Thursday 19th October 2023
Hello and welcome to VET News,
As always there is lots happening in the VET Sector. The following are some highlights of what you will find in VET News today:
- There is a new National Skills Agreement which effectively funds the Governments strategy to gradually withdraw from a competitive VET market and prioritise funding for vocational education and training into public TAFE. The agreement includes $1.3 billion in new funding for nationally networked TAFE Centres of Excellence and a National TAFE leadership Network to promote cutting edge curriculum for TAFE, amongst other initiatives.
- There is the release of the long-awaited Jobs and Skills Report which reinforces the Government narrative of the primacy of public TAFE and promotes criticism of the Productivity Commission for it’s advocacy for “increased competition” in the VET market. It is an important report and worth reviewing.
- The Minister presented at the National Press Club on the 3rd October in a speech titled Skilling the Nation for the Future. The Minister talked about “dodgy VET providers” and called for “restoring TAFE to its rightful place, at the heart of Vocational Education and Training”. See the link to the full speech transcript below.
- ASQA has been given a war chest of $37.8 million in a strategy described by the minister as “Stamping out dodgy VET providers”. Very catchy! The minister said in his announcement that “These actions are aimed at stopping domestic and international students and graduates from being exploited by unscrupulous operators”. Check out the media release below.
You may be identifying a trend in all of these recent announcements. Yes, the trend is that the current Government is systematically setting about dismantling the competitive VET market and over the short and medium term and will strip away the market for private VET providers and centralise government support for vocational education and training into publicly funded TAFEs. They are certainly not doing it by stealth and have been very public in their deriding and negative commentary of private VET providers. This is doing untold damage to the VET brand overall and is doing very little to improve the perception of VET. The report from the current Parliamentary Inquiry into the Perceptions and Status of Vocational Education and Training is due by the end of the year and I predict this will be an important mechanism in their plan.
At the end of the day, the Government holds all the cards, so there is really nothing you can do other than petition your local member and make sure the quality and compliance of your operation is second to none. I would also actively start developing alternative and diversified revenue sources and start innovating. Your strength is your agility and connection to industry so start using that aggressively to your advantage. Remember, business owners want to do business with other like-minded business owners. If you are not already, get out consistently into those local business networks. Think about using your scope to offer flexible short courses. Undertake a review of your fixed cost and see if there is any waste that can be removed or lower cost alternatives. We will continue to follow this development, but if you are not awake to what is happening, hopefully this has got you thinking.
Draft Revised Standards for RTOs
A very important news item is that DEWR has released the next instalment of the Draft Revised Standards for RTOs. I spent yesterday going over them in detail. I think the changes look good and I am overall fairly positive. We didn’t get everything we recommended in our feedback be we certainly got changes on most of what we recommended. The primary changes in this draft edition are:
- The standards are more prescriptive and have been reduced from 38 to 25.
- We now have performance indicator statements which describe what compliance with the standards looks like. Something to aim for.
- There is now a specific requirement for structured training to support the learners progress. Great.
- The concept of “amount of training” is gone and replaced with a requirement that RTOs ensure training provides sufficient time for instruction, practice, feedback and assessment. This is significantly more measurable as long as ASQA auditors can apply a consistent audit standard.
- The concept of validity as a rule of evidence has been retained. Thank God for common sense and not lowering ourselves to the lowest common denominator.
- We are now “testing” assessment rather that undertaking “pre-assessment validation. Seriously, whoever proposed this really is insulated in a bureaucratic bubble. Somehow this is meant to make it “clearer”. I don’t recall in my past seeing any published doctrine on “testing” assessments. I certainly could point to a number of authoritative publications on conducting pre assessment validation. It makes sense, you want to make things clearer, so you introduce a completely new concept and then don’t define it in the glossary. Go figure!
- Check out this requirement in relation to conducting post assessment validation “the person(s) undertaking validation must be independent, not be employed or subcontracted by the RTO to provide training and assessment and have no other involvement or interest in the RTO’s operations”. If you thought conducting assessment validation was difficult now, wait until this comes in. Conducting assessment validation just got a whole lot more expensive. We will see a little cottage industry grow to meet this demand overnight.
- They have kept the administrative process of credit transfer tangled up with recognition of prior learning at clause 1.7. I personally think that is a mistake, but we will just need to continue to educate people how these two processes are administered very differently. The last thing we want is people applying an administrative process to RPL or applying an assessment process to credit transfer. Unfortunately, common sense did not win the day.
- The requirements for trainer current industry skills and knowledge has been lowered significantly. The requirement for the trainer to have industry experience has been removed entirely. We argued in our feedback that it needed to be specifically stated and reinforced in the glossary definitions. Unfortunately, the threshold has now been lowered to require that the trainer “maintains a practical understanding of current industry practices”. This should help with the current trainer shortage, but it will also mean we will have lots of people delivering training who have not necessarily undertaken the actual work.
- It looks like the $1,500 fee protection measure is gone altogether but you will need to put “systems in place to ensure re-fund of pre-paid fees if the RTO is unable to deliver the training and assessment”. This might be some type of separate fee collection and holding account that can only be drawn down once the services have been delivered. We will keep an eye on this one.
- They have retained their focus on using risk management as the basis for the organisation to manage its continuous improvement and compliance with the standards. I think it is going to be very difficult for most organisations to apply operational risk management properly. It is easy to put something down on paper but, integrating risk management into daily business processes can be difficult, especially in organisations that are small and have a more hands-on and reactive management approach. This initiative will need lots of support.
Good training,
Joe Newbery
Check out our most recent article on: Speaking ASQAneese – Part 2
Check out our last article on: Guide to ASQA Audit Process
Compliance & Regulatory News
ASQA given extra $37.8 million!
ASQA will create a dedicated Integrity Unit, alongside an uplift in digital and data systems, to further support their capability to identify and respond proactively to risks. This will support inter-agency intelligence and compliance work, preventing and disrupting illegal behaviour and the exploitation of vulnerable students.
This new funding will primarily target the international provider market to support the integrity of the national Visa system.
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Minister’s announcement Click
ASQA VET tip-off line now live
ASQA has launched its new VET tip-off line. The tip-off line provides a safe and confidential avenue for current and former students, staff and other potential whistleblowers (such as homestay hosts and employers of international students) to report, anonymously if they wish, alleged illegal and serious non-compliance activity. Anyone can make an anonymous report to the referral line (1300 644 844) and VET tip-off form on the ASQA website.
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New Fit and Proper Person Requirements
A new Fit and Proper Person Declaration has been released. It extends fit and proper person requirements beyond CEOs and high managerial agents to any person which exercises a degree of control or influence over the management or direction of the RTO. It collects a wider scope on information on your current and past associations including with previous applications, government training contracts, etc. You are not required to submit a new version of the Fit and Proper Person Declaration, unless you are requested by ASQA to do so or you are submitting an application after 5 September 2023.
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Guide to Working with Consultants
ASQA recently published a guide to working with consultants. Recognising the value and quality consultants can offer. The guide covers the value of external advice, responsibility for compliant practice and what to consider when engaging a consultant.
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Other VET News
Development of the Draft Revised Standards for RTOs Paper
Released: 16th October 2023
The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations has released a paper on the development of the draft revised Standards for RTOs, which contains the latest draft Standards alongside a supporting narrative which explains their development and changes made since the version released for consultation in November 2022.
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New – National Skills Agreement
The new National Skills Agreement will come into effect on 1st January 2024. The Agreement will deliver a skilled Australian workforce with TAFE at the heart of the VET sector. The agreement is heavily weighted toward public TAFE with $155 million to establish a National TAFE leadership Network to promote cutting edge curriculum. $325 million to establish nationally networked TAFE Centres of Excellence and strengthen collaboration between TAFEs, universities and industry. This five year agreement is a central pillar to the government strategy of moving away from a competitive VET market and centralising vocational education and training into public TAFE.
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Address to the National Press Club – Skilling the Nation for the Future
On the 3rd October 2023, The Hon Brendan O’Connor MP, Minister for Skills and Training delivered an address to the National Press Club of Australia on Skilling the Nation for the Future. The minister’s speach highlighted the Governments strong preference for public TAFE and the Governments determination to eliminate substandard and dodgy private VET providers. This is a pivotal speach where the minister is laying the groundwork for “major systemic change” to vocational education and training.
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Report – Towards a National Jobs and Skills Roadmap
This inaugural Jobs and Skills Report 2023 provides an initial assessment of the national skills system and Australia’s current, emerging, and future skills needs.
The analysis in the Report provides a strong evidentiary foundation for a national jobs and skills roadmap to be developed over the coming year and beyond. This will be done in collaboration with industry, Jobs and Skills Councils, the education and training sectors, states and territories, and Australian Government agencies.
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Concurrent studies update
The department has removed the concurrent study functionality from PRISMS. The concurrent study function in PRISMS that allowed students to hold concurrent enrolments has been identified as an avenue to avoid transfer restrictions has been removed. Providers will not be able to concurrently enrol students who have not completed 6 months of their principal course.
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ASQA announcement Click
Building a Skilled Workforce grants now open
Skills Tasmania endorsed registered training organisations (RTOs) are invited to apply for grants through the 2024 Building a Skilled Workforce – Existing Worker and Jobseeker funds.
Grants are available to subsidise the cost of delivering training, assessment and associated learner support services for Tasmanian existing workers and jobseekers in 2024. Applications will be accepted until 2:00pm (AEDT), Friday 27 October 2023.
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Australian Apprenticeships and Traineeships Qualifications Update
Get the latest information from the The Australian Apprenticeships & Traineeships Information Service. This update is from AATis Newsletter 94 released 28 September 2023 and details a full list of endorsed Apprenticeships & Traineeships Qualification including their availability in each State and nominal duration.
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Articles, Papers and Research
Study – The Clean Energy Generation
The Australian Government commissioned Jobs and Skills Australia to undertake a capacity study on the workforce needs for Australia’s transition to a clean energy economy. This study provides critical evidence and insights to support the workforce planning, policy development and program design needed to build a strong and vibrant clean energy sector. The study’s terms of reference and discussion paper are also available on the Jobs and Skills Australia website.
The final report for this study is titled The Clean Energy Generation: workforce needs for a net zero economy. The report, published on 3 October 2023, includes 50 recommendations aimed at ensuring Australia has the skills and workforce required to meet our clean energy ambitions.
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Infographic – Generation Z: life at 22
The latest Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth data shows by age 22, the highest qualification completed for just over a quarter (26%) of young people was a vocational qualification, while a further quarter (25%) had completed a university degree. When compared with 22-year-olds in 2016, the percentage of 22-year-olds who were unable to meet their basic needs such as paying their rent or mortgage or heating their home increased, while the proportion of young Australians reporting a probable mental illness more than doubled.
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Report – Government-funded students and courses – January to March 2023
The latest NCVER report shows that there has been a large increase in government-funded student enrolments in the three months to 31 March 2023, when compared to the same period in 2022. Government-funded students and courses January – March 2023 found that student enrolments increased by 6.4% to 753 875, an increase of 45 425 students. Student enrolments in both nationally recognised training and non-nationally recognised training increased to 739 680 and 25 205 respectively.
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Research – Building effective RTO-employer partnerships
By Daniella Trimboli, Michelle Circelli, Tina Berghella
Research report 20 September 2023
The latest research report released by NCVER, Building effective RTO-employer partnerships, shows that there are four key elements that foster effective partnerships between registered training organisations (RTOs) and employers. The key elements described in the report are quality training and service delivery, having a customer focus, working together, and forming longer-term, mutually beneficial relationships. The report also found that key priorities for employers are listening to their needs, understanding the nature of their businesses, flexibility for training delivery, and strong communication.
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Podcast Click
Report – Apprentice and trainee commencements remain above pre-pandemic levels
Statistical report16 October 2023
The latest NCVER report shows that apprentice and trainee numbers appear to be returning to levels seen in 2019, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Apprentices and trainees 2023 – March quarter report found that apprentice and trainee commencements increased by 13.1% between the March 2019 and March 2023 quarters, despite the decrease from the 2022 peak.
Between March 2022 and March 2023 quarters, apprentice and trainee commencements decreased by 37.4%. The industries that experienced the largest decreases were Accommodation (66.5%), Construction (30.8%), and Administrative and Support Services (29.5%)
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Upcoming Events
Webinar: Charting the Future of Vocational Education and Training
26 October at 15:30 (Paris Time)
Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and inspiration for the future of vocational education and training (VET). Join this OECD webinar, where we will navigate the path to building VET systems that are ready to meet the challenges of tomorrow, including the shift towards greener production methods and the increasing demand for complex skills in the labour market.
Register Here
Q & A Webinar: PISA in Practice: The Power of Data to Improve Education
27 October at 14:00 (Paris Time)
Ahead of the launch of the OECD PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) results on December 5th, join us as we explore the power of data and how it can drive positive change in education systems worldwide. In this webinar, we’ll explore what PISA is, reveal how countries have leveraged its data to enhance their education systems, and speak about how data collection works, including during times of global crises like the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether you’re an educator, policy maker, researcher, or simply curious about the state of global education, this webinar will help you understand the power of data to inform fact-based analysis & policy making.
Register Here
2023 National VET Conference
Gold Coast – 2nd and 3rd November 2023
The 2023 National VET Conference hosted by Velg Training will be delivered over two days on the 2nd and 3rd November 2023 at the Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre. It will include an exciting range of presentations, providing attendees with the opportunity to engage in a wide variety of plenary and elective sessions.
This is our 16th annual National VET Conference, and promises to provide a fantastic opportunity for delegates to undertake professional development that is meaningful to them, to meet with product and service providers, and network with peers from across Australia.
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Webinar – Mastering data tables: a comprehensive guide to using VOCSTATS
Thursday 23 November, 1.30pm – 2.30pm ACDT
Are you an intermediate user that wants further training in how to create, customize and analyse data like a pro? Join NCVER Data Analyst Martin Smolka as he demonstrates how to use NCVER’s VOCSTATS, an online tool that allows users to construct their own tables via an interactive web interface, using databases from various NCVER statistical collections. Learn how to create personalised data tables with ease and unlock the power of data.
Learn how to:
- Create and modify data tables to your needs
- Create custom data fields for detailed insights
- Analyse data using built in charts.
Register Here
Newbery Consulting has been supplying student management software for over 10 years. A cloud based RTO student and learning management system that provides RTOs the capability to manage their training operation and meet all national and State reporting and compliance obligations. It would be our pleasure to offer you access as a trial user and you can evaluate the system capabilities for yourself.
Don’t continue to pay too much for cloud based AVETMISS software. With no setup fee, have the flexibility to only paying for your additional users as you need them. Set up your online enrolments and customise your certificates at no extra cost. Need to manage your CRICOS and State funded enrolments, no problems. Get in contact with the team at RTO Data Cloud today and request to be set up as a trial user.
Webinar – Assessment Quality Control
This webinar is a pre-recorded video that is accessed by purchasing a registration. The webinar can be viewed at your convenience in the next seven days following your purchase.
Assessment is the core business of an RTO. This webinar will explain the obligation for an RTO to conduct quality control of assessment before any assessment results are accepted. The webinar unpacks the responsibilities of the assessor and the admin team to ensure assessment documentation is accurately and sufficiently completed and in participating in the assessment quality control process.
Duration: 25 minutes
Cost: $25.00