Newbery Consulting VET News – 4th March 2021




Hello and welcome to VET News, 

The long-awaited final report of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety was released on Monday this week. As expected, the report included some shocking findings of the state of aged care services in Australia. The report included approximately 148 recommendations, some of which relate directly to the VET sector and its role in improving the quality and safety of aged care services. These recommendations included:

  • Recommendation 78: Mandatory minimum qualification for personal care workers. A Certificate III should be the mandatory minimum qualification required for personal care workers performing paid work in aged care.
  • Recommendation 79: Review of certificate-based courses for aged care. By January 2022, the Aged Care Services Industry Reference Committee, working with the Australian Government Human Services Skills Organisation, should: a. review the need for specialist aged care Certificate III and IV courses, and regularly review the content of the Certificate III and IV courses and consider if any additional units of competency should be included.
  • Recommendation 114: Immediate funding for education and training to improve the quality of care. The Australian Government should establish a scheme, commencing on 1 July 2021, to improve the quality of the current aged care workforce. The scheme should reimburse providers of home support, home care and residential aged care for the cost of education and training of the direct care workforce employed (either on a part-time or full-time basis, or on a casual basis for employees who have been employed for at least three months) at the time of its commencement or during the period of its operation. Eligible education and training should include the Certificate III in Individual Support (residential care and home care streams) and Certificate IV in Ageing Support.
I am sure that we will see more information coming through about these recommendations and how RTOs can directly respond to these proposed initiatives. Also, given the commission’s criticism of the quality of current training being delivered, I would expect to see some response from ASQA to increase its focus on the quality and regulation of individual support and aged care training. We will definitely keep you up to date on any developments. An article with a link to the full report is provided below in Other VET News.  

Good training,

Joe Newbery

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Compliance & Regulatory News


Changes to the publication of regulatory decision information 

ASQA has started to change the way regulatory decisions are recorded, reported and published, as part of  the reform. The way information is published on the National Register ( will change to comply with new legislative requirements from 1 March 2021.

The National Register will display:

  • the status of decisions, which will be updated throughout review processes
  • some overview information
  • decision details
  • a history of events associated with the decision, as well as related decisions.

Providers will also see some changes to their asqanet portal information from 1 March 2021. The ‘Registration Conditions’ sections for both RTO and CRICOS registrations will be temporarily removed while this section is enhanced to align with the new regulatory decisions structure. 

Read more.

ASQA launch Spotlight On series 

ASQA has launched their Spotlight On series which is a new program focusing on compliance that offers providers an ongoing, sector-specific resource about key VET and CRICOS compliance requirements.
Each Spotlight On series will run for about six weeks with chapters released weekly on a Thursday.
The series overall will look at a dedicated compliance topic, outlining the requirements providers need to consider in the context of delivering quality outcomes. Among the topics are:

  • measuring and maintaining competence of trainers and assessors
  • creating successful assessment systems
  • validating assessment practices to support those assessment systems.

Read more.

Annual declaration due 31 March 2021 

The Standards for Registered Training Organisations require RTOs to submit an annual declaration on compliance. Recently, CEOs of RTOs received an email with a unique link to their organisation’s annual declaration on compliance. Before completing, providers need to review their operations to assess your RTO’s full compliance with the Standards. ASQA has provided a self-assessment tool.

RTOs have until midnight on 31 March 2021 to complete their annual declaration form.

Read more.


Other VET News

Royal Commission into Aged Care 

The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety’s final report into aged care has laid out an extensive plan to overhaul Australia’s aged-care system. The four major recommendations are:

1. Australia needs a rights-based aged care system
The new Act should set out the rights of older people, including their entitlement to care and support based on their needs and preferences.

2. The system needs stronger governance
A much stronger governance, regulation of the quality of care, prudential regulation, and an independent mechanism to set prices is needed. This change would require all aged care providers to be accredited against the new standards.

3. Need to improve workforce conditions and capability
Numerous important recommendations were made to enhance the capability and work conditions of formal carers. Calling for better wages and a new national registration scheme for all personal care workers, who would be required to have a minimum Certificate III training.

4. Funding
The final report makes a series of complex recommendations about fees and funding, with the commissioners diverging in view as to the specific arrangements. Essentially, the proposed new funding model would provide universal funding for care services, such as nursing. 

Read more.

PaTH Business Placement Partnerships 

The Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE) has recently formed a panel of national associations chosen to deliver the PaTH Business Placements Partnerships Trial, which will be looking at new ways for young people to find employment. 

The panel consists of twelve expert industry groups, that forms part of a two-year $10million trial supporting the design and delivery of tailored pre-employment pathways.

Read more.

New Tasmanian Traineeships and Apprenticeships Committee (TTAC) policy for school aged learners 

The new Policy 12: Training contracts for school aged learners, along with a new School Endorsement Form, is now in operation. 
The TTAC has developed policies and guidelines for the purpose of the uniform administration of training contracts, and the fair and equitable treatment of parties to those contracts. 

The revised TTAC Policy 12 Training Contracts for School Aged Learners will be effective from 1 February 2021. Training contracts signed after the 1 February 2021 will not be registered without completion of the new School Aged Learner Endorsement Form.

For further information, click here.


Articles and Papers

Automotive Industry Update 

The Automotive industry is estimated to contribute $37 billion to the Australian economy, and as at May 2018 the industry employed over 356,000 Australians. Program enrolments for Automotive-related qualifications have increased from around 58,000 in 2015 to 68,600 in 2019, and were predominately in the Automotive Industry Retail, Service and Repair Training Package.

Read more.

Printing and Graphic Arts Industry Update 

Market demand has shifted away from print newspapers and magazines. As such, employment in this industry has fallen by over 50% between 2000 and 2020, with this downward trend predicted to continue. To combat this, workers are transitioning into multidisciplinary communications teams, rather than remaining employed by businesses that focus solely on Printing and Graphic Arts-related activities.

Read more.


Labour Market Trend Updates

Latest Vacancy Report 

In seasonally adjusted terms, job advertisements increased by 1.6% (or 2,800 job advertisements) in January 2021 to stand at 175,100.

Job advertisements increased across seven of the eight broad occupational groups during January 2021. The strongest gains were recorded for Technicians and Trades Workers, with recruitment activity up by 4.5% (or 1,100 job advertisements), followed by Machinery Operators and Drivers (4.1% or 410 job advertisements) and Community and Personal Service Workers (2.9% or 520 job advertisements). 
Professionals were the only occupational group to record a decline in recruitment activity over the month, with job advertisements down slightly (by 0.1% or 50 job advertisements).



Training Package Updates

Australian Apprenticeships & Traineeships Qualification Update 

Updates have been made to some Australian Apprenticeships and Traineeships Qualifications.



Upcoming Events

Webinar: Spotlight On Trainers and Assessors – Recruiting and development
Date: 22nd April 2021, 2:00pm AEDT

The first Spotlight On webinar will discuss a focus on compliance when recruiting and developing quality trainers and assessors.

Register here.

Webinar: Positioning VET post a global pandemic
Date: Tuesday 30th March 2021
Time: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM AEDT

This webinar will provide a discussion of how Australia’s VET sector can be instrumental in driving Australia’s economic recovery from COVID-19 with the training it provides to thousands of apprentices and trainees. 

Register here.




RTO Data Cloud 

Newbery Consulting has been supplying student management software for over 10 years. A cloud based RTO student management system that provides RTOs the capability to manage their training operation and meet all national and State reporting and compliance obligations. It would be our pleasure to offer you access as a trial user and you can evaluate the system capabilities for yourself.

Don’t continue to pay too much for cloud based AVETMISS software. Have the flexibility to only paying for your additional users as you need them on a flat daily cost of only $2.00 per day. Set up your online enrolments and customise your certificates at no extra cost. Need to manage your CRICOS and State funded enrolments, no problems. Get in contact with the team at Newbery Consulting today and request to be set up as a trial user.

Read more.


Copyright © Newbery Consulting 2020, All rights reserved.This publication was researched and prepared by Newbery Consulting.






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