divide, in particular – access to digital technologies.
Read the full report here. |
Labour Market Trend Updates |
Latest release – May 2021
Job advertisements increased by 1.9% (or 4,500 job advertisements) in May 2021 to stand at 245,400. This represents the 13th consecutive month on month increase in job advertisements which now exceed pre-COVID-19 levels by 46.0% and stand at their highest level in over 12 years (since October 2008).
Job advertisement increases over the month were driven by strong gains in Queensland, with recruitment activity increasing 6.4% or by 2,900 job advertisements within the state over the month. This increase exceeds the gains observed for all other states and territories combined during May 2021. With 35,500 jobs advertised for Technicians and Trades Workers recorded during May 2021, this series has reached recruitment activity levels comparable to the all-time series high.
For more information, click here. |
Training Package Updates
The following training packages have been updated on training.gov.au:
- CPC: Construction, Plumbing and Services
Revised 22nd June 2021.
- NWP: National Water
Revised 28th June 2021.
Australian Apprenticeships & Traineeships Qualification Update
Updates have been made to some Australian Apprenticeships and Traineeships Qualifications.
View. |
ASQA approves extended transition period for the following qualifications:
ASQA approves extended transition period for the following training packages:
- AUR Automotive Retail, Service and Repair Training Package:
ASQA has recently approved an extended transition period for 20 qualifications from the AUR Automotive Retail, Service and Repair Training Packages. View the list here.
The extended training, assessment and certification issuance period for this qualification ends on 10 December 2022.
- MAR Maritime Training Package:
ASQA has recently approved an extended transition period for 11 qualifications from the MAR Maritime Training Package. View the list here.
CUA Creative Arts and Culture Training Package:
ASQA has recently approved an extended transition period for 53 qualifications and 570 units of competency from the CUA training package. View the list here.
The extended training, assessment and certification issuance period for this qualification ends on 16 October 2022.
In addition, ASQA agreed to extend the transition period of the CUA40313 Certificate IV in Dance Teaching and Management to 16 April 2023.
30th National VET Research Conference ‘No Frills’
Date: 7th – 9th July 2021
Online Event
‘No Frills’ provides an opportunity for networking and ideas sharing in a friendly and informal atmosphere with a cross-section of industry representatives, practitioners, researchers and policymakers. The conference also contributes to building capacity and capability in VET research by providing opportunities for engagement and learnings for early stage career researchers and more experienced researchers.
For further information, click here. |