Understanding Volume of Learning and TAS requirements


This webinar is a pre-recorded video that is accessed by purchasing a registration. The webinar can be viewed at your convenience in the next seven days following your purchase.

This webinar focuses on Clause 1.1 of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations which says:

“The RTO’s training and assessment strategies and practices, including the amount of training they provide, are consistent with the requirements of training packages and VET accredited courses and enable each learner to meet the requirements for each unit of competency or module in which they are enrolled.”

The elephant in the room in this clause is the volume of learning and understanding how it impacts on the course model. This session will explain the best way to describe volume of learning in the strategy. It will also provide participants with a clear understanding of how to prepare your training and assessment strategy not only to support your delivery but to be compliant at your next regulatory audit. We will present the components of a Training and Assessment Strategy and detail how to make these documents useful and unique to your delivery.


This session is aimed at those who are responsible for the development of Training and Assessment Strategies or those who manage compliance.

The session will be presented by Joe Newbery.


This webinar will present the following key topics:

  • The purpose of a Training and Assessment Strategy
  • Understanding “Training Package Requirements”
  • Unpack Volume of Learning and training duration
  • Presenting the components of a strategy
  • Getting your strategy audit ready

Following the webinar, participants will receive:

  • A Certificate of Participation sent electronically
  • A copy of the session PowerPoint presentation
  • A boost of confidence in your knowledge about all things volume of learning 🙂

Please note: These items are sent out to participants approximately 48 hours following the webinar being completed. If you do not view the webinar within the seven (7) days from your registration, you will still receive a copy of the presentation and any electronic resources identified above. Registrants who do not view the webinar in the time it is available, will not be eligible to receive a Certificate of Participation.


You can view the webinar from the comfort of your office on your personal computer or device.


This webinar is a pre-recorded. The webinar is available for seven (7) days following your registration. You can view the webinar as many times as you like in that time. After the seven days, the webinar will not be available.


Every course that an RTO delivers needs to be supported by a training and assessment strategy. These are always requested as pre-audit evidence, are used to add a training product to your scope of registration and are intended to inform trainers, students and maybe employers of the course and how it is delivered. The training and assessment strategy is a critical document that sits at the top of your course document structure. In 2015, the standards were revised to introduce a requirement for all strategies to include an amount of training consistent with the requirements of training packages. Why did this happen? Because the regulator is trying to eliminate courses which are delivered within such a short duration that it is adverse to the learner and their ability to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge. The requirements around the Volume of Learning are tricky. Explaining it and your rationale for training duration in your strategy is equally tricky and is complicated by huge variations in the expectation of ASQA Auditors. For all of those reasons, this webinar will be worth your time and investment.


For an individual registration, you can complete the individual registration form to the right and click “Register Now”.

For a multi-person registration click “Add to Basket” and adjust the quantity of the required registration in the checkout area.

You can purchase a registration for as many people as you require. On completing the purchase, you will receive a registration email that you can share with your staff inviting them to individually register for the webinar using a unique code.

When participants would like to view the webinar, they use the link provided and the unique code to log-in and view the webinar. The webinar is per-recorded. Newbery Consulting Terms and Conditions apply.


If you have any questions about this planned Webinar, please contact the team at Newbery Consulting:

Email: enquiries@newberyconsulting.com.au

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Understanding Volume of Learning and TAS requirements

47 minutes

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