This edition of VET News is full of interesting articles. There are particularly a number of training package updates to take note of.
We have recently been spending a bit of time looking at third party arrangements on behalf of our clients. There seems to be a lot of interest in starting or managing third party arrangements at the moment. This work led to a recent exchange with the national regulator in relation to identifying “Educational and Support Services” as Third-Party Arrangements. We have published our findings on the the Newbery Consulting website. Please follow the link below to access this information:
The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) has implemented revised fees and charges as of 6th July 2018.
ASQA Chief Commissioner Mark Paterson said that ASQA’s updated fees and charges will reduce some fees and charges from the current rates, reflecting efficiencies realised through the regulator’s upgraded business system and improved processes. The new fees and charges will provide cost reductions for providers that demonstrate high-levels of compliance with their regulatory obligations and VET Quality Framework requirements.
ASQA will apply even greater scrutiny to all applications to establish new training providers from the 1st July 2018.
The changes to the application and assessment process for initial registration will help determine if potential providers entering into the VET and/or international education training sector, have the resources and skills needed to seek initial registration.
National Industry Insights Report forecasts skills priorities
The Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) launched a new online resource to help ensure VET qualifications and skills are evidence based and meeting the needs of the industry. The purpose of this paper is to provide economic and employment trends, skills forecast and factors that affect the demand for skills on an industry and national scale.
Government-funded training enrolments decreased by 5.9% to 1.2 million students in 2017 when compared with 2016. This paper presents a summary of data relating to students, programs, subjects and training providers in Australia’s government-funded VET system.
On 4th July 2018, ASQA-regulated RTO’s and other training providers and accredited course owners received an invitation to participate in ASQA’s annual survey. The survey is voluntary, however the feedback provided contributes to ASQA’s continuous improvement.
Australian International Education: Enabling Growth and Innovation Program
On 27th June 2018, Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham, Minister for Education and Training, announced 13 projects that would be supported through the 2017 – 2018 Enabling Growth and Innovation program.
The 2018 National VET Conference will be held over two days on the 13th-14th September 2018 at the Adelaide Convention Centre. Attendees will be given the opportunity to engage in a variety of plenary and elective sessions. There will be a wide variety of topics presented by industry professionals as well as the opportunity to meet with product and service providers and network with peers from across Australia.
Pre-conference Master Classes will be held on Wednesday 12 September.
The ‘Skilling Australia’s VET Future’ conference and will focus on multiple streams including:
The Skills and Thrills Careers Showcase will be presenting VET options and pathways to high school students in Darling Downs South West and North Coast regions of Queensland for the first time.
The sessions will be focused on in-demand industry areas such as Community and Healthcare Services, Building and Construction, Tourism, Hospitality and Events, Agribusiness,Digital/IT, new age technologies (STEM) for growth industries, as well as Advanced Manufacturing.
The No Frills Conference is where researchers and practitioners in the VET Sector come together to present, discuss and share information about key issues confronting the sector focusing on the Skills for a global future: working and learning together. The 2018 conference will be from 15th – 17th August in Sydney.
Changes to training package: TLI: Transport and Logistics Training Package.
14 qualifications added
29 qualifications updated
13 qualifications removed
14 units of competency added
6 units of competency removed
3 skill set added
2 skill set removed
24 imported unit of competency added
2 imported unit of competency updated
22 imported unit of competency removed
To access the revised training package, please click here.
Changes to training package: PSP: Public Sector Training Package.
4 qualifications added
15 units of competency added
1 unit of competency updated
To access the revised training package, please click here.
Changes to training package: MAR: Maritime Training Package.
14 qualifications added
14 qualifications removed
4 skill set updated
35 units of competency added
35 unit of competency removed
6 imported units of competency added
6 imported units of competency removed
To access the revised training package, please click here.
Changes to training package: RGR08: Racing Training Package.
To access the revised training package, please click here.
Newbery Announcements
VELG 2018 National VET Conference Presenter
Newbery Consulting is excited to announce that Joe Newbery will be a motivational speaker at the 2018 National VET Conference in Adelaide. Joe will hosting the Master Class ‘The Black Art of Compliant Assessment’ from 1:00pm – 4:00pm on Wednesday 12th September.
Joe will explore competency based assessment and extensively discuss the standards and training package requirements and how they should influence assessment design and practices.
To find out more about the 2018 National VET Conference Master Class click here.
Webinar – Plan assessment activities and processes
This webinar will be a refresher for all assessors on how they should plan to conduct assessment and to apply the assessment process. The webinar will cover determining the approach for assessment and preparing the assessment plan as well as the approaches to contextualising the assessment to the candidate or workplace.
This service is designed to provide an RTO with a very cost effective way to obtain an accurate and independent picture of compliance leading up to a regulatory audit or addition to scope application.
With the provision of an audit report, the RTO Desk Audit includes the review of one qualification with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 clauses 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.8 1.13, 1.16 and 4.1.