
VET News – 7th December 2022

Thank you to all of those who wrote to express their agreement about the very poor quality training that is being delivered by some providers and the race to the bottom approach. Hopefully the national regulator is taking notice and will increase its systematic monitoring of the sector. Some of the stories that you shared are just so disappointing and it creates a very difficult market to operate in. Apart from expressing our opinion to the national regulator publicly, I think that next time they send out a survey asking about how they are performing, we all need to give them this honest feedback about these rogue RTOs operating unchecked with impunity.


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TAE50211 – Diploma of Training Design and Development

The purpose of this course is to give participants the required skills and knowledge to analyse training needs and design training solutions and products to meet workplace capability requirements and evaluate the effectiveness of training programs. Persons who complete this qualification may have a role in providing guidance and advice to trainers and assessors, promoting innovative practices and incorporating best practice into training programs and products.

The Diploma of Training Design and Development is delivered by Newbery Consulting using a blended learning model combining e-learning with monthly face to face workshops in the Sydney CBD and direct engagement over the phone and webinar. Assessment will involve project work and technical discussion based on project outputs.


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