What an amazing response we had to our first edition! Over the last three weeks we have received 62 new subscribers from right across the VET sector. We have also received great feedback so thank you for your positive comments and for recommending the subscription to others.

As always there is lots happening at the moment. Anne Maree has been busily scanning news services and other information sources to research the news for this edition. There were many items that didn’t make the cut but the items we have included should be highly relevant. We have also organised the news into categories this week in order to help you navigate to items that may be of interest to you.

We invite new subscribers at: Subscribe to VET News

If you have some news, send it to us at: news@newberyconsulting.com.au

Kind regards,

Joe Newbery


Compliance and Regulatory News

ASQA Training Package Transition Requirements

The Australian Skills Quality Authority has released a new fact sheet that outlines their rules and requirements for transitioning between revised training packages. The keys points are:

  • The release date as published on Training.gov.au is designated as the official transition date.
  • There will be no roll over. All revised qualification will need to be added to scope through an application. For “equivalent qualifications” this should be a painless process.
  • Minor changes to units of competence (version A to B) will not require an amendment to scope.

For more information go to: http://www.asqa.gov.au/verve/_resources/FACT_SHEET_Revised_training_packages.pdf

Queensland legislation on the table

The Vocational Education and Training (Commonwealth Powers) and Other Acts Amendment Bill 2011 to refer VET regulatory power to ASQA was introduced into the Queensland Parliament on 11 October 2011. It has been referred to the relevant Committee who is scheduled to submit its finding by 6 February 2012. For more information go to: http://www.vision6.com.au/em/message/email/view.php?a=22142&id=811876

New CRICOS registration forms for Qld

Application forms for CRICOS registration have recently been reviewed and will shortly be published on the Queensland Department of Education’s website. Keep your eye out at the following web address: http://training.qld.gov.au/training-organisations/registration-audit/index.html

ASQA announce rules relating to use of elective units

The Australian Skills Quality Authority has released guidance that lays out its approach for RTOs flexible use of elective units. Essentially, if you need to incorporate a unit as an elective in order to meet a clients requirements and that unit is from another training package qualification (not on your scope), there is no need to inform ASQA or seek approval. It is important that the inclusion of the unit meets the qualification rules and there are no licensing implications for the student. This is a sensible approach and strengthens the flexibility arrangements that are now built into the qualification framework of most training packages. For more information go to: http://www.asqa.gov.au/verve/_resources/FACT_SHEET_Regulating_RTO_delivery_of_elective_units.pdf

Changes coming for VET trainer competency

The National Skills Standards Council (NSSC) has flagged upcoming changes to the competency requirements for VET trainers. What HASN’T changed is the requirement for a trainer to hold at least TAE40110 or demonstrate equivalence of competencies. Also unchanged is the ability for someone to work under the direct supervision of a trainer who meets these minimum competency requirements. What HAS changed is that a trainer under direct supervision must, at a minimum, hold the ‘Enterprise Trainer Skill Set’ from the TAE10 Training Package or demonstrate equivalence of competencies. Go to the following link to read the full NSSC Meeting Communiqué: http://www.nssc.natese.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/61427/NSSC_Communique_2_-_November_2011.pdf

Qualified Australians falling short of COAG targets

The COAG Reform Council has recently released its third annual report on progress under the National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development. Whilst there is some good news with increasing numbers of Australians getting qualified, the progress is too slow to meet the Government’s 2020 targets. Read more about the outcomes of the Government’s workforce agenda in the Council’s report. http://www.coagreformcouncil.gov.au/reports/skills.cfm#2010compare

Regulatory changes for early childhood education and care

If you are delivering Children’s Services qualifications then you’ll need to be across the regulatory changes in early childhood education and care. There is a new national body, the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA), and a new National Quality Framework that commences on 1 January 2012. Find out more at: http://www.acecqa.gov.au

Training Package News

Do you have a vested interest in Hospitality qualifications?

If so you may be interested in the first draft of Service Skills Australia’s Hospitality Review. Feedback needs to be submitted by Friday 16 December 2011. For more information go to: http://www.serviceskills.com.au/tourism-hospitality-and-events-continuous-improvement

IBSA redevelopment project – CUE03 Entertainment Training Package

If you’d like to get involved in the review of CUE03, then IBSA is calling for feedback on current qualifications and units and registration of interest to be part of the project’s consultation process. Find out more at: http://www.ibsa.org.au/news-and-projects/news/tabid/112/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/484/CUE03-Full-Review-update-November-2011.aspx

Capability framework for the VET workforce

IBSA has released a Discussion Paper and announced some December consultation dates in relation to its project to develop a capability framework for the VET workforce. To obtain more information, go to the IBSA website at: http://www.ibsa.org.au/news-and-projects/current-projects/12-09.aspx

Calling all RTOs involved in Hospitality and Retail

Service Skills Australia is seeking the assistance of RTOs who deliver Hospitality and Retail qualifications. SSA is undertaking a survey of the pathways students take after completing their studies. They are asking RTOs to help disseminate a short recruitment questionnaire to their relevant students. To find out how to participate, go to: http://www.serviceskills.com.au/blog/rtos-to-play-pivotal-role-in-new-destinations-survey?utm_source=newsletter

Foundation Skills Training Package

IBSA has released a draft scoping report for the Foundation Skills Training Package. The report includes recommendations for the development phase of this new training package and can be found at the following link: http://www.ibsa.org.au/news-and-projects/current-projects/333.aspx

Recent Training Package updates

Training Package Version Release Date

AHC10 Agriculture, Horticulture and Conservation and Land Management ver 2.1, 20/10/2011

PMA08 Chemical, Hydrocarbons And Oil Refining ver 3.0, 11/11/2011

CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services ver 7.0, 24/11/2011

FDF10 Food Processing ver 2.0, 4/11/2011

LMF02 Furnishing ver 7.1, 19/10/2011

MSA07 Manufacturing ver 7.0, 14/11/2011

CUS09 Music ver 1.2, 2/11/2011

LMT07 Textiles, Clothing and Footwear ver 4.0, 4/11/2011

TAE10 Training and Education ver 2.0, 12/10/2011

CUV11 Visual Arts, Crafts and Design ver 1.0, 12/10/2011

Events, Resources & Funding News

Free PD workshops – Australian Core Skills Framework

If you would like to find out more about the Australian Core Skills Framework and its proposed changes, WEA Illawarra has received funding from DEEWR to deliver free professional development workshops across the country. For more information and the current workshop schedule visit WEA’s website at: http://www.weaillawarra.com.au/acsf/

Knowledge Bank – LLN practice and leadership

IBSA has just released a Knowledge Bank document to support the delivery of TAE70110 and TAE80110. The document contains information, research activities and readings to support you in building or validating your existing knowledge about aspects of delivery of LLN in the VET sector. To download the resource, free of charge, go to: http://www.ibsa.org.au/news-and-projects/news/tabid/112/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/477/TAE70110-Knowledge-Bank.aspx

Interim report card for the EBPPP

An economic review of the Enterprise Based Productivity Places Program, commissioned by the ISCs, has just been released. The report card so far for this demand-driven, co-funding model, paints a positive picture that aligns workforce development to the strategic direction of an enterprise. In its summary of the report the ISCs have voiced a warning to RTOs – Engage with enterprises to understand their specific needs, or risk becoming redundant within the National Training System. To read the full report or the ISC summary, go to: http://www.isc.org.au/

New IBSA resources – free to download

The following new resources may be of interest…

A new RPL Kit for ICT20310 Certificate II in Telecommunications Cablings: http://www.ibsa.org.au/news-and-projects/news/tabid/112/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/478/ICT20310-RPL-Toolkit.aspx

Learning and assessment resources for the unit ICTTEN2218A Operate new media software packages: http://www.ibsa.org.au/news-and-projects/news/tabid/112/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/480/ICTTEN2218A-Operate-new-media-software-packages.aspx

Accelerated Australian Apprenticeships Initiative

As part of the Australian Government’s Building Australia’s Future Workforce package this initiative aims to fund projects that will influence the quality of the Australian Apprenticeships system. Funding applications are likely to come from Industry Skills Councils and Peak Industry Bodies who will be leading large-scale projects in partnership with enterprises, training organisations, unions and other stakeholders. Find out more at: http://www.australianapprenticeships.gov.au/AAA/Home.asp

Australian Training Awards

Congratulations to all the winners and runners up of the 2011 Australian Training Awards which were held in Brisbane on 25 November. Read more about the awards at the DEEWR website at: http://www.deewr.gov.au/Skills/Awards/ATA/Pages/default.aspx

Other News of Interest

TAFE trials iPad

Brisbane North Institute of TAFE has trialled iPad technology for skilling disengaged youth. The devices were initially used to replace traditional classroom tools like calculators and dictionaries and evolved to delivering ebooks, news aggregators and learning apps. To read the full article in the Department of Education and Training Skills Update, go to: http://www.vision6.com.au/em/message/email/view.php?a=11660&id=808375

What do employers think of the VET system?

You may be interested in some statistics relating to employers’ use and views of the VET system. A recent NCVER publication presents 2011 survey findings relating to the various ways in which Australian employers use the VET system and unaccredited training to meet their skill needs and their satisfaction with these methods of training. You can access the publication at: http://www.ncver.edu.au/publications/2409.html

Registrations now open for SSA National Conference in Brisbane

The conference will take place on 27-28 February and feature presentations will include the impact of technology on the delivery of training, measuring RTO performance, professional development for trainers and assessors, and drivers of high performing workplaces. Early bird registrations for the conference close on 21 December 2011. Find out more at: http://www.serviceskills.com.au/featured/national-conference-2012-quality-in-the-making

CH&S Environmental Scan 2012

The Community Services & Health Industry Skills Council has provided an online survey to allow industry participants to provide input to it 2012 EScan. Check out the following link to find out how to make a contribution. https://www.cshisc.com.au/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=36&Itemid=662&limit=1&limitstart=2

These news items have been researched and prepared by: Anne Maree Newbery.

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