Newbery’s Audit Guide – Clause 1.2


What the clause requires:

1.2 For the purposes of Clause 1.1, the RTO determines the amount of training they provide to each learner with regard to:

a) the existing skills, knowledge and the experience of the learner;

b) the mode of delivery; and

c) where a full qualification is not being delivered, the number of units and/or modules being delivered as a proportion of the full qualification.


What is this clause about:

This clause works in conjunction with clause 1.1. If you take the clause as read it specifically says that the RTO must determine the amount of training they provide to “each learner”. We interpret this to mean that you must engage with the learner to understand their individual pre-existing knowledge and skills, existing competency and taking into consideration the mode of delivery. These things have the effect of reducing the amount of training that the individual needs and will therefore influence the training and assessment strategy that applies to their individual situation. We think of this as an individual learning pathway. It is also valid to apply the same concepts to an entire cohort if it is applicable. An example of this may include a cohort of learners who have completed a lower level qualification where some units of competency would achieve a direct credit transfer into the higher qualification. These learners may also be existing workers and potentially have some pre-existing knowledge and skills on their entry into the program. In this scenario, it is appropriate to take into consideration a reduced amount of training for the cohort in developing the course program.


You must be able to demonstrate that:

You engage with each learner to determine if they have pre-existing knowledge and skills which may reduce the volume of learning

You can apply different modes of delivery according to each learner’s needs that may influence the amount of training required

You engage with each learner to determine their eligibility to reduce their duration of training through recognition of prior learning or credit transfer


Evidence to prepare:

Evidence of the arrangements to engage with each learner during their enrolment to determine their existing skills and knowledge and opportunities for credit transfer and RPL.

Evidence of how the amount of training has been adjusted based on the understanding of learner cohort or individual learners pre-existing knowledge, skills and existing competency.

RPL arrangements that justify how an individual learners prior learning is assessed.

Credit transfer arrangements that justify how an individual learner’s current competency is verified

Enrolment arrangements that detail the process for the learner’s enrolment and demonstrates how they are engaged during this process

Enrolment interview or pre-training review records if applicable

Learner records of learners who have benefited from an adjusted individual learning pathway that has reduced their overall volume of learning. This will typically be evident in learners who received RPL or credit transfer.

Evidence of training needs analysis of a cohort that may have determined their pre-existing knowledge and skills and existing competency.


You should prepare for these types of questions:

How do you engage with each learner to determine the amount of training they need?

Can you provide examples of how you have adjusted the training program for an individual learner based on their individual entry level into the qualification?

How do you customise the training and assessment strategy or training plan based on the individual learner’s requirements?

You have allocated a considerable saving training time based on the learner’s pre-existing knowledge and skills. How did you determine this? Do you verify this entry level during the learner’s enrolment?

You have identified a saving of the training duration based on the mode of delivery. What was your rationale for determining this?


Published by: Joe Newbery, released 2nd May 2017

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