Newbery’s Audit Guide – Clause 8.2


What the clause requires:

8.2. The RTO ensures that any third-party delivering services on its behalf is required under written agreement to cooperate with the VET Regulator:

a) by providing accurate and factual responses to information requests from the VET Regulator relevant to the delivery of services; and

b) in the conduct of audits and the monitoring of its operations.


What is this clause about:

This clause requires the RTO to have in place an agreement with third parties that requires the third-party to cooperate with the VET regulator by providing accurate and factual responses to information requests by the VET regulator and to cooperate during the conduct of audits and monitoring of its operations. Standard 8 is all about requiring the RTO to cooperate with the VET regulator. It makes sense that if the RTO is engaged in 3rd party arrangements that the third-party also have an obligation to cooperate with the VET regulator. The only way of doing this is to make it mandatory that the RTO insert this clause into the third-party agreement.


You must be able to demonstrate that:

You have included a specific clause in all third-party agreements that requires the third-party to cooperate with the VET regulator by providing accurate and factual responses to information requests by the VET regulator and to cooperate during the conduct of audits and monitoring of its operations.


Evidence to prepare:

Copy of all third-party agreements or MOUs indicating that the third-party must cooperate with the VET regulator by providing accurate and factual responses to information requests by the VET regulator and cooperate during the conduct of audits and monitoring of its operations (only required if using third-party arrangements).


You should prepare for these types of questions:

Are you engaged in any third-party arrangements where others are delivering services on your behalf as an RTO?

Can you provide me the written agreement for these third-party arrangements please?

Can you show me where within this agreement you have specified the requirement for the third-party to cooperate with the VET regulator?


Published by: Joe Newbery, released 2nd May 2017

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