Newbery’s Audit Guide – Clause 1.26/1.27


What the clause requires:

1.26 The RTO ensures that:

a) learners enrolled in superseded training products which have been replaced are completed within a period of one year;

b) learners enrolled in superseded training products which are not replaced are completed within a period of two years;

c) learners enrolled in superseded skill set, unit of competency, accredited short course or module which are not replaced are completed within a period of one year;

d) a new learner does not commence training and assessment in a training product that has been removed or deleted from the National Register.

1.27. The requirements specified in Clause 1.26 (a) do not apply where a training package requires the delivery of a superseded unit of competency.


What is this clause about:

These clauses provide the upper level framework to guide the actions the RTO takes when a training product on its scope of registration is superseded or removed from the National Training Register. The last bit of that sentence is fairly important because it is critical to understand that some training products are superseded and are replaced by a new training product and some are superseded but not replaced. What is a training product I hear you asking? The standards (within the glossary) define a training product as follows: Training Product means AQF qualification, skill set, unit of competency, accredited short course and module.

Ok, so here is where it gets confusing. If the training product is replaced you have one year to either finish off the learner or transition them to the new training product. If the training product is not replaced and is simply superseded (and is a qualification), then you have two years to finish off the learner in the superseded training product. However, if the training product is a skill set, unit of competency, accredited short course (and is superseded and not replaced) then you have twelve months to complete the learner. Clear as mud! Now 1.26d is very basic. You simply cannot commence a learner in a training product that has been removed or deleted from the National Training Register. Training products that have been replaced will remain on your scope of registration during the transition period and you are able to take new enrolments in the training product whilst it is on your scope of registration however this is not recommended. Sometimes it is necessary for a period of time but the RTO should try to get the new qualification on the scope as soon as possible and cease enrolments into superseded training product. With a twelve-month transition period ticking down you are only digging a hole for yourself and the learner by enrolling them into a superseded training products late in the transition.

Now, in respect of clause 1.27, this is a very misunderstood requirement. Essentially it means that if you have a qualification on your scope of registration and it is current but has units of competency in the qualification that are imported from other training packages, then you must continue to deliver imported units, even if they have been superseded in their home training package. It doesn’t matter that it is superseded. It is current in the qualification and that is what you must deliver.

Please note: When considering these clauses, you must read the following ASQA general direction in conjunction with this guide: General Direction—Learner transition


You must be able to demonstrate that:

You are aware of training products on your scope of registration that have been superseded and are currently in transition.

You have considered the impact on the transition to learners who are currently enrolled and determined what affect the superseded training product has in terms of options for credit transfer or the necessity for gap training and assessment where the units of competency are not equivalent.

You have implemented the arrangements to add the new training product onto your scope of registration where this is required.

You have established a plan to cease enrolments in superseded training products and commence enrolments in new training products.

You have updated your marketing information to inform prospective learners of the training product currency.


Evidence to prepare:

Evidence of mapping the old and new training product to establish the equivalence and non-equivalence units.

Correspondence provided to learners informing them of how a transition will affect their enrolment and presenting them with options to complete their course.

Strategies to manage learners at risk of not completing their course within the transition period.

Subscription to information sources (TGA) to inform you of changes.

Learner records of learners affected by a superseded training product.


You should prepare for these types of questions:

Can you explain the arrangements being applied to manage the transition between training products that have been superseded?

Can you talk me through your arrangements to teach-out learners who are enrolled in superseded training products?

Have you determined the credit transfer arrangements between the two training products and how this will impact on currently enrolled learners?

Have you issued correspondence to currently enrolled learners informing them of the superseded training product and how this will impact them?

Have you identified any learners that you consider are at risk of not completing a training product within the transition period?

Can you provide me the following learner records who were transitioned over to the new qualification?


Published by: Joe Newbery, released 2nd May 2017

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