VET News

Wednesday 19th December 2024


Hello and welcome to VET News,

This is our final newsletter for the year. It has been a massive year for everyone. I hope you all will have some time to rest and catch up with family and friends. Next year we will be coming back to focus the first six months on getting ready for the new standards. There are some significant changes that need to be considered. The national regulator has already started publishing some guidance material on their website which is great, and we also will be publishing various newsletters and webinars that clients can consider.

For all clients that have been patiently waiting for our revised policies and procedures, I am very happy to confirm that these have been largely completed and waiting final proof read from me in very early January with an availability date from the 20th of January. This has been a significant rewrite in accordance with the new standards. The policies have been updated with new format with all of the lessons learned by Newbery Consulting over the last 20 years. It is a product that is relied on very widely across the sector and I know people have been patiently waiting for its release and I’m very pleased to say we are almost there. I am offering a discounted pre-order option. If you are interested in this, the pre-order can be accessed via our website at the following links:

For new clients wanting to pre-order the package for the first time:

For those clients who already hold a licence and wanting to purchase an update:

I would also like to take this moment to thank our many staff for their hard work through the year. Particularly the team at RTO Data Cloud including the support staff and the technical development team, you are all awesome. RTO Data Cloud Continues to go from strength to strength and this can be attributed all to your hard work and dedication.

I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year and look forward to catching up with you all again in 2025.


Good training,

Joe Newbery

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